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How Do Folks Like This Survive?

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Shouldn't the gene be lost through - ahhh - natural selection, by now?

Didn't they used to say that about some just as crazy nut bar nutbar in France or Carolina who thought could they design a machine to lift them into the air?

Now they do it routinely in mountainous terrain at night in weather conditions I wouldn't ride my bicycle in.

I say bring it on.

This just demonstrated the precision possible with the right set up. Isn't that what they do with planes still today? Yeah it was risky but that's how these things get done sometimes and move the project forward.

Ever since I read about those Monks in Tibet who it is said (The Third Eye :scratchchin: ) used to stand inside giant kites that the other monks would then let play out on winds coming up the slopes of the Himilayas I've loved this kind of stuff. That guy with the jetsuit is another one as is my boyhodd hero Paul MacCready and maybe even Burt Rutan. Even the Red Bull guy was pretty cool. That's what the adventure of flight is all about for some. (Just let somebody else work out the kinks first).

It reminds me of my first big jump on skis. I took the jump and held a tuck and must have flew probably 50 feet. Everything was perfectly balanced and I just went along for the ride. It was spectacular and I can still picture the flight, the sky, the snow passing beneath me, the valley floor off in the distance and the ground getting disappointingly closer towards the end as I gently touched down. I swear to you it felt like I was on rails. Literally I thought this was how a bird feels and it's as close as I'll ever get. I skied that same run for nearly two days over and over getting longer and higher each time but I still remember vividly that first launch and flight like it was yesterday.

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