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AC Emerg Landing

Guest RegAme

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Heard on the CBC National news tonite that an AC aircraft made an emergency landing at a city in the States today. Something about a fuel problem. Anybody know any details?

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Got a call at home to go and rescue this aircraft. Once upon a time, I enjoyed these missions. But now the company won't pay for me to work on my days off, except for "time-in-lieu". So I refused, as I hope everyone else in Maintenance does.

Let the aircraft rot there!

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Guest bianchiboy

And that, ladies and gentlemen, just about sums up AC's problems...

Everyone is pulling in a different direction, no wonder the train ain't moving...


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Guest MikePapaKilo

Conehead - you chose your handle well.

An attitude like that would never survive a non-union shop. This is one of those instances where would could say that that kind of attitude is everything that is wrong with unionism. Enjoy your protection and attitude while you can.

Some people wonder why they can't escape the rut they're in.....


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Guest topsy1970

Good call there conehead. You go right ahead and stay at home. Hell, lets all stay at home. The laws of economics are fairytales anyways.

Good stuff.

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Actually, the plane wouldn't rot there. The company would have the right to subcontract the job, a prelude to subcontracting out YOUR job. They'd be laughing all the way to the bank and praising YOUR stubborness. Really, there are a lot of shops that can fix airplanes, some of thempaying a whole lot less per hour than you get.

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As there is nothing to say who CONEHEAD is on this forum, nor has he indicated what his real name is, should we take what he posted with regard to refusing the mission as gospel or is this another sh&t disturber ???

Just wondering...remember not all is as it seems on this forum..... :)

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O/T is strictly voluntary. Roadtrips are strictly voluntary. To each their own. Personally, I don't don't dance if the company don't pay! Life is a compromise, but it has to be on both sides, you know? I help you, you help me?

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Guest Gino Under


I guess it's real easy for the 'critics' to pooh-pooh your attitude and at first glance, I did too.

But after some sober thought, in an industry that has an accute sense right now of the bottom line, I'd say WE as pilots also need to have an accute sense of what we're worth and what our bottom line is. I know, that's a variable from pilot to pilot but just the same, we all need to have one.

Some who suggest that bottom line is bottomless might reconsider through further thought and analysis just how much they are losing by capitulating beyond reason.

Many would say 'that's the state of the industry'. Well, if Air Canada can't afford to stay in business.....bye,bye.

I'd imagine your mortgage hasn't been renegotiated as a result of Air Canada's financial problems or your car payment for that matter. If your personal income errods to a certain point where you struggle to meet or even miss a mortgage payment your bank isn't going to hesitate when the time comes to shut you down and reposses the 'castle'.

I think I'm with you on this one.

They should pay you a reasonable dollar for your time and effort on your day off or get someone else. For rest assured, someone else WILL do it.

You will be pushed and pushed and pushed until your pilot group finally says "we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore."

Gino Under

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Guest Gino Under

Is Conehead NOT entitled to make his own decisions for himself based on his own particular situation and circumstance or does he quietly suffer because the silent majority who agree with him haven't the B-alls to do the same?

I'm sure he knew when he submitted a post like this that he'd get a rash of harsh and judgemental comments some feel he deserves??? Doancha think some of us out here might just happen to agree with him (at least partially) and understand where he's coming from???

So, if I don't agree, do I have to go away???

What makes this forum enjoyable is the free expression and exchange of ideas, opinions, etc.,.....gimme a break!

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Guest Gino Under


I take it back and apologize to you for the curt remark.

Perhaps in fairness to yourself I need to understand why it is that anonymity is such an issue for you? I base that purely on the number of times you've stated so on this forum.

I certainly take your point and if all human beings could be trusted to be respectful (a rather naieve thought) I might agree with your opinion but quite honestly I simply disagree and find freedom in anonymity.

Who I am, where I am, what I do, is no ones business until I decide otherwise. Right?

I don't think Coneheads' attitude or opinion is exemplary. I do think he's entitled to assess his bottom line as we all are. To label him or any entity as a sh*tdisturber is rather unbecoming. You've posted far to many eloquent and well thought out ideas and opinions.

As a further comment, I'd add that everyone at Air Canada right now needs to be preparing for the worst and would be well advised to plan accordingly. That means a clearer definition of individual bottom lines.

But that's just my opinion and nothing more.

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If I were an Air Canada employee and took your advice to plan for the worst, I would do two things:

1) Try to find alternate work elsewhere as soon as possible.

2) While still employed at AC, I would be running after as much OT as possible and spending as little as possible so that if worse comes to worse, my personal financial cushion is that much bigger. That would be the most intelligent "personal bottom line".

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Crew sked just called, and you are scheduled to fly extra sections over Christmas, and they decided you can take a couple of days off in lieu, sometime in Feb.

I believe under CARs they can average your duty time over a couple of months, so the union agreed (with no imput from you) to allow the company to lay-off a number of pilots, and allow them to resked you at their descretion during the busy season, and give you time off in lieu during the slow times.

If you think this is acceptable than I'll say no more.


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This is more or less the way it was during my 25 yr career up until about seven years ago. Today the situation under CCAA is different again but, one must remember that we all traded with management in different ways to achieve an objective.

I do understand and appreciate Conehead's attitude. With RM and boys running the show I think it (the attitude) can be expected to grow. I'm just not sure if an expression of this attitude is justified over the next little while.

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