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UAL wins big labor savings


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I certainly do not know the detailed circumstances within IFS, just via discussions with my wife, a flight attendant, and flight attendants on the line.

I was under the understanding that very few wished to enter the office from the line because the contract states that will have their name removed from the seniority list after a period of 12 months.

This creates either short term managers with one year turnover who will return to the line just as they are getting good at their management jobs (which is inefficient), or relegates the person to the office forever.

I'm not saying if the clause should be there or not, but it certainly doesn't seem to encourage either side to move people from the line to the office on reasonable terms.

IMO, Flight Ops/ACPA's policy of retaining seniority while in the office has benefitted the company, the individual and the line pilots he serves.

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Guest Rob Assaf

"Everyone will take a hit....either its a layoff,paycuts,change to the work conditions evryone will have to do his part.And in saying that....I would have way more respect for milton if HE took a large paycut to show us we are all in this together!!"

FYI, former Indianna Hoosiers coach Bobby Knight now coaching in Texas reportedly refused his salary ($250,000) for this year based on his teams poor performance. This is not a pro team but a college team.

Quite a leap of integrity there.

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Interesting thoughts in the thread above Dave, and a good point about who has most to lose.

As one of the guys who's taken swipes at "empire building" with little or no research, I wanted to comment: The "empires" I see being protected often aren't so much empires as they are little hovels... sometimes nothing more than a desk in a room full of mess and a few grunts below... People who've learned not to make waves, how to slip through cracks and how to duck when the stuff hits the fan. ...And create papers with their name on them to make it seem like they're busy little beavers. I'm sure we've all seen them.

Now, as for this portion of the thread... If you're suggesting growth can happen by grabbing other airlines' guests, I don't want any part of that. If AC can't survive without slashing and burning other people's livelihoods then I hope it doesn't survive. There's been enough of that.

...Otherwise, I've missed the point somehow... How can an airline grow in a hurry in this climate? It seems ridiculous to think it can to me??

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"Well you boys always preached you wanted the same model as the United boys! Better run and sign up! "

Which Boys preached this?????

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"Just speculating here but maybe it's because he's not asking for money from the employees... if we can do it with efficiencies, then we don't have to take a pay cut. I admit it would be difficult to meet the need with efficiencies alone, but if the unions come up with a plan that would meet the need, he has indicated that that would be fine and he would find the flying to do to keep us all busy. (He did say this before the war and sars, though.)"

Milton's henchmen have asked some groups for a 35% cut in basic salary, complete subcontracting of others, and wage returns from all groups, be it per diems, longevity pay, etc etc. So why has Milton himself not taken a substantial cut to his 1.5 million dollar salary??? Just keep fleecing the flock!!!

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LOL.. I thought of that just after I popped the post button... Not that I knew of any stats, but I guess just wearing the uniform or sitting in the car puts them at high risk in some places. So I take what I said back.... until I get busted for speeding again! Then I reserve the right to call the cop anything I can think of. :D

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........I'd fall asleep at the wheel and have a really big wreck!

The posted limits are low enough to the point of being silly on most of our highways. I prove that every day I drive on them at 140-180 kph. If the people who created traffic laws and speed limits actually spent the time I do on the highways, they'd know that the surest way to unclog the highways and therefore reduce accidents is to be hitting at those who dope along in the passing lanes with fines.

Seriously, get the dopes out of the way... enforce the notion of a passing lane....
If you're not passing someone, move right.
When you want to pass someone, get it done and move back to the right, don't take 3 miles to do it!
.....and then you'll have more traffic moving more expediently with less potential for accidents.

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When Milton did just that you didn't seem to pay any attention. In 2000 with bonus he received $1,600,000 and in 2001 he received 1,086,667. Effective Sep 01 he took a 10% pay cut while other executive officers took a 5% pay cut.

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I confess to riding a bumper or two in the passing lane... If I'm being held back by someone who's pacing the car in the right lane, or just not keeping up with the guy in front AND not moving over, I've been tempted to close the gap to NASCAR standards or even use the chrome horn on some of those buggers.

Dead wrong and way too intensely focused sometimes, I know... I'm working on that. :D But hell, it's so obvious what causes the slowdowns and jammed traffic.

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A couple of points you may want to consider:

What do you think you'll recieve in the mail from your insurance carrier should they gain access to your posts? I'd suggest a cancellation notice.

And worse yet, should you become involved in an accident all you've said here can form the basis of a criminal prosecution and or a civil action.

FYI Only


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There may be a few people in cubby-holes out there, Mitch. It's only reasonable to assume that the same percentage of managers are slackers as the rest of the population.

As far as grabbing other people's passengers... hmmm... I believe it's called capitalism. It's why Tide and McDonalds run commercials and why WJ has a bunch of ours. If we don't try to grab other people's passengers, we might as well fold right now. Our traditional market is shrinking and what's left of it is under attack.

Passengers don't grow on trees and there's only so many to go around. If somebody else is grabbing ours, we need to do the same to someone else. Business is survival of the fittest.

I find it interesting that you would prefer that someone at Air Canada loses their job instead of a faceless person at another airline. Each passenger in the world only needs X number of airline personnel to get them from A to B. The X's can be from AC or they can be from somebody else. Your choice. But somebody's gonna get laid off.

As far as growing right now goes, we're in the Perfect Storm now, so I gotta agree...not gonna happen next week. Loads were down to start with but growth in new markets might have been possible ... mix in the war and SARS and I don't think there's any choice but to retrench for a while.

Maybe it's best for Robert's credibility that the unions didn't ante up earlier. If they had and layoffs had happened anyway to overcome the last two hits, everyone would have been pointing fingers.

So now it's up to us to make sure that there's still a company here for all those unfortunate souls to come back to. We can sit on the layoffs or we can use them as a beacon to pull together and find some solutions.

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