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Price fixing..no..no. can't be...never happen

Kip Powick

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Guest rattler
I understand...not agree, that the oil companies use a pricing policy in one town/region to support its price in another town/region. It's been going on for a very long time. But, in Vancouver and I’m sure in other locations across Canada, we can see fluctuations of 15 cents or more in only a day or two. This leads me to believe the oil companies are playing a huge price gouge game with us all. The price of oil never fluctuates more than 1 or 2% for the same period that gas fluctuates 10-15%. Why is that? Interestingly, the price of gas across the US border seldom fluctuates and seldom does the price change more than once or twice a week! I have seen three different prices at the same pump on the same day a few times in Vancouver. Scandalous I believe! mad.gif

Seems to me that your YVR scenario is a perfect example of competition at work, otherwise why would there be 3 changes within the day. If it was due to simple "price fixing", one would think that the change for the day would be set in advance rather than changing 3 times during the day.

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Seems to me that your YVR scenario is a perfect example of competition at work, otherwise why would there be 3 changes within the day. If it was due to simple "price fixing", one would think that the change for the day would be set in advance rather than changing 3 times during the day.

Competition? With what...2 oil refineries providing fuel for all the suppliers so they can all raise and lower the fuel price together? Oh, and the highest prices always from Friday til Monday? Also, why don't we see these fluctuations in the highly competitive US market? Na, it's crystal clear to me that we are all victims to the oil companies. sad.gif

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Not a single one of these accusations of "price fixing" has ever been supported by government or independent analysis. Ever.

It comes up every couple of years and each time an MP looking for media time makes all sorts of grandiose (sp) claims on collusion amoungst the oil majors. So the research is done and low and behold, no collusion, no price fixing.

Big surprise.

Let it go. There's never been evidence to the contrary.

Now if you want to know where Jimmy Hoffa is.....

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Guest rattler
Competition? With what...2 oil refineries providing fuel for all the suppliers so they can all raise and lower the fuel price together? Oh, and the highest prices always from Friday til Monday? Also, why don't we see these fluctuations in the highly competitive US market? Na, it's crystal clear to me that we are all victims to the oil companies. sad.gif

A highly competitive market should have constant prices changes rather than none.

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No kidding...

This gets me: When the price of oil goes up 2 bucks a barrel, a 5 cent per litre increase at the pumps is common enough... I know a barrel of oil isn't a barrel of gas, ...but 1 barrel is about 159 litres* ...that equates to $7.59 for each barrel of gas.

Since there's about 30 gallons of gas in a 42 gallon barrel of oil*..... In my fuzzy little brain that means gas is only responsible for about 71% of the $2 dollar increase, or a $1.42 increase for each . ...and we're paying $7.59 more!

But hang on!... That means diesel can only claim at most 12 gallons of that 42, or about 29% (max) ... and I'm paying $7.59 more for what only cost the oil company fifty eight cents more... blink.gif

Have I got that right? unsure.gif

... I can't see it as anything but a ripoff.

* Source: Some web site on the triple w that I hit when asking google the questions. smile.gif

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Remember the good old days when you could get a rebate for boat gas...after all why did we have to pay "road-tax" when we were on the water ??

But then..... some govt bean counter came up and said our road tax was going to maintain Nav Aids....... But I said, "Our lake, at that time, was only 3 miles long, and 2 miles wide and had not a Nav Aid on it".

"Bite the bullet," I was told, "Somewhere we have Nav Aids and your "road tax" is going toward their maintenance".

You gotta love the government !!! C'ya on the water tongue.gif

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.... When the price of oil goes up 2 bucks a barrel, a 5 cent per litre increase at the pumps is common enough... I know a barrel of oil isn't a barrel of gas, ...but 1 barrel is about 159 litres* ...that equates to $7.59 for each barrel of gas.

Since there's about 30 gallons of gas in a 42 gallon barrel of oil*..... In my fuzzy little brain that means gas is only responsible for about 71% of the $2 dollar increase, or a $1.42 increase for each . ...and we're paying $7.59 more! .... But hang on!... That means diesel can only claim at most 12 gallons of that 42, or about 29% (max) ... and I'm paying $7.59 more for what only cost the oil company fifty eight cents more .... Have I got that right?

Judas Priest, Mitch - No, I don't think you've got that right at all, at least in terms of math or analysis, altho' everybody's entitled to their own conclusions, however obtained biggrin.gif.

I suspect that the 30 gals of gas is what's left over from the entire barrel of oil after refining, but even if it represented an allocation, the % rise would still be the same per unit used for whatever product you were talking about. The $0.05/litre per $2/bbl corelation doesn't stand up either (see above graph, or my own $0.49-0.90/litre vs. $15-50/bbl comparisons). Oil has gotten much more expensive, and it obviously affects the price of gasoline or diesel.

There's plenty out there to worry about that has been substantiated without these wasteful diversions re-opening urban myths, IMHO.

