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Ice Rink Builders? Any backyard experts


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Quote a few of the kids in our circle are hitting the 2-8 yrs old range so I'm building/making rinks for a few of the familes that haven't done it before. I've built a few amateur ones in my time but this year there's a need for a more reuseable type of approach (ie no Can Tire kits). Any past experience/insights/anecdotes to pass on?

Last years job


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When I used to build one, I always covered the lawn with vapour barrier to protect the grass from the ice killing the roots.

My former wife used to scream but I flooded with warm water at night. The ice was always awesome

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My oldest son lives in YXS (Prince George) and builds a 30' X 35' rink in his yard every year. He uses a sheet of very thick plastic (like a tarp) and 2x6's and 2x8's for the border.

He's lucky that the weather is often cold enough that he can build the up over several weeks. I helped him use warm water once but we really should have shoveled off ALL the loose snow first - the warm water cooled so quickly that it was not glassy-smooth as we had hoped.

It does take some time & effort but when the kids bring over all their classmates for a school party (very small school - only K-3) he says it is well worth the effort.

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