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Another one bites the dust


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Guest woxof

How can you say it was a stupid plan?

The executives had superior severance packages, and the average guys are out of a job.

All according to plan..... mad.gif

Of course, you didn't mention about all the people who invested and are out of money. Do you really believe your statement?

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Of course, you didn't mention about all the people who invested and are out of money. Do you really believe your statement?

With all the companies that have gone under lately, do you really think that the CEO's give a rats heiney about investors? huh.gif

Heck, look at the pay packets they give themselves when their companies are losing money, examples: Home Depot, Ford, Countrywide.....

Do you believe your own statement?


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Of course, you didn't mention about all the people who invested and are out of money. Do you really believe your statement?

It was a stupid businessplan.

I have no sympathy for the investors whatsoever. Anyone of the groups could have picked up the phone, paid a modest consultancy fee ( cool.gif ), and talked to someone who, in a few days, would have had them running for the hills. They made their beds, now they get to sleep in it.

How was it stupid? Let's start with basing it in Columbus...with a ridiculous network.


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Guest woxof

With all the companies that have gone under lately, do you really think that the CEO's give a rats heiney about investors? huh.gif

Seeing as CEO's are frequently investors in the company that they work for and seeing as at least some investors have the ability to remove a CEO....well I'll let you answer that. As in the past, you once again are making blanket, innacurate statements.

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Seeing as CEO's are frequently investors in the company that they work for and seeing as at least some investors have the ability to remove a CEO....well I'll let you answer that. As in the past, you once again are making blanket, innacurate statements.

Well, with a long list of CEO's who are getting multi million payouts and bonuses for poor performance, what do they care?

I can come up with a list as long as my arm of company CEO's who are, in most peoples eyes, overcompensated.

Can you come up with a list of CEO's of major corporations who's compensation isn't considered overinflated?


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Financial Turbulence Forces American Airlines Hire Freeze

April 5, 2008 - Associated Press

DALLAS — American Airlines put a freeze on hiring management and support staffers this week as the nation's largest carrier grapples with high fuel costs and a slowing economy.

American Airlines spokesman Andy Backover said the airline would honor job offers issued before April but would indefinitely postpone additional hiring.

"I think it's no secret that the entire industry, including us, has been struggling to contain costs, mainly the cost of fuel," Backover said.

American's hiring freeze is the latest sign of trouble in the airline industry. Two airlines shut down this week and filed for bankruptcy protection, and a third said it would stop flying at the end of next month.

Airlines are being hit hard by high fuel prices. American said last month that it expects to spend $9.3 billion on fuel this year, up 39 percent from last year. The Fort Worth-based airline expects to pay $2.98 per gallon, up from $2.13 per gallon last year.

"As hard as we've worked to take costs out of the business the right way, we haven't gotten any relief from the fuel side"

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No news officially.

HONG KONG, April 9 (Reuters) - These are some of the leading stories in Hong Kong newspapers on Wednesday. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.


-- Local airline Oasis Hong Kong, launched in Oct. 2006, is said to be running out of business and will stop flying from today. The airline has reportedly accumulated losses of as much as HK$1 billion. Sources say more than HK$1 million in losses is incurred on each flight Oasis operates.

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for what it's worth, I found this on Wikipedia:

Oasis Hong Kong Airlines Limited (traditional Chinese: 甘泉香港航空有限公司) began as a long-haul low-cost airline based in Hong Kong, It operates scheduled services to London Gatwick Airport and Vancouver, and plans to serve other destinations in Australia, Europe and the USA. Its main base is Hong Kong International Airport.[1]

Oasis is one of a growing number of long-haul passenger airlines, such as Zoom Airlines, to adopt a budget airline model pioneered by the now defunct Laker Airways Skytrain service in the 1970s. Oasis offers non-stop service from Hong Kong to London, and began a service to Vancouver on June 28, 2007.[4] The airline was voted "World’s Leading New Airline" at Annual World Travel Award 2007[2].

Much of this original success of Oasis Hong Kong was due to the airline's widely advertised minimum fares beginning at just 75 UK pounds one way. However, now that the airline is busier, they no longer offer this fare and have become much less competitive as a result. Since they have raised their prices, travelers who live outside of the Gatwick commuter area can fly with Air France or KLM to Hong Kong for the roughly the same fare and get the added security of guaranteed commuter city connections and frequent flyer points as well.

The airline announced that it will cease operations on April 9th, 2008.

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