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A really ugly job

Mitch Cronin

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I wonder if I could appeal to all those highly educated, intelligent flight attendants we've been hearing about lately to do a small service for your airline (whichever it is) as well as your maintenance staff.... ?

I'm home a wee bit early today as a small reward for doing a really nasty job... I was asked at the beginning of the night if I'd be willing, since we were short on people, "or should I give it to Mike?" ... Not willing to be the sod that stuck Mike with the job, I accepted the task.

There were two blocked lavs on one of our 67's that was in for an A check... We see that FAR too often these days, and I know it's not just because of passengers chucking oddities in the little bowl... I know this because of what we find blocking the pipes on occasion... I'll not go into the sort of detail that'll even give you the slightest glimpse of what I saw last night, as that would just be rude (as was the job), but tell me who else would be dumping a bunch of tea bags in the toilet? (That was an earlier occasion by the way)

Yep, we occasionally find the pipes blocked with things like diapers, paper towels, pillows (on at least one occasion), plastic cologne bottles, and other odds and ends (yuk!)... But sometimes it's apparent that the stack up began with something a flight attendant is the most likely source of... like those tea bags, or coffee packs, or... well we really have no idea do we?... So here's the request:

Could y'all please think of those things like they're an ultimate uh-oh zone... that nothing should ever get into... except the obvious human style, can't go anywhere else sorta thing... ? K? Please? I've seen delays because of these problems... I've seen cancelled flights... I've seen airplane swaps... and worst of all, I've seen what comes out of the plugged pipes, and it ain't pretty!

The problem is the toilet makers think because the first bend outside the bowl is the most severe bend, everything that could get stuck will get stuck there... but that's not what happens. What happens is the contents of the bowl, and any contents left from the last bowlfull, slide along a very long section of straight pipe and get compacted into a long tube shape ....and then they try to make the bend just behind the wing box where the pipes transition from running along under the floor, to running along behind the sidewall of the cargo, but where that bend happens, the tube shaped wad of yuk get's hung up... and then every attempt that's later made to try to flush, just packs it in tighter. So then along comes some poor shmuck who's gotta tear apart the panels in the cargo and maybe even some floor panels to access it, so he can take the pipes apart and somehow get rid of all that tube shaped yuk, so the vacuum blowers can do their job again.

Maybe that's just a bit more detail than any of you wanted, but if it convinces one FA who hadn't considered it to be a little more carefull, it was worth saying.... to the rest of you, I hope I didn't turn you off your breakfast. tongue.gif



PS... I hope nobody got their shorts in a knot about the "highly educated and intelligent" crack... That was just an attempt at a friendly poke in the ribs to Zebigboss (I somehow doubt YYC I/C would get that without an explanation biggrin.gif )

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MITCH was seated next to a member of the clergy on a flight

to Podunk Sask, ( he was required to go out and unplug a toilet).

Late at night, after the plane was airborne, drink orders were taken.

Mitch asked for a rum, straight up, which was brought and placed before him.

The flight attendant then asked the minister if he would like a

drink. He replied ..... "I'd rather be savagely raped by a dozen

whores than let the demon rum touch my lips."

Mitch then handed his drink back to the flight attendant and said "Me

too. I didn't know we had a choice."

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I wonder if I could appeal to all those highly educated, intelligent flight attendants we've been hearing about lately to do a small service for your airline (whichever it is) as well as your maintenance staff.... ?

I'm home a wee bit early today as a small reward for doing a really nasty job...  I was asked at the beginning of the night if I'd be willing, since we were short on people, "or should I give it to Mike?" ... Not willing to be the sod that stuck Mike with the job, I accepted the task.

