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TV Investigation

Kip Powick

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CTV's W5 starts a new season with an investigative report ph34r.gif about security in Canada's airports tonight. A snippet was shown last night and showed how easy it was to get into "out of bounds" areas in some airports.

One part of last nights preview was a pilot , (AC/WJ ???), punching in a door code as this "investigative" fellow watched from a vantage point.

Apparently one of Canada's airports is better than most, with respect to security, and its name will be made known during tonights W5 report.

Check your local listings for time and channel .ph34r.gifunsure.gif

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This report should come as no surprise. It is widely known throughout our industry that most measures taken since "then" are simply to placate the unknowing public. To this date, nothing that has been done will keep a determined individual or group of individuals from perpetrating something terrible again.

Still, should be a good watch...

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First...sorry it was on CBC vice CTV but I'm sure you knew that tongue.gif

Anyhoooooo...how safe to we all feel now??...... and as Moon the Loon said above and I paraphrase..."nothing shown we didn't know before" mad.gif

What a waste of money...and what a bunch of ineffective individuals running the program....

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I'm curious to hear what Lapierre will have to say--that's assuming that he does get around to commenting. For the massive amount of money that is being collected from the travelling public in this country, there seems not to be a lot in the way of increased security to show. It could be that improvements have been made behind the scenes, but I'm always struck by the much higher level of security at US airports. Just for starters, all checked baggage is x-rayed.

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If we want real security.... If we've gotta have it... then at the moment we'd better hope that aspect of it that involves screening employees is spot on!

Almost any employee with a pass could get almost anyone or anything past the BS pretense of security that exists. There better not be any bad guys among us. sad.gif

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My first impression of the Fifth Estate investigative report last evening was to note that, even after all this time, I still miss Eric Malling (although he did move to W5 at a later date)… I remember a joke circulating many years ago: Q: How do you know you’re going to have a really, really bad day? A: Wake up to find Eric Malling camped on your doorstep. tongue.gif

That aside, most of the “data” that was revealed on the programme was not new to me, or probably to anyone in the industry. We generally have the impression that CATSA is a “razzle-dazzle them” approach to airport security and from the interviews it appeared to me that those in charge seem to agree. More than once it was intimated that the money spent on security was to make the flying public “feel” safe and in so doing, reinvigorate the industry; that the goal of making it truly safe, was secondary. If we all think back to 2001-2002, the industry was most definitely in a spin, (I believe that if the shoe-bomber had offered to stand on the rudder for us, we would likely have accepted…) and today we’re back arguing about what constitutes a profit! Is it this staged production at security checkpoints that has reassured the travelling public to board aircraft again, or is it simply the effect of time and memory? If it is the former, then perhaps it has been money well spent.

With respect to security per se, the only areas of airports that are really being addressed are the terminals. Everything else (FBOs, cargo, etc.) is operating pretty much as it was pre-9/11. And although I might get pummelled for saying this, within the terminal environment, the biggest security risk is the employee. I would measure this risk as inversely proportional to responsibility.

Bottom line: our government spent lots of money on smoke and mirrors, knows it and sees the outcome as productive. Could real security be improved at airports? Sure. But we in Canada will never condone machine guns at arrivals and departures and it is unlikely we’ll ever be able to teach all the screeners to properly profile so what is the answer? Not sure I have one. Except maybe have all screeners take personality tests and only hire those with obsessive compulsive personality traits… biggrin.gif


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I would expect that next time I travel through security CATSA will be openning up all suitcases that have a lead lined film bag in them. They will also rip open the contents, check in all areas of the bag. If you carry a lead lined bag, better be careful about where you put it or CATSA will be flipping through your unmentionables.

The show easily did not reveal anything not all ready known about the Security loop holes. The 5 number door codes are notoriously bad design in the security industry. Most Computer Data Centers have removed them for the stated vulnerability.

What the article has accomplished is given CATSA ammunition to check bag contents of people with lead lined bags.

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