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Skilled On Sunday

Kip Powick

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I hate this track ball mouse so much!

Hi Jeff...

Actually I have used a logitech trackball mouse ever since they came out and I love it. I was never one for moving a mouse on a mouse pad. I have a very mobile thumb and find it awkward to use a regular moveable mouse.

.......... True story.. I was always early at CAI Ops to check in for a flight and one early morning there was a "new" girl (temporary help),working Ops and part of her job description was to turn on all the computers each morning and bring up the "home page".

I had turned on a computer and was checking wx etc when I hear her mutter that the mouse beside me on the next computer was broken. I asked her what the problem was...... in a nutshell, she had moved the mouse to the edge on the mouse pad and the on screen cursor was not lined up with the "target" and she said she had run out of "mouse pad"(the mouse was on the top edge of the pad)!!!!

Believe it or not she did not know that one could lift the mouse up shuffle it around. I think she only worked there for about a week. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Myself and Scuba02 will probably be on one of your flights South soon!!

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Hey Kip:

I got the track ball for Xmas, but I'm still getting used to it. It doesn't help that I use an optical mouse at the office. I gotta say, I think I prefer it to the track ball, no mouse pad required and more control.

Back when I was in the training dep't, I sat a new class down for their first day of A320 CBT. We went through the login procedures etc, and then I told them to come and see me in my office if they had any questions. I was surprised to have one of the guys come to see me, quite embarrased, and ask, "how do I work this mouse thing?" He said that he had never sat down to a computer in his life. After I showed him the ropes and offered any support he might need to get used to the computer, I sent him on his way. I wondered if he'd be able to adapt to the Airbus, but I was pleased to see him do quite well in the end.

So you're looking at going back to Cayo largo, eh? Let me when you get the details. I don't have any info for you on the state of the resorts and dive sites there, as we're not flying there until November. Hope you can find the necessary info.


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