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Beverages upfront

Guest Mach1

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I was talking to a friend of mine who flies for one of the larger charter carriers, and he mentioned that pilots now have to pay for soft drinks and juice just like the pax. I initially thought he was kidding and got a good laugh, but he was serious. Just another example of the bean counters in action!!! (Better buy a bigger lunch box)

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This is another one of those genius responses... "I can't have it - so you can't"

Grow up, thirsty Pilots are a safety concern. Try packing 5 two litre bottles around on that 5 day pairing. You have the option of bringing food and beverages from home, the Pilot does not.

Give it a rest.

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Guest cormacward

I would not pay a penny for an ounce......! This is what canadian aviation is coming to......I do not care who or what you fly! But if your buying drinks!!!!!!!!! You need to give your head a shake.......! Whatever pilot/fa group you work 4 I would address that issue before one more a/c leaves the ground!

Can we as a aviation community sink any lower...........tell me this is a joke!

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Bet your per diem more than covers a bottle of H2O...

You can always grab a bottle from the high end hotel, if there is enough room left after you have raided the contents of the fruit basket...

BTW, wouldn't you consider a thirsty engineer working the night shift a safety concern..

Give it a rest??? Give it up !!!!!!!!!!!

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"I can't have it - so you can't"

No, not really, In the past the company more or less turned a blind eye to the odd beverage, now however they're are not.

So if your union can negotiate this benefit for you (what you give up to get it will depend on how bad you think you need it) then so be it, just don't expect anyone else to feel for you :S


ps: If on average each crew member works 15 days a month and consumes 1 beverage a day at a cost of a dollar each, that translates to approx $180.00 per crew member/year (pilots and F/As) now assuming there are 5,000 crew members thats a savings of $900,000.00 a year :D

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Mmmm... interesting, you are saying that the company turned a blind eye to theft.

"No, not really, In the past the company more or less turned a blind eye to the odd beverage, now however they're are not."

Please remember, that I am an employee as well, and therefore in the same camp as you. What really tires me is the constant bickering between the groups. I have, you have, I don't but I should etc.. Bottom line is if you want the benefits of a certain group then go qualify, whether it is being an AME or a Pilot. There is a difference between most of the positions at AC and there always will be.

I disagree with the current management practices vis a vis the employee group. Each group has given a substantial amount to the restructuring of this company, I think that we should all start recognizing this fact and start treating each other with a little respect.

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I agree with you 100% LE!

Matter of fact is; in every company I've worked for, heard of, have friends talk to me about... all other employee groups have always been envious of pilots and f/a's and will always be. Reason is that they think that whenever we're on a layover, we're on vacation (sic)... This is a never ending discussion and I think that we should let go! Unless they start accompanying us on 7 or 8 day-pairings (often 17 hours a day), 20 days out of each month, and year round, (including losing about 1 to 2 months of sleep per year to jet-lag), they'll never realize the benefit of being home every night...

We choose what we do and therefore shouldn't be jealous of what the other gets as a perk in his own position...


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Guest M. McRae

Providing potable drinking water for the Inflight crew makes sense and in particular on overseas routes. On domestic, perhaps less of a need but they can not pull over and purchase a bottle of water at the nearest gas station when they are thirsty. Ground crew normally has access to potable tap water at no cost (except perhaps at some of the older facilites in Dorval).

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Guest M. McRae

Providing potable drinking water for the Inflight crew makes sense and in particular on overseas routes. On domestic, perhaps less of a need but they can not pull over and purchase a bottle of water at the nearest gas station when they are thirsty. Ground crew normally has access to potable tap water at no cost (except, as rumor has it, perhaps at some of the older facilites in Dorval :) ).

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If you suffer from all the complaints you list, once you come down off your high horse, find another job where everything is just peachy.....

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That's fine at the first of the month when the H2O's fresh, but from mid month on,it gets rather dark and the damn skydrol doesn't stay fresh either, I'd rather grab the 3/4 full bottle from the cockpit...

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I find it interesting that you chose to emphasize the blind eye bit ;)

If beverages are not part of your collective agreement is not the consumption of them theft??? ;) just because it was "Allowed" in the past doesn't make it a right now??

As for Qualifing, I do have a pilots licence but found it mind numbingly boring. :)

for gumbi I've spent the better part of the last 3 years living out of a suitcase moving from town to town hotel to hotel doing special assignments (and not just 15 days a month) so I do have some idea what you go through.

anyway good luck with you fight.


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Mtc.. I suggest you might want to look at the horse you're sitting on.

Gumbi's not on any high horse, he's just telling it like it is... As a lot of these guys do. Listen for a while before barking at 'em.

Leading edge is right on. We're one rather large dysfunctional family, and could do ourselves a lot of good by trying to find some respect for each other.

Besides, everyone knows that it was only the guys flying with the C3 f/a's that were on one incredible vacation! :D

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Mitch, our/my way of life is quickly going to the dogs and people come on here and B^&*ch about H2O... Everyone has a limit and mine was the discussion about "water"...

Besides that,either someone has turned my saddle around or cut the head off my horse because I'm trying to steer my way home with my finger in it's windpipe....

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Guest Spectator

If your'e working those kind of hours and 7-8 day pairings as well you need to exchange the drinks for better working conditions in your next round of negotiations.

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Guest Dockjock

Ya, except they don't cost a dollar each.

A can of pop at retail price in a 24 is about a quarter. When you buy 100,000 cases a month I'm sure they're probably closer to a dime.

The company can't spare a dime a day for its workers to have a drink? What world do we live in?

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Guest leftbase

This whole thread is stupid. Any employer, in any occupation, has an obligation to provide their employees with the barest minimum standards of comfort in the workplace environment. Ensuring proper hydration in a sealed, exceedingly dry environment is hardly some huge "luxury" to be negotiated with an employer. What next, having a clause guaranteeing enough air to breathe? I'm not expecting a three course meal and a foot rub, but good lord, is anough air and water for a flight really a big problem? If I could walk over to the drinking fountain in the wall, I would. Or is the one in the hangar coin-operated? Granted, if some joker's putting 12 cans of Coke in his flight bag every leg, we have a problem...

As far as "mind-numbingly boring", I sat in on an A&P powerplant groundschool...'nuff said. To each their own.

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I believe the company is required by law to supply water,( and there is potable water on all the aircraft) my point was to do with pop juice etc... and I agree it is a stupid topic, but I wasn't the one who was whining about the fact that it will no longer be supplied free of charge :(

Later, Brett

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