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The Admiral pouts...

Kip Powick

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Just throwing this out. The “Admiral” was surprised when our E-Tickets and E-Hotel Voucher arrived today, via email. No longer did we get the tickets, hotel voucher, baggage tags, Tourist Visa etc., in the nice EXPRESS post envelope.

She queried me as to why it was being done that way. I mentioned that the new method of getting tickets etc was electronic now and in the long run it was cost effective with respect to less employees, envelopes, postage, and probably more environmentally friendly as we weren’t killing off as many trees.

Unrepentant, she asked how those that do not work with the “voodoo” machines got their tickets. I advised her that they probably got them the way we used to, in an envelope. Being rather old school about technology she stated it was more fun to get all the paperwork in an envelope and that it saved time by filling in the Tourist Visa Card and baggage tags prior to going to the airport. Once again I advised the DOE that technology was here to stay and in my opinion it made my life easier, in fact I told her I wouldn’t go near our bank if I could get cash out of my computer.


“Well then”, she muttered, “If this computer stuff is so cost effective, how come our travel fares never go down in price and, without fail, it costs more to do the same holiday each year?”


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“Well then”, she muttered, “If this computer stuff is so cost effective, how come our travel fares never go down in price and, without fail, it costs more to do the same holiday each year?”

Hey Kip:

You could always tell her it's because of the rising cost of airline employee pensions! wink.gifph34r.gif

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“Well then”, she muttered, “If this computer stuff is so cost effective, how come our travel fares never go down in price and, without fail, it costs more to do the same holiday  each year?”


Less workers, more bonuses for CEO's.......

Simple equation wink.gif

Iceman dry.gif

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Hardly.........CP/AC Pilot airline pensions ceased indexing at the end of 2006...... the result of the AC/Stanley arbitration mad.giftongue.gif

So what if they ceased the indexing. They indexed it only 2-3% according to reported inflation when the real inflation is 15%. ohmy.gif

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From the article...

"News of the cuts comes two months after the bank reported a record $2.7 billion annual profit. "

How much more substance would you like?


You still have nothing. Show me EXACTLY where in your link it talks about increased salary/bonuses for the CEO or senior executive? Can't find it??? CAUSE IT'S NOT THERE!

If you believe what they are saying, the cuts were being made to reduce duplication and make the operation leaner and more efficient - which benefits customers, shareholders, and the employees. At the end of the day, the executive is responsible to the shareholders to make money and add value to the stock - not to give some employees a lifetime job to which they feel they are entitled to....much like your beliefs I'm sure.

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So you don't feel that CEO bonuses are tied in with the decisions to cut staff? You are entitled to your opinion and I can respect that.

Fair enough.

But with all the better paid jobs being cut and sent to Asia and the Indian continent, then who will be making enough to support the house of cards?

My house is in order, but when everyone else joins me in serving you fries, then nobody will be able to afford to live in North America and the house of cards will fold.


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So you don't feel that CEO bonuses are tied in with the decisions to cut staff? You are entitled to your opinion and I can respect that.

Fair enough.

But with all the better paid jobs being cut and sent to Asia and the Indian continent, then who will be making enough to support the house of cards?

My house is in order, but when everyone else joins me in serving you fries, then nobody will be able to afford to live in North America and the house of cards will fold.


CEO bonuses tied to layoffs? Wow - even for you that is way out there...How about cutting the "fat" and making the company more profitable? If you can achieve the same outcome (productivity) with less staff and more efficient methods, then you as a CEO are doing EXACTLY what you are being bonused for.

As for all the better paying jobs being sent to Asia and India, last I checked there are country wide staff shortages for well paying jobs of all sorts across the country. Mexicans and Chinese are being flown in to the oilsands in Northern Alberta by the plane load because there simply aren't enough workers around. Fort MacMurray is also known as St. John's West......pipe and driling manufacturers are sending contracts to the east coast because there are a shortage of workers out west.

So the, "....sky is falling" alarmist rhetoric you are suggesting ALSO does not have any basis in fact.

Honestly "Iceman" for all your left wing/anti business opinions, of which you are entitled to, at least come to the table with evidence instead of generalizations and sweeping statements that have no basis in fact. You sound like an NDP candidate at election time.

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From that article: "While the Brampton plant's future appears secure, the plan will also reveal significant job cuts elsewhere. That might include a casting operation in Etobicoke and a minivan complex in Windsor.

About 1,100 workers are already on layoff at DaimlerChrysler in Ontario and the workers' future appears bleak."



To paraphrase Henry Ford, 'you have to pay your employees enough so that they can afford to buy what you're selling.'

With what Industry is paying these days, one can only see why cheap overseas imports sell.

And within the airline industry, how many employees can afford to buy a ticket on the airline they work for?

I may be left wing, but not anti-business. It comes down to maintaining a healthy business atmosphere that can be sustainable. Nothing happens overnight, but if this trend continues, North America will be the next third world region.

Judging by all the reports of homeless people using shelters, foodbank usage, and welfare rates, it is well on it's way. The next step is when working multiple jobs for $10/hr won't cut it anymore either.


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