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Big Daddy G

Mitch Cronin

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Dave Glover...

This man:

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, I'm very proud to say, was a friend of mine.

I had the extreme pleasure of being able to jam with him on several Thursday night "Vinyl nights", both here at home, and at the home of the usual host of our Thursday night hoots...

He was killed in a car accident yesterday, not far from here, when he lost a dispute with a dump truck. My heart bleeds for his wife and two daughters....

I'll miss Dave. I loved his blues, and I loved that he made me feel worthy of playing with him (and I wasn't, but I sure had fun trying).

I needed to say something... it's a long way from Thursday, and anyway he deserves way more than this much space...

Here's him and his band a couple years ago:

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I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. I remember that episode of the Mike Bullard Show, and I remember being impressed with Dave's talent on the guitar. Cherish those memories of your fun times with him.


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Thanks much guys... Maybe it was kinda silly to post this here, but like I said, the man deserves much more. I'm alright. ...I wish I could say something to make it better for his wife and kids...

Was going to see Dave this Thursday, and hadn't seen him since Jan 30 when we all got together at a little joint in Ajax where he totally rocked the place (with 2 of the guys from Downchild Blues Band)

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