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C-GMLC due for a heavy check

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An old high school buddy of mine is a gynecologist. After talking to him, I have no doubt but that you're right Jennifer. There are some places us guys aren't meant to be, and that's near the top of my list.

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I thought she was talking about being on the other end of that visit, but now that I think about it... tongue.gif I reckon either way I could consider two seconds an eternity! ph34r.gif

Man, they stretch this humiliation as far as they can don't they!?... I've just suffered through a morning without coffee so I could give umpteen vials of uncontaminated by caffeine blood away (the Doc hadn't written anything about PSA on the card, so I had to convince the lady at the lab - who did speak with an accent that sounded as though Transylvania wasn't too far from her home town! - to write it down herself, and test for it... She didn't have what it took to argue with me when I hadn't had any coffee... so that cost me $30 bucks.....and now... I've got a plastic bag with some things inside ...with which I'm supposed to take ...ahem... samples, for three days in a row, and drop them off when I'm done. dry.gif

Where's the damn tricorders they use in the Star Ships? Those guys don't need to give away their precious (or otherwise) fluids to find out if they're fit or not! I think I know why it's been so long since I've done any of this now!

I can't imagine having to go through all this every 6 months! You guys that do that deserve something extra on your paycheques for all that... some humiliation and BS pay, or something.

And in my case, unlike a pilot, and unlike the old airplane that needs a heavy check, I don't take out 200 other people if I suddenly croak, so what the heck?... It might be all a sham anyway... maybe our time til TX is all fixed at birth? ....I once knew a guy who, while with his girlfriend, miraculously survived crashing his car upside down in a river, but drowned while swimming by himself 3 days later... I reckon his number was up....

Maybe this PSA test I almost didn't get done will help me escape the ravages of prostate cancer, but my heart will give it's final tick while I'm out walking the dog tomorrow? ...or a year from now?.... I dunno... I guess what got me interested enough in doing all this was the notion that I'd rather know ahead of time if I'm gonna be toast... That way I can be sure to spend some of my last days avoiding some of the things I don't like doing. biggrin.gif

Cheers, coffee.gif - mmmm coffee.


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Mitch; GreatWestLife pays for the PSA test. Glad you're having the check-up. Sometimes they discover things that should be treated, and will increase your longevity. Like diabetes. Or prostrate cancer. Or high blood pressure. Or high chloresterol. I am quite sure you would enjoy dancing with your daughter at her wedding! wink.gif

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Guest rattler
Mind you, paying for the wedding will certainly hurt somewhere... smile.gif

Mitch should do alright in that regard. The new way of doing things, or so I was told when my sons got married is for both families to split the wedding expenses. So much for the good old days when the father of the bride was on the hook for that. Guess the sharing took the place of a "bride price". biggrin.gif

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I have always been lucky in life but I remember when I went for my "heavy check" a couple of years ago!

Doctor comes in and puts on the gloves and says "your the lucky one", I said "how so!". Doctor says "you got the doctor with the biggest hands in the clinic" I almost died, then I almost died again with the test... but lucky me got a "thumbs up...so to speak!" laugh.gif

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