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Any Oprah Fans Out There

Kip Powick

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Each morning and each night Scuba 02 and I go for a power-walk and we have found that these 30 minute sessions seem to fly by when we start discussing a subject which may be quite passionate for one or the other of us. This morning Scuba 02 filled me in on yesterdays Oprah show. (Between Oprah and Dr. Phil, I lose contact with my better half for two hours dry.gif )

Anyway the opposing views started after she related what had transpired on the big “O” show yesterday. In a nutshell, there was a woman, a single mother of 9, who lived in a 3-bedroom house, worked at Starbucks, and could not have a real Christmas for her 9 kids due to limited finances. Apparently she only managed to buy a gift for a few of them each year.

Oprah took the family to Toys R Us and allowed the kids to look around for a few minutes and then gave each child a shopping cart and 20 minutes to get whatever they wanted. Their “haul” totaled $ 15,000.00. ohmy.gif

Now the kid and all their toys show up on the show and Oprah tells them that they each can have one present now and that they will have to wrap the rest and they may open them on Christmas day. She also throws in a bunch of new furniture for “Mom”.


Oprah then tells the audience the furniture probably won’t fit in this ladies house, so what the hell, Oprah buys her a new house.

While I will not dispute that it is Oprah’s money and she can do what she wants with it, I am having a hard time trying to see what “lesson-in-life” is being televised to the population, and what is more important, what “lesson-in-life” did the kids take away from this whole episode?

Comments?? icon_question.gif

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When I was reading through and got to the point where the kids were only allowed to open one gift each, I thought Oprah was going to tell them that all the other gifts are for other kids who are less fortunate, thus teaching the kids about the importance of giving. Oh well.

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Interesting topic. I admit I'm not much of an Oprah fan, partly because I see episodes such as the one described as little more than grandstanding and ego boosting for the host. That said, there is something to the notion that a rise in living standards can lead to higher self esteem and eventually becoming a more productive member of society. The problem I see with doing it this way is it's hard to appreciate what you have when all you've done to earn the bump up in lifestyle is appear on a TV show.

My wife is a big fan of the ABC/Disney Sunday night show Extreme Makeover Home Edition, where they bring in massive construction crews and more or less gut and rebuild the homes of families who've either suffered some type of tragedy or live in difficult circumstances due to illness in the family. I've watched it a few times and the personal stories are quite heart warming, but that's partly because the families presented are portrayed as loving, hard working folks who truly appreciate what they've received. It's also evident that every family on the show are pretty traditional Christian families. They really do seem like decent folks, and I can't imagine Disney getting involved unless the portrayals were genuine.

As I didn't see the Oprah episode, I can't pass judgement on the family involved, but I highly suspect that due to their family makeup, they wouldn't have made the cut on the Disney show.

I know one thing, I take heart in the notion that my family and I wouldn't qualify for either one. We're blessed in so many ways.

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Hola Jeff,

I think we are on the same page here. My opinion is that the kids certainly were welcome to a few gifts, say 3 each or so, but I think the other 12-13000.00 could have been put in a Trust to use for each child, if they went to college. I know there is an African American gentleman, somewhere in the US, who has done that for literally thousands of kids from disadvantaged neighborhoods and I say, “Bravo”.

I think Oprah does a lot of good things, but I think, like you, there is a lot of “grandstanding”. Good grief, apparently a few weeks ago she had her pre-Christmas show and every member of the audience went home with in excess of $3000.00 worth of gifts, (including XM radio) and I would hazard a guess that she never has less than 120-150 people in her audience. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the well-dressed and coiffured members of her in studio audience are not from the dregs of society. In my opinion, the money would have been better spent looking after the homeless or less fortunate in Chicago and if she really wants to be magnanimous in front of the cameras, put the money where it helps as many as possible.

I broached the subject to Scuba 02,that I thought Oprah was at a point in her career where she is almost trying to “buy” the audiences devotion. ( had to walk a bit faster to keep up with her after that remark) Oprah may be the richest woman in the US and, as always it is her money, but I think she needs some guidance in how to spread it around.

Just my opinion

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Hey Kip:

Yep, we're of the same mind on this one. One more thing, before we go giving Oprah credit for ponying up the dough to help these folks, or the audience who got iPods and XMRadio, or the ones who got new cars, let's remember that most, if not all of the gifts have been provided by the manufacturers / suppliers of those products, while Oprah took the accolades without spending one thin dime. Even more insulting, the recipients of the cars have received tax bills from the IRS! mad.gifph34r.gifblink.gif

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Guest rattler

Re tax bills, why would that be insulting??? Under US law, all winnings are taxable. The insulting (scarey) part is that there are a lot of folks who worship OW, Dr. Phil, etc. etc etc. and take everything they say as gospel.

And of course there is also the large group of folks who follow the various "reality" shows and think they are indeed reality.... Guess it all depends upon your definition of reality. biggrin.gif

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Yes, you're correct about the tax law, and my problem isn't with the IRS. What better way to improve tax revenues than to plunk an auditor down in front of Oprah every day and start counting the dollar signs. biggrin.gif I'm sure GWB loves her for it, and I'll bet she's not even a Republican. I guess what I found insulting is that she took the credit for giving them the gifts, and they got the tax bill.