There were two blocked lavs on one of our 67's that was in for an A check... We see that FAR too often these days, and I know it's not just because of passengers chucking oddities in the little bowl... I know this because of what we find blocking the pipes on occasion... I'll not go into the sort of detail that'll even give you the slightest glimpse of what I saw last night, as that would just be rude (as was the job), but tell me who else would be dumping a bunch of tea bags in the toilet? (That was an earlier occasion by the way)

Yep, we occasionally find the pipes blocked with things like diapers, paper towels, pillows (on at least one occasion), plastic cologne bottles, and other odds and ends (yuk!)... But sometimes it's apparent that the stack up began with something a flight attendant is the most likely source of... like those tea bags, or coffee packs, or... well we really have no idea do we?... So here's the request:

Could y'all please think of those things like they're an ultimate uh-oh zone... that nothing should ever get into... except the obvious human style, can't go anywhere else sorta thing... ? K? Please? I've seen delays because of these problems... I've seen cancelled flights... I've seen airplane swaps... and worst of all, I've seen what comes out of the plugged pipes, and it ain't pretty!

The problem is the toilet makers think because the first bend outside the bowl is the most severe bend, everything that could get stuck will get stuck there... but that's not what happens. What happens is the contents of the bowl, and any contents left from the last bowlfull, slide along a very long section of straight pipe and get compacted into a long tube shape ....and then they try to make the bend just behind the wing box where the pipes transition from running along under the floor, to running along behind the sidewall of the cargo, but where that bend happens, the tube shaped wad of yuk get's hung up... and then every attempt that's later made to try to flush, just packs it in tighter.  So then along comes some poor shmuck who's gotta tear apart the panels in the cargo and maybe even some floor panels to access it, so he can take the pipes apart and somehow get rid of all that tube shaped yuk, so the vacuum blowers can do their job again.

Maybe that's just a bit more detail than any of you wanted, but if it convinces one FA who hadn't considered it to be a little more carefull, it was worth saying.... to the rest of you, I hope I didn't turn you off your breakfast.  tongue.gif



PS... I hope nobody got their shorts in a knot about the "highly educated and intelligent" crack... That was just an attempt at a friendly poke in the ribs to Zebigboss (I somehow doubt YYC I/C would get that without an explanation  biggrin.gif )

We were instructed by AC a couple of months back not to dispose of any liquids other than water down the galley sinks. If a F/A failed to notice while dumping the bottom of a pot of tea that there were bags in the bottom of it, the galley sink would previously have prevented the bags from entering the drain. Now that we're supposed to use the lavs instead, I guess the odd bag makes it into the lav drain if stuff is being dumped in a hurry. Coffee packs are a similar thing. Very often they tear during brew and deposit most of their contents into the coffee silex. We write this up again and again, but AC seems not to care. What you're probably finding in the lav drains are the remnants of coffee packs that have leaked into the pots. We're supposed to dump them in the lavs now, too. Given the 3rd world condition of most of our 767 lavs, the soap bottles often fall out of their damaged holders on takeoff and land in the lav. If a pax flushes without first removing the thing--and I don't exactly blame our customers for not wanting to reach into toilet bowls for soap bottles--then down the lav goes the bottle.

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The garbage bin Lassie! That's the place for all of that stuff! PLEASE! A plugged sink is a bummer to be sure, but it's nothing compared to a plugged potty pipe!

Please, please, please!!! Let all your co-horts know that anything other than liquid wastes, and the other human wastes, should go in the garbage bins! Treat the potty like it's on a very tender and sensitive septic system.... Nothing other than what absolutely cannot go elsewhere should ever get into that bowl!

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... As for the "3rd world condition of most of our 767 lavs".... I hear you.... There's a lady by the name of Tammy Mason who needs to hear that sort of thing... as well as several other mucky-mucks. ... but I believe she'd be the one in a position to make changes happen.

The things need to fly you know... and for some reason, getting them ready to fly at oh-flippin'-early in the morning (whether they have a sked departure to match or not) is more important than fixing things.... to several of our too-afraid-to-challenge-their-bosses-decisions managers. dry.gif

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The garbage bin Lassie! That's the place for all of that stuff! PLEASE! A plugged sink is a bummer to be sure, but it's nothing compared to a plugged potty pipe!

Please, please, please!!! Let all your co-horts know that anything other than liquid wastes, and the other human wastes, should go in the garbage bins! Treat the potty like it's on a very tender and sensitive septic system.... Nothing other than what absolutely cannot go elsewhere should ever get into that bowl!

