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What if?

Mitch Cronin

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Do not presume that just because an airline has 'restructured' that it has necessarily restructured 'successfully'. Case in point - USAirways.

If the post-restructuring cost structure is not in line with the competition, then the yields that produce a profit for your competition will leave you with a loss instead.

You see blue sky ahead, others see reality. The new AC must genuinely look 'new' otherwise the AC CCAA of 2003 will simply be remembered as the first AC CCAA of the new millenium.

Post-restructuring profits for AC are far from a foregone conclusion.

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I've come to despise arbitrations. Too often they're a cop-out for people who don't have the grit to negotiate what's best for the longterm. Too many people would prefer to have a compromise imposed on them rather than agree to one willingly. How lame is that?

"How would you handle the current aircraft allocation dispute?"

If I was a sensible human being? I wouldn't touch it with gloves on.

If I was king? I'd make Picher law, command that Air Canada enact it immediately, and fence out mainline jobs because the regional pilots engaged in a whipsaw against their mainline colleagues; thereby dropping the Teplitsky Arbitration onto the rubbish pile where it belongs. Oh, and I'd have anyone who complained taken out and shot.


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Throw in dumping the RJ's in the fire pit and goin' for some real airplanes, and I'm voting for Neo for King!

...but I'd have a problem with the shootings.... maybe send 'em down to help us out for a while...

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"I don't agree with those who condemn a post for partisan reasons, which I feel is what motivated you. "

I object to the post because it is libelous. The pilot in question has not been convicted of any crime and does not deserve the label that was applied. Your friend is publicly destroying a man's reputation and leaving himself and our hosts wide open to legal action.

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I have no idea who the poster is, but he certainly hasn't acted like my friend in previous exchanges I've had with him. But his animosity towards me previously is insignificant compared to the willingness of some to cut off free speech for their own personal reasons.

Jazzplayer didn't commit libel, nothing of the sort. He named no one. His comment doesn't even make sense when you think about it. But what he tried to do was to win points by making ACPA pilots look bad simply because of their association with someones' bad mistakes. Which is the same tactic you tried to use against me by calling jazzplayer my friend.

Are you a troll for doing so? Are you guilty of libel? No, to both. Like jazzplayer, you're just someone who was willing to employ an unreasonable tactic to discredit someone and further your own views.


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While they're at it, would you mind having your staff translator have a go at it? For those of us not schooled in the classics? :)


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Cheers, Mitch.

About the shootings... rather than send you our whiners, why don't you just send yours out to the firing squad as well? :)

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Let me get this straight. You're saying that I used the same tactic as Jazzplayer. Jazzplayer called an individual previously named on this forum a pedophile. A small amount of detective work in the archives of this forum links his comment to a man's name and address.

My comment alleged that jazzplayer was your friend. I said this more as a convention of speech than a factual assertion since he had deleted his post and I could not remember his name.

However, your logic implies that either you think Jazzplayer taints your reputation through association, or that I think that I am tainting your reputation through association with Jazzplayer.

I find either implication rather bizarre.

To refresh your memory, I objected to Jazzplayer's post. I made no condemnation of his character. Is Jazzplayer guilty of libel? IMO, dangerously close. I would be interested in hearing an opinion from one of our pilot-lawyers. In any case, I find his comment reprehensible.

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It's a bit overly dramatic but prompted by someone referring to 'the Emperor' further up in the posts. It means something like 'great men can exist even under malicious rulers'

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Guest Hawkeye


Good sound economic advice! Someone out there who comes to the plate and takes one for the team, Air Canada/Air Canada Jazz.

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Guest jazzplayer

Take a pill MCDU. I have no idea who this AC RJ Captain is and by the way, had heard about this in a crew room somewhere. I didn't even know it was true. I guess you have proven that it is, I am surprised that you didn't mention this guys name in your post. Anyway, my intent was to demonstrate the apparent character of some of your members and to attempt to deflate the very large craniums of said members who post here with a very condescending tone. ie., not everyone in fortress ACPA is infallible. Granted, the tactic was wrong, hence the retraction. Unlike you I will admit when I am wrong.

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Guest jazzplayer

Good one Neo,

I agree with that view but I think you may be going out on a limb with your ACPA buddies there. On the other hand, who wanted to hang out with those wankers anyway?

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I was going to leave you to that merry-go-round you're spinning, and then I thought, "Nah!"

You state that someone previously posted a person's name and address on the forum. What exactly is the link between jazzplayer's comment and this previously posted name? Jazzplayer made no mention of any connection between the two. He named no one; he made no connection to any known individual. This is your idea of libel?

His comment was nothing more than a cheap shot, and one he apparently thought better of. It wasn't worthy of consideration, let alone a claim of libel.

I respectfully suggest, if you find someone's comment reprehensible, stand up and say so. This repetitive crying of "libel!" and "Administrator!" when a post strays "dangerously close" to the line does no one any credit. Ask for a retraction or an apology from the poster if you feel justified, you'll certainly hear no quarrel from me, and you may even get your wish. On the other hand, splashing the term "troll" around and claiming libel at every questionable remark simply makes the forum atmosphere sound shrill and intolerant.

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No one ever said it better than Groucho Marx: "I'd never belong to any club that would have me as a member." :)

The majority of mainline pilots I meet are just like their regional colleagues: good people, skilled aviators, fun to work with. I admire many individuals from both groups.

In contrast to the respect I have for so many of the individual players on both sides, collectively we have created a stinking, rotten abomination. Even saying something as outrageous as, "Make it Picher with fences and shoot the whiners," sounds positively cleansing and honorable compared to the mess we have now.

You can't convert those who have made scope and lawsuits the foundation of their careers. But I tell you this, there isn't a corner of Labor Hell hot enough for those who continue to feed and nurture this monster.

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Guest CleardecksforACTION!

DB- Your biggest opposition in this matter will come from within your own ranks...you know it. Try aking 317 fo one.



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Richard, go back up to each post I've written in this thread. I didn't "splash" the term troll around. I didn't "shrilly" cry for the administrator. I quietly stated that the original post crossed the line. That's it, full stop. You are either confusing me with another poster or projecting words and ideas into my messages.

Further down the thread, when challenged by you, protector of the right to say anything that pops into your head, I stated that the original post was libelous. Yes, since Jazzplayer did not explicitly state a name, the claim is tenuous. However, given that the number of individuals he could have been describing is quite small, and given that a previous thread on this forum linked to a document publishing a name and address, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon (your term) to understand who Jazzplayer was maligning unfairly.

To publicly label someone not convicted of any crime "pedophile" is reprehensible, I did stand up and say so. It appears that you are the one who is intolerant, and, I might add, rather inconsistent.

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