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Question for WESTJET

Kip Powick

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Was advised by my tour company that Sports gear is not "free" on charters with WJ. Rate is $7.00kg to a max of $30.00 per bag

We must go on a two week vacation carrying a max of 40lbs each and that has to include sports gear...........yet I can travel anywhere in US/Canada on WJ and the allowance is 140lbs per person

WJ is the only company in Canada that has this policy. Certainly going to endear itself to the travelling public mad.gif I'll ensure the next trip does not include the flight on WJ

If anyone has a tel number/email etc for WJ where I can try to get a "let" please post it.

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Westjet just provides the aircraft and crew, the aircraft have been chartered by the tour operator and its a tour operator charter not a scheduled Westjet flight.

Did you book this yourself or through a travel agent. If through a travel agent did you tell the agent you are bringing scuba gear, did the agent ask you? If you told the agent your bringing this gear, and they did not advise you I would suggest recourse against the travel agent who did not provide you with the correct baggage info. I would certainly stand behind paying the extra costs for luggage if the passenger/guest was not informed at time of booking as to baggage limits.

As I said this is not WestJets fault, or its rules for charters. Once again the fine line between a scheduled flight and a charter flight.

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Was advised by my tour company that Sports gear is not "free" on charters with WJ. Rate is $7.00kg to a max of $30.00 per bag

We must go on a two week vacation carrying a max of 40lbs each and that has to include sports gear...........yet I can travel anywhere in US/Canada on WJ and the allowance is 140lbs per person

WJ is the only company in Canada that has this policy. Certainly going to endear itself to the travelling public mad.gif I'll ensure the next trip does not include the flight on WJ

If anyone has a tel number/email etc for WJ where I can try to get a "let" please post it.

I presume it's a Transat charter. Does Transat have the same rule for flights on its own aircraft? If so, perhaps you should avoid AT. However, if the AT-WJ rule is unique, perhaps driven by (though not necessarily specified by) the contractual arrangement between WJ (less weight, less fuel burn), then the issue deserves to be flagged to consumers and travel agents.

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Guest rattler

Kip: if you are on a AirTransat charter, no matter who operates it, then you should be bound by their rules. According to AirTransat , you suba gear is free. The goto is:


Of course there is also the $ factor re what you saved on the flight you chose against what other flights might have cost.... biggrin.gif

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Air Transat - Baggage

Scuba Diving equipment


Any regular size

Any regular weight (air tank empty)

Air Transat will accept up to 30 kilos of scuba diving equipment free of charge, which includes the tank, air regulator, mask and fins.

Only one tank per passenger is accepted. Air tank must be completely emptied and pressure gauge protected.

Oops... I see rattler already posted the goto...

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As I said this is not WestJets fault, or its rules for charters. Once again the fine line between a scheduled flight and a charter flight.

Yes, in my opinion it is WJs fault. If they want to allow sports gear on a charter flight they can tell the travel company, or it can be on their website. There is NOTHING on the WJ website about charters but if you telephone their help desk they will tell you the restrictions.

The company that "normally" does this flight is AT, and they ALLOW sports gear at no cost. The vacation company can't get AT at this time, (the travel company is a subsid. of AT ).

In this case, I would have to assume that WJ has told the vacation company their charter policy, (restricted baggage allowance) and that has been passed, via the travel company, to the consumer.

To answer your other questions...no...no one mentioned it, neither my agency or myself. We have been with them for 9 years and they know why we go south and were shocked to find the restriction as well because, as stated, WJ is the only airline that has this policy...that is NOT generally known, (unless they just revamped their website).

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How to contact WestJet

Customer Care

Calgary Calling Area: (403) 444-2484

Toll Free: 1-877-WJ CARES (1-877-952-2737)

Fax: (403) 444-2494 toll free 1-866-227-3329

Hopefully the folks at the above # in CCD can help you out, Kip.

edit: if you are this unhappy with what happened with you, I suggest you call CCD again and tell them. Hopefully they can work something out for you by way of reimbursement (or something else) since the restrictions were not clear or easily understood via the website. Generally the Customer Care Dept. is really good about making folks happy. I'm sorry about the frustration and confusion, Kip.

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Guest rattler

From the Westjet Web Site::::

CHARTER FLIGHTS: For guests travelling on charter flights operated by WestJet on behalf of any tour operator, please contact your travel agent for all guest guidelines, as they may differ from guidelines detailed below.

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From the Westjet Web Site::::

CHARTER FLIGHTS: For guests travelling on charter flights operated by WestJet on behalf of any tour operator, please contact your travel agent for all guest guidelines, as they may differ from guidelines detailed below.

I understand what you are saying BUT the Travel Company is telling me that WJ charter rules apply. IF...IF this is a WJ flight operating for AT then I would assume AT rules apply. What I have been told so far is that WJ rules....which really suck and are a cash grab, (in my opinion, as everyone else gives the customer a "let")....apply.

