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iPad, iPhone Applications for pilots


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Now that I've finally parked my Palm Pilot and am now using both an iPhone and iPad.

Just wondering what aviation applications your using.

I've found AeroWeather Pro and Good Reader Pro the best in their class far.

And no, Angry Birds isn't an aviation App. :P

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Pivot, if you are an ALPA pilot there is a good article in the latest issue Air Line Pilot magazine.

I just tried to copy the article from the on-line version and could not do it. Here's an article that DOES show as a pdf: http://www.alpa.org/...imsuitIssue.pdf

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DigSectional is good for mapping your route. Gradar is good for having a look at weather across your route when you are looking at a route that covers long distance. Gradar doesn't give much coverage for MX... but then again, nobody has good weather radar for Mexico; including the Mexicans.

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Dropbox is great for storing manuals, etc on your phone(for offline use as well)

for constellation identification I used to use Planets, but Star Walk is far better, they also have Solar Walk as well.

for communication I recommend skype and Viber and whatsapp

News apps that can be read offline: National Post, Globe News, BBC News, Reuters news pro, Discovery News

offline Maps: World Atlas is ok... if anyone has a better one please tell me...


There's the new TWN(the weather network) app that's way better than the old one.


Tracking flights:



Sleep Cycle

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Well I bought gRadar. Works great but has got to be the ugliest icon on my device!

FlyBy E6B and FlyBy Nav are awesome. Glad to hear we have some Canadian developers working for us.

I've tried magicJack a few times now on wifi and 3g but the other person can't hear me at all. Will keep trying....

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Documents To Go by Dataviz (sp?), is also very handy for manuals.

Uses wifi sync between desktop and device to transfer multiple formats of documents. I use mostly .PDF's and it is great.

Press Reader is a great newspaper app, better on the Ipad than Iphone just because of screen size, but useful nonetheless.

BTW, Angry Birds is an aviation app imo, LOL

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