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Just in time for Christmas travelers

Kip Powick

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Ottawa currently ranging between 84-94 cpl.

Ottawa fluctuates daily, it starts out the day at 93 and by 23:00 it is down to about 81, then shortly after midnight, it goes back up again, this is a daily routine here

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Gas dropped $0.05/Litre overnight. Still almost $0.05/litre higher that Monday.

I guess by boosting it a dime they knew everyone would be upset so the decrease by a nickle will seem like it dropped again...yeh - really.

These guys really know how to market their product. dry.gif

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Good thing I changed the Oil heating system for my house for an electric one!!


Is this a bit of humour or did you actually do that icon_question.gif Here in Ontario, I dumped electric heat ASAP and put in Gas....... as soon as it came down our street. Electric heat would kill you out here...

By the way...Merry Christmas smile.gif

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