I want a piece of paper with a name attached that gives me the right to carry the gear at no cost.....ya ever try to discuss something like this with a check-in agent at 4:30am???? sad.gif

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Guest rattler
I understand what you are saying BUT the Travel Company is telling me that WJ charter rules apply. IF...IF this is a WJ flight operating for AT then I would assume AT rules apply. What I have been told so far is that WJ rules....which really suck and are a cash grab, (in my opinion, as everyone else gives the customer a "let")....apply.

I want a piece of paper with a name attached that gives me the right to carry the gear at no cost.....ya ever try to discuss something like this with a check-in agent at 4:30am???? sad.gif

I guess this is a perfect example of getting what you paid for. I can sympathize but I am not sure why you would think you should get a "let" that is not offered to other passengers? The other point that should be made is that your contract (ticket) is with AirTransat and not with Westjet so I would recommend that you involve them in the dispute...

If you are really "Naughty Word" off, you could always file a complaint with the CTA against AirTransat for not holding to their baggage limits as shown on their website and see where that goes. CTA Complaints Web Site

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I guess this is a perfect example of getting what you paid for. I can sympathize but I am not sure why you would think you should get a "let" that is not offered to other passengers? The other point that should be made is that your contract (ticket) is with AirTransat and not with Westjet so I would recommend that you involve them in the dispute...

If you are really "Naughty Word" off, you could always file a complaint with the CTA against AirTransat for not holding to their baggage limits as shown on their website and see where that goes. CTA Complaints Web Site

My reading of his message is that he is asking for the same treatment AT - and most other airlines - afford their passengers with golf bags, skis, bikes, scuba equipment, etc. He isn't suggesting that he should get something that other passengers on the same flight can't get.

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I guess this is a perfect example of getting what you paid for. I can sympathize but I am not sure why you would think you should get a "let" that is not offered to other passengers? The other point that should be made is that your contract (ticket) is with AirTransat and not with Westjet so I would recommend that you involve them in the dispute...

Maybe I am not too clear...

The trip is furnished by WORLD OF VACATIONS...a subs. of AT.

The flight there and back is on WJ

I have been told that WJ luggage rules apply, (not AT) I have no contract with AT.

It is NOT a case of you get what you pay for....ALL carriers except WJ allow sports gear. The fact that WJ is the air carrier is not relevant to the price.

Why I want a "let". Perhaps I am one of the few who have found out about the proposed cash grab by WJ and am trying to do something about it ,and should they, (WJ), change their policy, all will benefit. I can hardly argue for everyone if I don't know how many are taking sports gear with them and are not aware of the WJ policy.

PS...I once went down south with SUN WING vacations, the aircraft was operated by a company out of Mexicio. After a big run around I did receive an email from one of the "brass hats" that stated that sports gear was to go free...as "he" said that was their policy...... but NO ONE in the travel industry here could give me a difinitive answer. That email saved us excess baggage fees. But once again...there was nothing on the SUNWING website and SUNWING staff initially said we would have to pay for excess baggage.

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I guess this is a perfect example of getting what you paid for. I can sympathize but I am not sure why you would think you should get a "let" that is not offered to other passengers? The other point that should be made is that your contract (ticket) is with AirTransat and not with Westjet so I would recommend that you involve them in the dispute...

If you are really "Naughty Word" off, you could always file a complaint with the CTA against AirTransat for not holding to their baggage limits as shown on their website and see where that goes. CTA Complaints Web Site

With all due respect, AT and WJ have an issue here that goes beyond "getting what you pay for". There are two sets of rules in obvious conflict. It would be a simple matter for one or both of the websites to carry a simple disclaimer. AT: "Notwithstanding the above rules, if your flight is on a Westjet aircraft, Westjet's rules for charter flights apply." WJ: "Please note that our charter rules apply at all times even if your tour operator has different rules on other carriers."

This is such a simple matter that one is tempted to view the lack of such a disclaimer as deliberate by both AT and WJ.

It is certainly worthy of a complaint to the CTA.

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your starting to sound like a very annoying and irritating bad record.

Look back a week or two and I gave you the Tel numbers for CCD and WJ.

I am starting to think this is more about your desire to create attention to yourself and WJ than it is about your damn scuba gear - stop whining and call them if you have to pay extra so be it.....all hobbies come with a cost.

suck it up.


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Guest long keel

your starting to sound like a very annoying and irritating bad record.

Look back a week or two and I gave you the Tel numbers for CCD and WJ.

I am starting to think this is more about your desire to create attention to yourself and WJ than it is about your damn scuba gear - stop whining and call them if you have to pay extra so be it.....all hobbies come with a cost.

suck it up.



and you slam customer service attitudes on AC! laugh.gif

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Look back a week or two and I gave you the Tel numbers for CCD and WJ.

I posted the contact numbers for WJ CCD above as well.

I suggested Kip call and explain the "loophole" he found that ended up causing frustration and extra expenses.