I'll do my best to pass the word around, Mitch, but when a coffee bag ruptures and does its thing during brew, it produces this icky, sandy, sludge-like potion that probably couldn't be disposed of without creating an electrical hazard other than down a drain. Other than to provide us with strainers, there's no way that I can think of to separate the liquid that would be coffee if not for all the guck with which it's enhanced from the guck itself in order to dispose of the guck in a waste bin. The obvious solution would be to provide us with coffee packs that don't tear. They do exist, and we used to carry them. Neither you nor we can do much about that, though.

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MITCH was seated next to a member of the clergy on a flight

to Podunk Sask, ( he was required to go out and unplug a toilet).

Late at night, after the plane was airborne, drink orders were taken.

Mitch asked for a rum, straight up, which was brought and placed before him.

The flight attendant then asked the minister if he would like a

drink. He replied ..... "I'd rather be savagely raped by a dozen

whores than let the demon rum touch my lips."

Mitch then handed his drink back to the flight attendant and said "Me

too. I didn't know we had a choice."

AKA Winston Churchill I believe! wink.gif

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Hmm. Who is this Tammy Mason? Would a letter to her be of help or would I likely be wasting my time?

We F/As did get a letter from some maintenance bigwig or other a few weeks ago. He wrote to tell us that he had heard all of our concerns about the 767 cabins and that he was dissatisfied with their condition, blah blah blah, but didn't really say much about what (if anything) he was going to do about it. On one of my recent 767 trips about a third of the Y cabin had no audio and no reading lights. On another, passengers had to endure 10 hours of chimes going off loudly and often, i.e at intervals of about 2 seconds. Not many were able to sleep on that run. Overhead bins often pop open on takeoff and on landing. On every 767 I have worked in the past month, at least 5 seats have had the recline broken (i.e. the seats won't stay upright), and I saw one poor gentleman nearly fall ass-over-teakettle upon boarding because the carpet was so frayed in 1 spot that he nearly tripped on it. It's embarrassing. Can't wait for the refurbishments.

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Tammy is the head honcho in charge of cabin stuff nowadays... Yess'm, if you're into writing, she'd be a good one to write to. All I know for sure is that the mere mention of her name is enough to get all the cabin maintenance folks here shivering in their boots.

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Tammy is the head honcho in charge of cabin stuff nowadays... Yess'm, if you're into writing, she'd be a good one to write to. All I know for sure is that the mere mention of her name is enough to get all the cabin maintenance folks here shivering in their boots.

Thanks, Mitch. Might just give it a whirl. biggrin.gif

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On another, passengers had to endure 10 hours of chimes going off loudly and often, i.e at intervals of about 2 seconds. Not many were able to sleep on that run.

Why didn't you switch off the chimes at the Fwd Flight Attendant Panel (L1)? Just curious. Tammy Mason does have some responsibility for Cabin Maintenance, the rest is Line Maintenance, Avionics. Please, write the snags, write some letters to V.P.'s and Directors. Brian Hebbes is the Director of Line Maintenance. If you bother him enough, he'll make some noise at people! Might get something done.

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Hmm. Who is this Tammy Mason? Would a letter to her be of help or would I likely be wasting my time?

We F/As did get a letter from some maintenance bigwig or other a few weeks ago. He wrote to tell us that he had heard all of our concerns about the 767 cabins and that he was dissatisfied with their condition, blah blah blah, but didn't really say much about what (if anything) he was going to do about it. On one of my recent 767 trips about a third of the Y cabin had no audio and no reading lights. On another, passengers had to endure 10 hours of chimes going off loudly and often, i.e at intervals of about 2 seconds. Not many were able to sleep on that run. Overhead bins often pop open on takeoff and on landing. On every 767 I have worked in the past month, at least 5 seats have had the recline broken (i.e. the seats won't stay upright), and I saw one poor gentleman nearly fall ass-over-teakettle upon boarding because the carpet was so frayed in 1 spot that he nearly tripped on it. It's embarrassing. Can't wait for the refurbishments.


You may also want to send Jon Turner VP AC maintenance a letter.

We are aware of the problems with the fleet, but as usual, parts are nil stock, and we are now spread so thin staffing wise, we barely make the flights we have for basic trip and service checks, let alone actually fix anything. icon_head222[1].gif

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Guest ACSideStick


Two quick potty story's that have happened in my a/c lately. Both are true. It shows how little thought some people give to who will clean up their mess if not themselves. Prepare yourself.