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I am the wife of Beaverboy. He finally gave me the secret code into your little club! If you guys researched a bit, you'd see Oprah gives away millions through her Angel network and always gives credit to the companies that donate the material gifts to her guest. She has the celebrity behind her name to allow her to access things for people who need them and does not judge how people got where they are, simply that they are people. If she gave me a car, I'd happily pay the taxes. If she gives someone else a car, I am happy for them. Of the people who were given cars, all but one chose to accept them and pay the taxes (which they were told about before acceptance). Many then gave their own cars away or sold them and gave the money to charity -" pay it forward" My point being it's her's to do with what she likes, lucky her. Well back to cooking, dishes and childcare, my break is over!

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Guest curtiss jenny

And my wife says people who comment about Oprahs charities are envious, have way too much time on their hands and should all get a life (I guess that includes me as well)

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Mrs. Beaverboy:

No one here said Oprah didn't have the right to do as she sees fit with her money. I was not aware of her "Angel Network", and if it functions as you suggest, then good for her! That is exactly how it should be done.

My fundamental problem with this story is that for every audience member or special guest who wins the "Oprah lottery" as someone called it, there are hundreds of thousands of her regular fans, many of whom have similar life experiences to the woman whose story started this thread, who are left wanting at home with little if any hope of seeing similar charity thrust upon them. The best they can probably hope for is a toy or two for their kids from a local charity and some groceries at the local food bank. Don't get me wrong, for these are the kind of charities that we should all give our help to, my family certainly does. This to me is the kind of charity she should be inspiring, not the demonstrations of extravigant gift giving, IMHO.

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Just another side of the question...

Do the companies that "donate" goods and services to O have to pay the tax on the value of the "free advertising" that they get?

GM got a lot of mileage on the intro of the G6 by giving those cars away.


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I saw the episode in question, and would like to clear up a few things.

First of all, the woman in question did not write to Oprah herself. The request to help her came from a number of her customers and coworkers at the coffee shop who said that she was a kind and friendly person who was working as much overtime as they would give her to keep her family going as well as she could. They were asking if Oprah could help to get the poor woman a day off, but when Oprah heard the details of the woman's plight, she decided to do more than that.

The woman was already struggling to make ends meet to support her own three teenage children, when her crack addicted brother and sister-in-law's six young children became wards of the state. When family services asked her to take them in, she didn't even hesitate. The ten of them live in a cramped 3 bedroom apartment with only 1 bathroom in a bad neighbourhood. Their living quarters are so ridiculously inadequate, she has to share her own bed with two of her neices. Last year at Christmas, she didn't have enough money to buy presents for all of them, so some of the older children got nothing.

Initially, Oprah had intended to give them the shopping trip at Toy's R Us, but when she saw the appalling conditions they were living in, she decided they needed a great deal more than toys, and decided to buy them a house as well, through her charitable foundation. If you had seen the look of gratitude on this womans face, not to mention the faces of her children, you would probably agree that this was money well spent. This was no welfare recipient looking for a handout.

Furthermore, I don't buy that Oprah is doing this for her own self aggrandisement. She is already rich, and she's already famous, and I for one am glad that there are people like her who use their fame and fortune to help deserving people who are less fortunate than the rest of us.

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Don't have a problem with your opinion Jenn, but what does she gain on the "Car gig" as well as the pre-Christmas show where "many" went away with gifts galore?

Do you not think it would be in her best PR interest to look after the needy in her own town before passing out the goodies to those that "have"? And really it doesn't matter if she paid for all that stuff or not....it was going to the wrong people in my opinion.

There is no doubt, in everyones mind, that she does good things but "shows" like the two aforementioned bring up the issue of her "own self aggrandisement." Let's face it, she swings alot of weight in the field of influence.....get her to like your recent book and mention it on her show and you have a runaway best seller whether it is a literary masterpiece or not...... and that is influence at its peak.

It's her money, I know, but I feel that there is a bit of popularity grab here and the means at which it is attained does not sit well with me.

PS..Have a Happy Holiday, and say hello to the Love God...he is in one of the pictures of the "party".

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We're talking about a TV show Kip. If it was just about giving stuff away to poor people, nobody would watch. The big car giveaway was the season opener, and all shows try to outdo themselves every year on their season openers.

I don't watch the show every day - only if the subject matter interests me, and if I have the time. But I do enjoy watching her, and admire her for the fact that she has come as far as she has, considering she started with nothing. I believe that because of this, she has true empathy for the people that she is helping, and as I said before, she would still be just as rich and just as famous if she was only interviewing movie stars and cheating spouses, but she I think she genuinely enjoys making the world a better place for these people. I certainly enjoy watching her do it, and if she makes a little more money doing it, I don't begrudge her that.

Besides, if you have a look at some of the other crap that is coming out of the American television industry, this show is certainly doing a lot more good than harm.

Tell Scuba 02 I'm with her on this one. laugh.gif

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CP FA and Scuba02

Good post and good sentiments.

I agree that Oprah just enjoys giving back to those who are really trying to raise children is some very terrible conditions without depending on the welfare state . Anyone who has been to Chicagos "south side" and seen the projects first hand will understand why she bought a house for them and all the presents.

Perhaps I am naive but I really don't see this as a "hidden promotion" for her series. I believe it was just something she can afford and took great pleasure in being able to do it.

Maybe just maybe of those 9 kids , some will aspire to go to college. In turn they will remember what happened to them and try to return to the next generation what was given to them. Charity and goodwill from a stranger.

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If nothing else, it would seem that all female posters feel what she does, or is doing, is A-OK

Most, if not all, of the male posters tend to think a bit the other way.

Thank goodness for the opposite sex, no matter on what side of the fence you sit biggrin.gif I guess opposites do attract laugh.giflaugh.gif

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