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To the In Charge at gate 528 this morning:

Mitch Cronin

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My dear lady... It was not our intent to saddle you with anyone elses work, and I apologize for mistaking your move toward the phone for a desire to dance with me.

One of the things we're tasked with on an A check is to dump ice in the toilets and flush it down with vinegar... Since we're not supposed to flush the toilets in the hangar, that task is often left 'til the end of the check, and sometimes it happens at the gate.

Last night, myself and my young partner worked the night on an A320, only being asked to taxi the '67 from another hangar to the gate, in the morning... apparently, the vinegar and ice were deposited before we left, so when we went to do the flushing after arrival at the gate, it then became evident that some of the mixture had escaped the confines of the bowls.

Having been scooped for the movement of the a/c in something of a hurry, I hadn't come equipped with various phone numbers in their entirety, and those gates don't allow for the 4 digit simple calls.... so finding a number to get someone to ask for groomers with a mop turned out to be something of a chore... However, I'd just managed to do so when you came along... Unfortunately, as I said to you, a tired man had asked for cleaning "in the back", instead of "the back lavs".

I only asked you to point out that error to the groomers because I had a hunch you'd be somewhere nearby when they arrived.

As for the "I thought you wanted to dance" comment... We work all night with ugly men... come morning, when a pretty lady approaches me as you did, surely I can be forgiven for a momentary lapse of rational thought?... I did manage to restrain my instinctive reaction to wrap my arms around you as you came within inches of me... (you have beautiful eyes, by the way)... and I realized at the last moment you were reaching for the phone behind me, not me. cool.gif

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...Last night, myself and my young partner worked the night on an A320, only being asked to taxi the '67 from another hangar to the gate, in the morning... apparently, the vinegar and ice were deposited before we left, so when we went to do the flushing after arrival at the gate, it then became evident that some of the mixture had escaped the confines of the bowls. ...
Given the way you drive, I don't find this the least bit surprising. tongue.giflaugh.gifbiggrin.gif

(Verbally from Mitch this morning) I'll flush the right side, you flush the left side.
Does that mean your right or the right side of the A/C? rolleyes.gif
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Given the way you drive, I don't find this the least bit surprising.

Ahh, my young partner... I do believe the fluids would have all but escaped the aircraft had you been towing, instead. tongue.gif

Does that mean your right or the right side of the A/C?

...sigh... Listen up dog... when ya get rid of some of that green behind your ears you'll know that means I'll walk down the aircraft turning right at every lav I come to... you walk down turning left.... Until I decide otherwise. biggrin.gif Now don't ask stupid questions! blink.giftongue.gif

(I shoulda just made you mop up the mess, ya snarky little grunt! Now be nice! cool26.gif )

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I don't know either one of you but....... I'm worried........get some help..........really.

(BTW, we have the same process on the -700 which we have taken to calling a "vinegar squishee")

seriously though.......get help........really biggrin.gif

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No cause for worry Maverick... we're actually good buds... Mikey just likes to rag on me some 'cause he likes watching me react. I've found the best way to tame him is to keep him guessing about how hard I retaliate. biggrin.gif

(besides... ya gotta have fun at work somehow... He gets a kick out of giving me a hard time sometimes and I'm ok with that... so long as he behaves when he's told! wink.gif He's actually one of the best new AME's I've ever had the pleasure of working with - freshly licenced, soon to have his first course on the '67 -... gotta work on his cockiness though!)

We'll get to chuckle about this when he buys me a coffee tonight. tongue.gif

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A sardine in the bottom drawer of a rollaway is ALWAYS an effective retaliation. Sadly though, acts such as these usually end up in an arms race that will ultimately sends one toolbox to its grave before a truce is called. Ahh...the prank!!!

E-mail me offline and I'll give you a couple of dozen other insidious "retaliation" ideas.

Moowahaha biggrin.gif

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Hey! I didn't ask for that apology at all! (but I appreciate the effort nonetheless) Thanks Mike, groveling duly noted. laugh.gif (for the record, I ended up buying the coffee last night whistling.gif )

It's ok Maverick... I've been into some of those prolonged "prank's" before... I have one advantage... A glare (I can't tell you how many people have told me I'm the spitting image of Charles Manson - maybe that's what Mike meant by "the ole evil eye"? ) that seems to work wonders... biggrin.gif

Frosty.... Never you mind now... My 4 wheeled vehicle driving habits are completely reformed now... [glare on] My skills with operating machinery of any kind, in any environment, are second only to those of the absolute experts ( ph34r.gif can you see that glare?... wink.gif )

Jump Seat,

The ice and vinegar thing is supposed to clean out the pipes (stop laughing Dragon, that's the lav pipes!) of the vacuum toilet system.

Cheers all... [glare off]

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Hi Brett.... I asked for groomers to show up with a mop... Good enough? The "pan" in the lav should have been sufficient to hold the minor spill... considering the other corrosive liquids that "pan" is designed to hold, I reckoned that oughta do.

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