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Al Gore confronted on "Climategate"

Mitch Cronin

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The Ken Lay from Enron issue is a new angle which changes everything.....meetings on how to profit from carbon taxes. This is the same guy who turned the lights out on California through selective shutting of power plants so that their speculators could profit through rate hikes....yikes. I'm not a conspiracy type of person but it's all becoming a bit crazy.

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Upon hearing the voice screaming "this guy is a scam, this guy is a scam... research climate gate" repeatedly, A certain poster from this forum came to my mind...



Regardless of the info on climate change, some sort of mechanism has to be implemented to control the various kinds of pollutions. Whether it is a carbon credit trading scheme or another mechanism where polluters are faced with ever increasing costs if they continue their in their ways, something needs to be done.

I wonder how polluted things need to get before public opinion sways in the lets take care of the environment camp?


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Once again...how about...global climate change?

How do we get so tied up in semantics?

How can any person with an ounce of common sense not agree, human population growth and the activities associated with, are going to have some kind of negative influence on our environment?

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Never been a supporter of ALGORE, or Suzuki for that matter. Every thing they do is part of a political agenda. I don't believe this video is a scam but yes it has been produced to counter Gores view, the method used to get the message out certainly gets your attention. There is a big debate going on now in the U.S. and other parts of the world including Canada and Australia on this subject. Cap and trade or buying carbon credits will not save one breath of fresh air. Now there is the scam.


check out this site.

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From the pages of Glenn Beck Program.

December 1, 2009

On Today’s Program

The Biggest Scam in History

As each passing day goes by and we near the big climate convention in Copenhagen, one can't help but ask: Will anyone bother to bring up to the politicians the damming emails from climate scientists? Emails that at the very least should call into question the validity of 'settled' science. If you aren't familiar with Climategate, you are not alone, the media has barely touched on it. Glenn rants on the biggest scam in history, Global Warming, in the latest Beck Talks video blog. WATCH

Go to his site if you are interested in more information.

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Guest rattler

U.K. climate scientist under investigation

Last Updated: Tuesday, December 1, 2009 | 5:41 PM ET Comments176Recommend62CBC News

The U.K.'s University of East Anglia says the director of its Climatic Research Unit is stepping down pending an investigation into allegations stemming from the recent publication of his and other climate scientists' private emails.

Phil Jones, the director of the global research centre on climate change, announced that he would stand aside until an independent review determined whether he overstated the case for man-made climate change.

The university said Peter Liss will become acting director of the climate research unit.

Hundreds of private emails of British and U.S. scientists were posted online after hackers broke into one of the Climatic Research Unit's servers about a week and a half ago. The emails appear to show some of the scientists have overstated the threat of man-made global warming.

Jones's announcement came days after Pennsylvania State University announced that it would be looking into the work of one of its scientists, Michael Mann, whose correspondence was also among the emails hackers released. Mann is the director of Penn State's Earth System Science Center.

"The university is looking into this matter further, following a well-defined policy used in such cases," said a statement from Penn State.

The university said that a 2006 report by the National Academy of Sciences into Mann's work in reconstructing global temperatures over the last 1,000 years — known as the "hockey stick" diagram — found that Mann's work was scientifically sound and supported by evidence.

The hackers reportedly stole more than a decade of correspondence between leading U.K. and U.S. scientists and posted about 1,000 emails and 3,000 documents on websites.

Skeptics of climate science have seized on the documents — at least some of which have been confirmed as authentic — as evidence that some scientists have overstated the case for global warming and have attempted to alter how global temperature data was presented.

Researchers working with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have dismissed the posting of documents as an attempt to derail discussions on dealing with global warming, in advance of the upcoming global climate summit in Copenhagen.

Earlier Tuesday, Nicholas Stern, a British economist who wrote a U.K. government report on climate change, said the hackers who published the emails had muddled the debate at a critical moment.

"It has created confusion, and confusion never helps scientific discussions," Stern told reporters.

Stern was launching a report on climate change at the London School of Economics, where he is chairman of its research institute on global climate change.

"People have a right to speak up, but if they are muddled and confused, I do not believe they have the right to be called anything but muddled and confused," he said.

"The degree of skepticism [on climate change] among real scientists is very small."

With files from The Associated Press

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Guest rattler

Much too lengthy to post here but an interesting read

What East Anglia's E-mails Really Tell Us About Climate Change

PM guest analyst Peter Kelemen, a professor of geochemistry at Columbia University's Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, explains what stolen e-mails from climate scientists corresponding with East Anglia University tell us about global warming—and what they don't


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