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The last night - for now or forever?

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Earlier this week (and by that I mean my week - meaning, I'm about to do the 4th night of my 4 night shift cycle), I was presented with a gift.... It was just a piece of paper, but for me, at this point in my life, it's a better piece of paper than any I can imagine!

It says I've been transferred to a day shift! Glory glory halle-flipping-looya!!! I can begin to have a life again! thumbup.gif

Things being what they are, it may not last long... I think I only got the transfer because I happened to be the first/only lucky sod to have a transfer request in at just the right time, but it will at least be a temporary reprieve from the hell that these nights have been for me for the last long while...

Who knows, maybe I'll even start to think straight again? biggrin.gif

Let the sun shine! smile.gif

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Guest rattler

Great news Mitch!

Time to invest in a new pair of raybans and I hesitate to inquire, perhaps a new do? biggrin.giftongue.giflaugh.gif

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Thanks folks... and Yessir Rattler... I was only going to grow the hair and beard 'til I got off midnights... so yep, much to Mrs Mitch's glee, I'll be visiting one of those places where people pay other folks to cut their hair soon. smile.gif

I reckon more than a few people thought I was a little ...ummm "off"... "nuts" maybe?... to be doing that... and I can't say for sure that it worked at all... But I do know it got some attention among some of the honchos at work... they all knew, as soon as they laid eyes on me, that I detested the night shift... and in fact it was one of the managers who alerted me to the need to put in a transfer request the moment it became a possibility... so in a sense, it was worth it. smile.gif

...But it's been fun anyway... you should have seen a look a got this morning on my drive home from work... a crew-cab style pickup truck passed me and a guy in the passenger seat stared, and stared, and stared... I nodded.... He nodded back and alerted the rest of the guys in the truck and they all turned to look too... He looked excited, like he thought I was some kind of alien... or maybe a rock star or something??? Maybe it was the cheap sunglasses? laugh.gif (some have mentioned that I've taken on something of a resemblance to some ZZ-Top characters? ... someone else said it's more like "ZZ-Top meets Charles Manson" huh.gif ... oh well... cool.gif

Wife says I should get it trimmed to look like [some actor or another]... I asked if she couldn't maybe think of someone a wee bit uglier that I might have half a chance of coming close?

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Guest rattler

He'll be ok, after all he lives and works in YYZ (land of the smog alerts), so over exposure to the bright rays may not be a problem tongue.gif


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Wife says I should get it trimmed to look like [some actor or another]... I asked if she couldn't maybe think of someone a wee bit uglier that I might have half a chance of coming close?

Hey? Who gets to sleep with you? She gets first dibs. laugh.gifwink.gif

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Moeman... Krikey! I reckon one might need to be thinking a little more skewed than I've been doing to get that out of what I said... Interesting how some kinds of jargon can change the meaning of words... Gay used to mean happy, not homosexual... My mum used to smoke a fag, - a cigarette, not a Flight Attendant Guy wink.gif ... But "straight" still means not warped or bent. That's one you can't mess with for keeps, we still need that word! laugh.gif

Thanks Conehead... crew 87D... a 4-3 shift with Thursday Friday and Saturday off... I guess I'll have to figure out how to program the VCR to kick the kids off the video games and tape the Nascar races. huh.gifcool.gif

Azure.... Who "gets to"? Thanks, that's a nice way to put it... Maybe in time she'll look at it that way too? wink.gif

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