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Skyservice Shutting Down ???

Kip Powick

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Some of the blame has to go directly on Westjet's shoulders. They've been dumping increasingly huge amounts of capacity into the winter package tour market over the last few years.

Sure, and you can blame every other carrier as well. Only one seems to actually make money doing it, though.

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I am very sorry to read of this news...Pete's right, it sucks - no other way to describe it.

Your words speak for all employees of Skyservice; as you say, while no organization is perfect, the employees put their heart and soul into the organization and for the passengers it showed. I have seen and I know the depth of managerial and flight safety skills you brought to Skyservice and I know you weren't alone in such contributions. This is so sad on so many levels. Along with everyone here, (some who know first-hand what the employees of Skyservice are now going through), I am hoping all are able to find ways forward in aviation, (our first mistress?) or in other ways.


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Some of the blame has to go directly on Westjet's shoulders. They've been dumping increasingly huge amounts of capacity into the winter package tour market over the last few years.


Are you still upset that Henry Ford put the buggy whip manufacturers out of business as well......

People want low fares and low cost package holidays. If WJ can fill that particular niche and be, verifiably, one of the most profitable airlines on the planet in 2009 in doing so, I don't see what the issue is.

No one is happy when people lose their jobs, but lets face it, the writing has been on the wall on this one for quite some time.

There's no doubt in my mind that another will bite the dust within 18 months unless there is a very serious change in the way they operate. Having direction coming from the UK, where the concept of package holidays and customer service expectations are ridiculously lower than what Canadians expect, is not helping their cause whatsoever.

This is a service business and when you treat enough of your customers like crap and constantly over promise and under deliver, you only last so long, regardless of pricing. One has only to look at the horrific on-line reviews of the carrier in question to recognize their problem. Canada is too small a market to be getting this sort of reputation.


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Thanks Don.

We are getting many messages of support from all over the world including several job opportunities for our pilots. It's great to see our colleagues stepping up to help us out. The fact that many have been through this in the past is definitely a factor. They know that it sucks.

I should also take a moment to acknowledge ACPA's offer to assist our crew members who were trapped abroad, a kind gesture from our colleagues that is much appreciated. Fortunately as this was a fairly organized shutdown, all of our folks on duty were able to get home with company arranged travel. There may be one or two who were away on personal travel who may take advantage of it.


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I have some additional thanks I'd like to pass along.

First, to our friend Rich Pulman who put the word out through his connections in the expat world, which resulted in some options coming our way already. And also for coming out to our wake at Arizona's last night. First class Rich! Same to our former colleagues Bob and Mike who came to raise a glass with us. :b:

Also to the folks at ACPA who made calls to some flight crew recruiting companies to let them know that Skyservice had shut down. They were in touch with our union very quickly and have already come up with some options. :)

And to Dave from the recruiting team at Westjet who PM'd me yesterday. I've posted your message on our union forum. :023:

I've probably missed a few, but to all of you, it is gratifying to have so many colleagues who are looking out for us at this time. Bravo Zulu to all of you! :tu::m:


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I wonder how the "College" would have responded to this event?

I don't mean this in any derogatory way but am seriously curious?


Probably the same way most of us do...with sympathy.

There is nothing they can do to stop a company from closing down. I think they might try to get the pilots jobs ASAP with "help" classe etc., but little can be done ...except by those that are still around, have their ear to the ground, and are on the "old boy" network..Perhaps they could find positions for those they want to assist.

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