If you truly feel cars are not a necessity why not stop driving one to prove your point

Kip, Icemen seems to me to be making a reasonable suggestion that the reduction of unnecessary car use would reduce our overall oil consumption. You are engaging in reductio ad absurdum wink.gif. Suggesting that overeaters go on a diet is sound advice, suggesting they starve themselves to death is not, and deflecting the former with ridicule of the latter is a tactic that the guzzlers among us never fail to try. But holding you to a higher standard, I'll bet you can do better than that cool26.gif

Cheers, IFG beer_mug.gif

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Kip, Icemen seems to me to be making a reasonable suggestion that the reduction of unnecessary car use would reduce our overall oil consumption. You are engaging in reductio ad absurdum. Suggesting that overeaters go on a diet is sound advice, suggesting they starve themselves to death is not, and deflecting the former with ridicule of the latter is a tactic that the guzzlers among us never fail to try. But holding you to a higher standard, I'll bet you can do better than that cool26.gif

Cheers, IFG

Hola Ian,

Nah..I know him, (deicer) too well !! His initial statement was that "cars are not a necessity" and then he backtracked a bit and said they were...for some. Can't have it both ways. Where do we all draw the line? wink.gif

Would it suffice to say they are a necessary evil for many?? We all know there are tons of examples pro and con for cars but it all boils down to where you live and what you do.

I agree with his suggestion...see my Mexicio City comment.... but was calling him on his contradictory statements. He knows me well too, so we're in a bit of a pee-pee match here biggrin.gif

One of the troubles with a forum..... hard to put feelings/syntax,and emotion in everything we write. Thanks goodness for the helpful smilies.

PS.. If he gives up his wheels I'm still not going to drive him around !!! tongue.gif

Have a nice weekend. whistling.gif

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Judas Priest, Mitch - No, I don't think you've got that right at all, at least in terms of math or analysis, altho' everybody's entitled to their own conclusions, however obtained biggrin.gif.

Naw, I know better than to draw conclusions from my groggy minded musings... wink.gif

coffee.gif ....ahhhh, that's better. biggrin.gif

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Not a single one of these accusations of "price fixing" has ever been supported by government or independent analysis. Ever.

It comes up every couple of years and each time an MP looking for media time makes all sorts of grandiose (sp) claims on collusion amoungst the oil majors. So the research is done and low and behold, no collusion, no price fixing.

Big surprise.

Let it go. There's never been evidence to the contrary.

Now if you want to know where Jimmy Hoffa is.....

I guess the media can tell you and rattler anything and you will believe them. Just answer one question then! ohmy.gif

Other than the tax factor, why doesn't the US pump gas fluctuate as often or as much (actually not even close to ours) as Canadian pump gas if oil is constant between nations? dry.gif

No, you must be right...no rip off here right? laugh.gif

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Guest rattler

I guess the media can tell you and rattler anything and you will believe them.  Just answer one question then!  ohmy.gif 

Other than the tax factor, why doesn't the US pump gas fluctuate as often or as much (actually not even close to ours) as Canadian pump gas if oil is constant between nations? dry.gif

Other than the tax factor, why doesn't the US pump gas fluctuate as often or as much (actually not even close to ours) as Canadian pump gas if oil is constant between nations? dry.gif

No, you must be right...no rip off here right? laugh.gif

Never said we were not getting ripped off but I do take issue with your idea that true gas price competion exists in the US based upon little or no flux in the prices.

And your answer is::::: no real competion in the states, it is all make believe for the consuming public. If there was real competion you would see weekly or more often flux in the price at the pumps. Stability in prices seems to point to agreement on what to charge.

For an example of competion, just check the sales ads for electronics, clothing etc. No doubt the consumer is still paying too much but at least there are differences in the price of the same product depending upon the store you chose to shop at.

So if the US was a glowing example of competition, then should not there be gas sales and price differences between the various brand of stations?

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Gas in Vancouver yesterday close to my house:

1300: 96.5

2000: 99.9

2400: 106.1

PS.. Gas was found to be cheaper on Thursdays (afternoon/evening) and Mondays (morning/early afternoon) as per a Global TV survey a few weeks ago.

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There was an article on CNN this morning discussing this very thing. Specific mention was made of the disparity around the US on the price of a gallon of gas. Since last summer the price has risen an average of 0.45/gallon with as much as 0.20/gallon spread depending on location.

The "expert" said categorically that many investigations have been done into collusion and they have never been supported.

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I see no reason for the volume and amount of the fuel fluctuations we are seeing. Interestingly, in a declining oil market, oil companies always proclaim it takes up to six months for the cheaper or lower priced fuel to work it's way to the pump. Then why do we need daily or hourly fluctuations. It is only the dealers and producers playing the price gouge game. I believe a law should be created allowing gas stations to adjust the price of fuel one day of a week only! Let's make it Monday. wink.gif

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Surprise Surprise

Here in Smallville the price of gas dropped today..Monday Morning.......93.7 down to 87.3...but hey .... there is no collusion/price fixing...nah..never happen.

Those of you that feel MPs have looked into it thos yoyo pricing should ask yourself...how much money do these "robbers" donate to any Fed/Prov party ??? mad.gif

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Guest rattler
Toronto and immediate surrounding area, is not Ontario even though some think it is. biggrin.gif

Some of us actually dislike Toronto and only go there because there is a big airport there. tongue.gif

Kip old fish, the site I posted was in response to the site displayed in the first message which is only for greater YVR and surrounding area. You do of course also have an Ontario site.

Ontario gas prices

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