1. A few weeks ago, on a flight from YVR to YYZ, which was the main connecting to Delhi. (I had to add the Delhi part not to be racist, but to explain that in some places in the world, the modern toilet is not only fascinating but confusing to some older folks). Anyhow, an old gent came out of a rear Lav and apparently a disagreeable odor followed him, but did not abate. A quick check by the F/A revealed a pile on the floor so big you couldn't shake hands across it laugh.gif The only way the old fellow could have made such a trajectory was to have been standing on the toilet lid with an ankle on both sides. Maybe we hit some turbulance, but things didn't go well. Kudos to YYZ's most junior groomer who came on board ready dressed for battle and did a job that no one should have to. Airbus probably could have saved tons of weight by just putting the more familiar hole in the floor with a footprint on both sides.


My good wife and I put all four kids in cloth, but since we travelled so much, they were treated to disposables when we flew, rather than carry all that around for a few days.

Anyhow, a women changed junior in the rear lav, and then rinsed it in the lav sink (note to self--never, never drink, wash, or shave with water that's touched the bowl. Some men even think they're urinals). Anyhow, because of the sink drain trap, she just left a big pile in the sink (I used to think that when diapers say "for 10-12 lbs", I thought they meant the weight of the baby, but apparently to some, they think it's how much it can hold before bursting) smile.gif , I suppose thinking that that was an F/A's job to look after her kid's BM not hers. To our I/C credit, instead of just closing it for the remainder of the flight, she went and cleaned it as well.

Really makes you wonder what go through some peoples minds. huh.gif

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Why didn't you switch off the chimes at the Fwd Flight Attendant Panel (L1)?

Not all 767's have the call chime inhibit switch at the FWD f/a panel. If you have a problem with call chimes on the aircraft please note if there are any reading lights or call lights flickering on/off and if there are any PCU's not working. Also note what section the call chime the was going off ( fwd or aft cabin). The cause of the call chime going off during flight is most likely caused by a broken seat harness.

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To our I/C credit, instead of just closing it for the remainder of the flight, she went and cleaned it as well.

That woman deserves a medal, but I have to ask, did she do it before or after she prepared your crew meal? laugh.gif

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Thanks to those from Maintenance for the tips. We write the defects up constantly, and despite Mitch's rather understandable lack of enthusiasm for cleaning out lav pipes, my impression of our Mechanics is that they hate to have to defer any snag, no matter how small. Some of the '67s are now in such a state of disrepair, though, that it seems almost futile to try to keep on top of necessary repairs.

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That woman deserves a medal, but I have to ask, did she do it before or after she prepared your crew meal?  laugh.gif

before or after she prepared your crew meal?

Hmmm ....I remember flying with you and if my memory is correct you seldom took the cellophane off the chocolate chip cookies...you just yelled " LUNCH! " threw them through the doorway, snorted, and walked out.......except that one time when you leaned across me , eemmmm-ahhh eeerrr ,and blew kisses at the Love God in the A320 while we were in the deice bay.


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Mitch: (or Robert, or any other AME who knows)

Do the galley sinks drain overboard on all of the 767's, or do they go down the same pipe as the washrooms? Do any other aircraft still go down the drain mast?

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All the sink drains go out the drain mast. At least, I'm not aware of a single type that captures that waste.

[edited to add:] Unless those lines are plugged, or damaged... in which case, if the sink still drains, it'll end up in the belly. sad.gif

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Guest ACSideStick

Jennifer, Come to think of it, she served us our lunch while still wearing gloves, I thought she was just being fancy-schmancy.

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All the sink drains go out the drain mast. At least, I'm not aware of a single type that captures that waste.

Thanks Mitch:

Someone told me recently that the guys on the ground outside did not need to worry about getting a hot shower anymore. I guess it can still happen. ohmy.gif

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Good grief! I cannot imagine what short circuits have to happen... or what rationale could be invented in ones mind, to make either of those two stories acceptable to their perpetrators!? Maybe the old man had no noodles left in his noggin... but then the mother?????

Krikey! huh.gif

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