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Protect yourself / family

Kip Powick

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Canada being Canada...we are not allowed to "legally" own mace or pepper spray and use the same as a deterrent from B&E types or for family protection.... Here is a tip..

Concerning bear or dog spray...........available in Canada......From Wikepedia...

In Canada all products with a label containing the words pepper spray, mace, etc, or otherwise originally produced for use on humans are classified as a prohibited weapon[27]. Only Peace Officers, and individuals/corporations who have special government permits may legally carry or possess pepper spray. Any similar canister with the labels reading "dog spray" and/or "bear spray" is regulated under the Pest Control Products Act - while legal to be carried by anyone, it is against the law if its use causes 'a risk of imminent death or serious bodily harm to another person' or harming the environment and carries a penalty up to a fine of $500,000 and jail time of maximum 3 years[28]. Of course, the legality of using spray intended for animal deterent on a person would be determined in court on a case-by-case basis.

PS...My daughter carried "mace" while she was in University..regs and rules be damnedwink.gif

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Of course, the legality of using spray intended for animal deterent on a person would be determined in court on a case-by-case basis.

PS...My daughter carried "mace" while she was in University..regs and rules be damnedwink.gif


My understanding (and remember I'm not a lawyer) is that intent plays a much larger role in this than most people realize. For example; you're driving along and somehow, inadvertently, get on someone's wrong side. The guy follows you into the mall parking lot and as you get out of the car he starts pushing you up against the door and is being quite aggressive. So, fearing for your life, you reach back into the car and pull out a baseball bat and use it to thwart the attack - self defense? Well, maybe, if you're on your way home from baseball practice but if you just keep a baseball bat tucked behind your seat on a regular basis it could be shown that your intent was to use it as a weapon. Same goes with the wasp spray, if you have to run to the garage to grab the spray - fine, but if you keep the can next to the door it shows your intent (or could possibly be shown) was to use it as a weapon. Personally though, I think it's a great idea and wouldn't hesitate to spray some idiot who was trying do do me or anyone in my family harm.

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‘Law & Order’ is an area that provides a fine example of a governments ‘fiduciary’ responsibility to and for us. Apparently, they don’t do very well with this one.

As a point, vigilante justice is making a comeback, particularly in the immigrant population where an already healthy suspicion of anything ‘official’ exists.

I think we’re also going to see a lot more regular Canadian’s packing some form of personal protection as time goes on. As we know from experience, government isn’t very effective at most anything they do. I think people are getting ever-more tired of waiting for the government to respond in any meaningful way to matters of personal security, and justifiably so.

We always hear the cry for ‘more cops’. I doubt we really need more cops? It’s more likely that the system, unable to dispose of its waste in a responsible manner and protect the legitimate interests of its law abiding citizens, is by virtue of its criminal recycling program, releasing the bad guys out the back door before the cops have even had a chance to finish their report and therefore, the major contributory cause of our tribulation.

Give up our guns and make Canada a safer place? Definately not!

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Or you could move to Arizona.

Legislators here want to introduce new measures to loosen up the gun laws as they feel they are too restrictive now.

One of the measures is to rescind the requirement making a permit necessary to carry a concealed weapon.

Oh those onerous laws. I feel much safer now. Don't ask me what that is in my pocket - I have no need to tell you, just don't pi$$ me off.

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Hmmm. How did we go from pepper spray to the gun lobby?

One thing I learned a long time ago, in another movie where we worked a lot with arms, was that life is a lot like Checkhov's law. If the weapon is in the picture, it's gonna get used, either by the good guy, or the bad one. The bad one is often more effective in using the weapon than the good guy, as there isn't the sober second thought that slows down the action. I can't count the number of simple assaults in the US that turned into a fatality because one of the combatants gained access to lethal means. Look at the beer glass discussion in Britain. ETC, etc. Weapons feed escalation like gasoline feeds fire.

Do I support changes to the justice system such that criminals actually have undesirable consequences from their actions? Absolutely. Would I like to see an end to the situation where someone ignores the rights of others only to claim those same rights for themselves? Yep, all the way to the executive suite. Do I think for a New York minute that the answer is to provide an accelerant to death? Nope.

All just my opinion.


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Vsplat & mo32a

I’m not certain, but for greater clarity, I too do not support an increase in the armed population, with guns or any other weapon for that matter. It is definitely ‘bad’ medicine.

My point; when government is unable to deliver on ‘law & order’ matters, the civilian population will increasingly take whatever steps ‘they’ deem necessary to their own self-protection.

The ‘law’ came to the ‘old wild west’ with a mind to ending the common vigilante approach to justice, as it existed. Today, we’re seeing the pendulum begin to tip back in the opposite direction.

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Vsplat & mo32a

I’m not certain, but for greater clarity, I too do not support an increase in the armed population, with guns or any other weapon for that matter. It is definitely ‘bad’ medicine.

My point; when government is unable to deliver on ‘law & order’ matters, the civilian population will increasingly take whatever steps ‘they’ deem necessary to their own self-protection.

The ‘law’ came to the ‘old wild west’ with a mind to ending the common vigilante approach to justice, as it existed. Today, we’re seeing the pendulum begin to tip back in the opposite direction.

I agree. Those simple arguments that are settled with an FU - no FU now can escalate to bang-bang.

For the record, in Arizona,it is legal for anyone,unless expressly prohibited by law,to carry a sidearm as long as it is not concealed. If you want to carry a concealed firearm you have to take a 2 hour safety seminar, then you get your permit. The lawmakers want to remove that restriction, among other things.

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