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Now this will break your heart ...


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That video's been around for a while... it is sad... Seems to be the inevitable end to almost all RC models I'm afraid... Some of those guys get really good at building, but should be getting others to fly for them. No idea what happened to that one (looked like a radio failure of some kind - as in communication stopped for some reason), but judging just from that initial take-off... I don't think that guy was a very good flyer. - no rudder use during take-off to keep it straight... he just let it drift with wind.

Some of the best looking, true to scale airplanes wind up being the toughest to fly as well... often the scaled down flight control surfaces are too small to be effective enough for upset recovery... sad.gif

...Sure did look like he'd done a nice job building that one... happily, that's a big part of the fun of it all. cool.gif

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Took my nephew to a Canada day show in Claremont a few years ago and ended up talking to an enthusiast there with a beautiful Baron he was inaugurating. Don't know the scale but it must have have a 6 ft wingspan at least. It was just beautiful. He said he had upwards of $5,000 invested in it and many 100s of hrs in the garage. On the initial climbout an engine died and as so often happens in a light twin, over she rolled and nosed right in. Total write off. I helped him gather up some of the debris and as we were talking I was surprised at the cavalier attitude he showed. Easy come, Easy go or something like that he said. It's all part of the cost for enjoying his hobby and he usually built 2 or 3 a yr. His biggest worry was what his wife was gonna do when he told her. Apparently she was his fifth. huh.gif

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Next time you're in Claremont, think about sayin' hello! smile.gif

That cavalier attitude is one you learn you have to adopt after losing an airplane... if you let it hurt too much you'll fix that by not flying them anymore... and that's no fun at all!

I've got about ....smile.gif well..., let's just say I have a few dollars worth of airplanes whose value to me has at least doubled due to crashes... repair and rebuilding is another thing you learn. biggrin.gif

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Guest Kilo Mike

Now that is freakin cool !!

I love the rocket launch of the Bell X-1 model. That is just insane. The guy workin the B29 model sure can fly RC ... Good job.

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