If CCD can't find an answer to the issue or satisfy Kip through reimbursement or future credit of some sort, I believe they would investigate further as to why this would be allowed to happen, and possibly work on clarifying the rules and regs regarding sporting equipment on AT charters.

If issues like this aren't brought to the attention of the company, then they will continue to happen to other guests. Before filing a complaint with CTC, I strongly suggest calling CCD and try to get it sorted through WJ first. That is, if Kip is willing to actually have this solved versus needing something to bitch and moan about.

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your starting to sound like a very annoying and irritating bad record.

Look back a week or two and I gave you the Tel numbers for CCD and WJ.

I am starting to think this is more about your desire to create attention to yourself and WJ than it is about your damn scuba gear - stop whining and call them if you have to pay extra so be it.....all hobbies come with a cost.

suck it up.


Now, now. Is that any way to treat a "guest"?

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I strongly suggest calling CCD and try to get it sorted through WJ first.  That is, if Kip is willing to actually have this solved versus needing something to bitch and moan about.


Just what the hell do you think I have been doing for the past few hours? Do you really think I post my observations/questions just to fill in my life?

SKYBLAZER--As far as your snotty answer goes, you have just reinforced many individuals opinions about how arrogant SOME WJ individuals are. And yes, my Junior birdman I probably have more time at the top of a loop than you do in a uniform, ergo, have probably garnered more patience and compassion when dealing with someone who may not be as smart.... as you think you are.

WJAFA -- You came on with sensible comments and suggestions, which I took, and then in your last post became a lemming, blindly following SKYBLAZER with caustic comments. My only comment would be...why ?? BASED ON WHAT I HAVE BEEN TOLD by all the phone calls to your CCD, the answers I received are as clear as mud. I made three calls to three different individuals at WJ CCD and got three entirely different answers.. No one in your hallowed company can give me a definitive answer...I guess I'll call Clive.

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Kip, perhaps you should visit our website and file a complaint.


Click on Interactive Feedback Corner, and click on the appropriate buttons.

I can't give you an answer as to what the problem is with who, but without filing a complant WITH Westjet (and perhaps World of Vacations as well) your postings in here aren't going to do anything to solve your problem.

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Kip, I apologize for the lack of answers you are getting from our CCD department. Have they taken your contact information and promised to get back to you with more definitive and solid answers? Have you requested this of them?

I wish I had the answer for you, but I only know as much as what the website states as far as flights and sporting equipment as an FA.

Again I'm sorry for your frustration, hopefully the issue can be dealt with and handled appropriately to your satisfaction.

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No kip,

Actually I am generally very patient and very accomodating towards everyone, which is why I gave you the numbers to resolve your discrepancies towards your gear a few weeks ago.

I was trying to help you in typical helpful westjet fashion.

Now I am not sure if you wernt listening or didnt call at that point, but why is it that you felt that this public forum would solve a issue you were obviously having on a personal level regarding your trouble with the gear.

It became very evident that your true interest was to showboat your plight and the tragic circumstances regarding your gear.

If you want answers call the company like you have ask for a CCD supervisor and WJ will do its best to resolve your issues like it does for so many on a day to day basis.

As for my so called 'attitude' whatever you want to beleive, having been in the loop for so long as you call it.

As for your comment regarding how much you have better things to do than post on here ....i would argue that.....heck you send pics of your boat and you etc....are your trying to belong Kip cause everyone else has gotten tired of hanging out with a whiner.

You wouldnt do well here cause we here at westjet dont whine.


SB biggrin.gif

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Kip, I apologize for the lack of answers you are getting from our CCD department.

I wish I had the answer for you, but I only know as much as what the website states as far as flights and sporting equipment as an FA.

Again I'm sorry for your frustration, hopefully the issue can be dealt with and handled appropriately to your satisfaction.

Thanks for your concern, your pleasant attitude balances out that of one of your "blazing" flight personel. It has been quite a day and to this end I do not have a definitive answer but based on my conversation with a senior supervisor at your CCD I should have an answer in a couple of days.

The problem is...

The Travel Agency made no mention of the baggage rules and has nothing posted on their website, nor did they send anything on paper.

The Travel Company made no mention of the baggage rules and have nothing posted on their website

WJA has nothing posted on their website about the "charter" baggage rules and of the 5 individuals I talked to in WJA CCD, only the last seemed to know what was going on and will email me a definite answer within a few days. She agrees that there is certainly a lack of information.

The other problem was that this trip is normally done by AT because the travel Co is a subs. of AT.,but no one knew if WJA was flying with AT baggage rules or AT rules.

It is purely a problem of missed and incomplete communication between all three companies and the customer. I am fairly certain there will be a $$$ charge on sports gear...which is fair enough...BUT ..the customer should be made aware of it BEFORE booking the trip, especially when, for the past 10 years, as well as now, there has never been a charge for sports gear on any other Canadian southern charter. If WJA airlines sticks to its policy there is going to be a lot of surprised and PO'd "guests" at those early morning check-ins. Have a nice week. cool26.gif

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