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Remembering what a locker is for...

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I've had a locker for years... I don't have anything in the one I have right now, but I knew I used to keep something in there... couldn't remember why... ?

I've never been one to arrive in civies, dress in the locker room, and get changed again in the morning before going home. I dress for work at home, and change when I shower upon return home in the morning.

Last night I remembered... "That's what I need a locker for!" ...to keep a pair of coveralls in, for those rare occasions when I need to shower at work after first having an uninvited shower... with clothes on... in skydrol. dry.gif

Silly Mitch. ... but I hadn't fogotten how much that stuff burns in the eyes. blink.gif

Mike Lavoy kindly offered to let me use some clothes he had stashed... he pretends he's a tough guy, but I know he's a softie. tongue.gif

I'll use that locker now. Funny what it takes to tweak the memory sometimes. laugh.gif

...sure hope the next batch of guys fresh from days off can get to the bottom of things and fix that airplane pretty soon. A 320 might look good on a concrete pillar, but it seems a bit of a shame so early in it's career.

Sometimes you're the bug....

God I love days off! smile.gif

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Years ago, one of our engineers (it might even have been the Director of Maintenance, now that I think about it), quickly learned the ill affects encountered after relieving one's self with skydrol residue on his hands.

Over the urinal in the maintenance washroom a rubber glove was hung along with a sign, "For emergency use only. Courtesy of Monsanto" laugh.gif


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I've never been one to arrive in civies, dress in the locker room, and get changed again in the morning before going home. I dress for work at home, and change when I shower upon return home in the morning.

So long as you're not washing your work clothes at home.

If I remember right, it was explained to me a number of years ago that washing our work clothes at home violated some health & safety laws, because of the chemicals we work with.

Not sure if this is still valid but it may something that you would want to look into.


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Not in the hangar, but there is a industrial laundry service that AC pays to clean our work clothes.

Mitch, when you went home, it wasn't fixed yet. I think that ship is gonna be in the barn for several days.

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I was afraid of that Conehead... I don't know what they've learned since we parked it outside yesterday morning (getting it out of the way of our '67 that was, hopefully, departing), but I think if I was to arrive and find that airplane was my challenge, I'd start from scratch. ... and my first move would be to remove the pipe that was robbed and replaced, to see what that might have had to do with the troubles.

I got an e-mail this morning asking me what skydrol is... Figured I'd answer here since maybe others want to know as well... (?)

It's a "phosphate ester" based hydraulic fluid ... purple in colour - looks rather tasty actually - that, as I understand it, is used because of it's ability to retain it's original properties through wide temperature ranges and high pressures, as well as it's ability to absorb moisture and resist fire. It can absorb something like 50 times it's own weight in water! (though that would be highly undesirable in service, as freezing could be an issue... and part of it's function is also to lubricate the pumps and other components it functions within - I think somewhere around 0.5% water is the in service limit)...and it does that with a vengeance! ...which is why it hurts the eyes, and irritates the skin. It melts plastics really well... turns some rubbers to mush... and makes a pretty damn good paint stripper.

Kevin's tale is an experience that most of us will have at some point, but only once! That's not something you'll EVER forget! It's not off your hands until you've washed and scrubbed and washed and scrubbed .... at least a few times. The glove is a great idea. laugh.gif

I'd never heard of any laws that say I can't wash my clothes at home, so I do... I've never relied on the laundry service at work. ...The service at home being so much more reliable. biggrin.gif

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Mitch was it aircraft 204? If so it should be serviceable by today (afternoon). I was told they found contamination in the hydraulic lines causing the PTU to go u/s. They were purging the lines and checking the filters when i saw it.

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Yessir, that's the bird... I hope they purge it reeeeaaaly well! The guys that had it before I came along had done so already... Also at issue: Was the contamination the cause of the first ptu coughing it's cookies (if so, where'd it come from?), or the result? It could certainly be expected to be the result, which then begs the question: Why did that first ptu crap out right after a line was robbed and replaced? Was that related?

In any case... sure is a shame to have a machine sitting so long growing roots. Our parts "robbing" habits are bound to lead to this sort of thing from time to time, but I doubt that's ever factored into the costs of robbing parts.... I often wonder if even the double-the-labour factor is? While we're busy robbing and replacing robbed parts, there's some work elsewhere not getting done.

That stupid little jingle from an auto supply store comes to mind: "Parts Parts, Gimme Parts Parts!"

Wait, I forgot, Rob Reid got things so well under control he received a huge bonus and was promoted... I must be mistaken. All is well after all. huh.gif

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