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JFK...ATC....Funny !

Kip Powick

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Kind of scary really. From what I heard he lost total situational awareness. Good thing the aircraft were only moving at 20 knots or less and were more aware of their position than the controller was.

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KJFK Gnd Control is a world unto itself. It is probably THE single FAA facility responsible for the English language competency requirements adopted by ICAO about 5 years ago. Not that KJFK's ATC would win any SOP R/T prizes (the clip was good enough to highlight that aspect), it can be downright aggressive and unforgiving. Some of the controllers there take NO prisoners. One requires a high level of English competency just to understand one is being shouted at and berated, all in the same harangue.

Some of us laugh it off. But if you're a procedural English participant, it can be scary enough to seem career-ending.

Can you imagine the KJFK ATC philosophy in play at Heathrow or deGaulle?

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I can remember my first trip to JFK, many moons ago. I was a newly minted SA226 F/O flying cargo, the route was YYZ-BUF-JFK arriving in JFK at around 0400. It was actually pretty quiet at that hour and the arrival procedure was overhead the field then descend in a tight descending spiral over the field and a little over the water to land on 4L. It was fun and boxes don't bitch. I can't remember if there was more than 1 controller working tower and ground at night but taxi instructions were "exit the runway taxi to the Port Authority Building. This was on a Friday night/Saturday morning and we would stay until Sunday afternoon.

Sunday afternoon was when the real fun began, a lot of flights leave JFK on a Sunday afternoon. We got to the airplane and were setting up for departure when the skipper said to me are you OK picking up the clearance? That should have been my first clue. The second should have been the speed and aggressiveness of the clearances being doled out already. I bravely (or stupidly) called for clearance and the verbal barrage I got in return just left me with my pen hovering over the paper and a dumb look on my face. I didn't even get the departure name or first waypoint written down. When the skipper got over his fit of giggles he keyed the mike and read the clearance back verbatim. He looked at me as if to say "I tried to warn you". Over time I of course got better at understanding the routings, accent, speed and aggressiveness of the controllers in JFK but I would hate to be a non-english speaker operating in or out of JFK. It really is a world unto itself.

On the bright side I did get to see lots of different airlines and airplanes including that queen of the skies, Concorde on many occasions, now that is a loud and impressive airplane to watch takeoff.

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Pretty good video especially with the highlighted dialogue. At times the controller sounds distracted from minding his flock but he is certainly entertaining. I don't think there is any US accent that beats a born and bred New Yorker.

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Sorry....born and bred New Yorker.....

How do you fix typo's on this new format?

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As for NY area ATC, if you've flown through that airspace more than twice and you haven't been admonished to some level, then you've been extremely lucky. I'm convinced that those guys do it for entertainment! :icon_axe:

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When you post a message, for some reason the "Edit Post" option does not appear at the bottom of the posting. If you reload the page or navigate away and come back, the "Edit Post" option will be available at the bottom right.

Done. Thanks J.O.!

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When you post a message, for some reason the "Edit Post" option does not appear at the bottom of the posting. If you reload the page or navigate away and come back, the "Edit Post" option will be available at the bottom right.

Weird.. :huh: . I have the EDIT.... DELETE plus the other three buttons under my post as soon as I put it on the board...and I can EDIT right away

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