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Hold on to her Newt!


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Ahhh nuthin like watchin the ol' Quadrapuff take a pounding onto the nose gear. TOUGH, STRONG Gear, I must say. They call it LANDING gear for a reason. (Actually you only need it for take-off really).

One heck of a X-wind - at least the guys got the Smurfjet down on the runway, which is sort of the whole idea, if in this case, not too gracefully.

Now, much to the local aircraft engineers chagrin - it's surely going to be a case of repairing the symbiosis of now, what are likely to be, 5 APU's connected by an electrical fault. biggrin.giflaugh.gif

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Amazing landing gear. The folks inside that airplane probably didn't notice the ripple on their tea. wink.gif Seriously, it wasn't a good landing (obviously), but for all their shortcomings, x-winds and landings on the -146 were that least of the things you worried about. I remember many landings where I (let alone the pax) wasn't really sure that we were on the ground (not due to my skill set to be sure).

But that landing - man. I've never seen the upwind main gear come off the ground. It is one squishy gear, and that is hard to do. The nose gear is a piece of crap tho. Always felt like you were rolling on a cinder block.

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How's this for x-wind technique:

Perfect technique.....the inexperienced tend to try to kick it straight, (cross control) much too soon.

The CV580 was a bitch as the ailerons had an interconnect with the rudders. Put on a bit of right aileron and the rudder went in as well. In a stiff cross wind even a tame ape would feel frustrated. wink.gif

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