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Did anyone notice ?

Kip Powick

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Did anyone notice that the aircraft that did the flyby was an original CP bird ??heh-chortle, chuckle........ and that the new color has a "blue" tint to it....My Gawd, how did that slip past ACPA biggrin.giftongue.gif

Retreating to the bunker..hard hat, respirator .... flak jacket

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Kip, your loyalties are well founded, and understood... Those of us still working have to know that this ship, like all of our birds, is an AC machine!

We've got no room for the division.

That said, ... biggrin.gif....

AC Sux, CP Rocks...

no, we blow those guys away so bad their shoes are left smoking where they stood.

I mean, lookit all these cowboy, redneck, flunky jet jocks that couldn't get a real job!? Do these punks really think they can put even the smallest dent in the armour of the mighty castle CP? Puh!.... I say again, Puh

They're pint sized spittle that accidentally strays from the mouth of an excited kid.. the smallest echo of a the muted stray twang of the E string in a C chord. Nothing. Less than nothing. A mere gnats turd on the great and glossy reflecting pool of all the great aviation giants.... of which CP, of course, rates next to the head of the table.


... Then again... CP sux, WD rocks..... biggrin.gif

Y'know... this silly $hit can get pretty funny if you look at it the right way.. tongue.gif

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nice try Kipster but we ain't bitin'

Aw..R. not 'baitin', just chucklin' , besides aren't you just a young keller... er feller.. who probably doesn't remember who had what, and probably really doesn't care that much..."blue, or is green" side up my friend wink.gifcool.gif

Have a nice night...Boston 4....NY 0 bottom of the 4th

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Right on Vsplat!

Let's do it right this time eh?!

I like the new look... I like the idea that we've come through hell together and survived, and I like our prospects for the future.

It's our company and it will be what we make it... I'd like to think we'll make it a damned good one, and well worth our while... I know we have the talent!


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Guest ACSideStick


It is indeed quite a coincedence. Imagine how hard it would have been to actually find an OCP aircraft still able to fly, since most of them have been parked. tongue.gif

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Ward air the original virus that sank both airlines.  Max must be having a good laugh right about now.

Glad to see you have approached the airlines, (AC), problems without a closed mind and with a non-bias attitude. Good Luck tongue.gif

PS... The correct spelling is Wardair....all one word ...I mean you Aircan Ada "longtimers" must know that.. Bon Chance laugh.gif

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The ward Air sentiment was a mainstay at CP long before AC was ever in the picture, but hey wasn't CP just this great big happy family.

Well I don't want to get into a urinating contest with you but I do not recall ANYONE saying the reason CP found itself in trouble was because of the acquisition of WD. Maybe I lived in "happy land" but I don't recall any angst with any of the people that I worked with. Sure there were a few bent and twisted individuals concerning the many mergers, and seniority issues, but I do know, that by in large, it was a pretty happy group to work with...at least in the T-Rex fold.

I do know this, however, CP employees pulled together, much more than many of the AC employees ever did, when they realized they were in trouble. Why did they do this? Probably because they had seen so much fluidity in CP as it merged more companies together whereas AC was an infant when it came to mergers and the mentality of the core was such that "this just ain't gonna happen"...and well...it did..so get used to it....It ain't gonna be undone.

Rather than debate what has passed, why not leave the "virus' remarks in the closet, accept what has come to pass and get on with your life...because, in reality, no one gives a rats ass about your sentiment, or my sentiment....they are interesting in getting on with the job....and surviving.

PS...Gucci guys......that was the moniker for Original Canadian Pacific pilots...not the combined group known as CP.

Have a nice week cool.gif

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Guest long keel


The original post is still having me shake my head. Why? What is to be gained? Let it go, CAIL is dead. Ward is dead. If we don't get our "Naughty Word" together AC is dead.

Move on already...You are the only one I see initiating Blue/Red stuff here. Why stir the pot?


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Guest rattler

Well I don't want to get into a urinating contest with you but I do not recall ANYONE saying the reason CP found itself in trouble was because of the acquisition of WD. Maybe I lived in "happy land" but I don't recall any angst with any of the people that I worked with. Sure there were a few bent and twisted individuals concerning the many mergers, and seniority issues, but I do know, that by in large, it was a pretty happy group to work with...at least in the T-Rex fold.


Kip, re blaming Wardair purchase for the collapse of Canadian. Not sure where you were but there was lots of that going around. You must remember, before PW purchased CP, PW was making money. They purchased CP and posted some initial profits but after WD came onboard, the downward spiral commenced. So there are quite a few of folks who still blame the final result on the purchase of WD and also of course some believe if they (PW) has stuck to their original operating plans (being a regional carrier) that they would have continued to make money and would still be serving the West, Cargo Charters etc.

You are right of course re everyone pulling together in the last couple of years to try and save the airline from BIG BAD.

Guess the various purchases PW Corp made can also be credited with creating a opening for the startup of a new carrier called Westjet....

Anyway, def. water under the bridge and only historians should now care....


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The original post is still having me shake my head. Why? What is to be gained? Let it go, CAIL is dead. Ward is dead. ..You are the only one I see initiating Blue/Red stuff here. Why stir the pot?


The only one.....I don't think so...read the para that starts with......Rather than debate and I think it is pretty clear where I stand. I think I echo your sentiments, but CAT3DUAL seems to want to cast dispersions rather than let it go. "Virus" is a word none of us will forget and you well know who first used it during the AC/CP merger.

If you are writing about the initial/first post in this thread, then you misunderstand my attempt at skewed humour. Stirring the pot ??....I think not.

Go to the OAC forum if you want to see "pot stirring."

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I wouldn't have gotten into this little pissing match, except for your original post was only intended to make people agree. I still don't see the point of it, Kip if that is how people at CP pulled together with post like that no wonder CAIL went TU. Kind of like the "pot calling the kettle black" don't you think! huh.gif

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Guest rattler

I guess this thread serves to illustrate the problems we have in expressing ourselves and with others understanding us when we are using the printed vs the spoken word. I would bet if the original post was voiced in a conversation, along with a grin, we would have all known where Kip was coming from.. wink.gif

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I guess this thread serves to illustrate the problems we have in expressing ourselves and with others understanding us when we are using the printed vs the spoken word. I would bet if the original post was voiced in a conversation, along with a grin, we would have all known where Kip was coming from.. wink.gif

You are so right. I guess if I had used a million more icons, (smilies etc.) some still wouldn't have seen the tongue in cheek humour. A strange medium indeed..oh well...

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I wouldn't have gotten into this little pissing match, except for your original post was only intended to make people agree.

Talk about over-analyzing! It got his meaning straight away, and I ain't always the sharpest knife in the drawer. The pissing match started when you read WAY too much into it, and threw the Wardair dagger, which was totally uncalled for. (My apologies to the one and only dagger).

I've always found it helpful to write my thoughts, hit the preview button at least once, twice is even better, then hit the "add" button. It usually leads to some sober second thought, even when I'm not sober!

IMO of course.


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