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Tatoos are passe --apparently

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When is all of the self mutilation going to stop? Please don't try to tell me it's just art and self expression. That's what canvas is for!

I don't mind ear rings (even some guys can pull it off). I even think the navel rings are kinda sexy (in the right navel, of course biggrin.gif ). But this business of putting pins, bolts and rings in noses, eyebrows, lips, tongues and now the back, not to mention the nether regions blink.gif , is really getting out of hand. Isn't makeup and some sexy lingerie on a gal enough any more?

I know, I'm showing my age!

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I know, I'm showing my age!

We old folk are a bit square, aren't we... tongue.gif But whenever I think it is just age showing its grey roots, I run the subject past my children, who are in their late 20's. They think some piercing is wierd as well. Yuck is their response too.

What we are seeing, I think, is sub-cultures becoming more mainstream. None of this is really new, it has just been "underground"... where it probably should have stayed... biggrin.gif

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Just take a look at what a lot of women are wearing to the office these days.

There was a time you could tell the hookers apart,now you can't. wink.gifbiggrin.gif

Just look at what they are wearing to elementary school !! blink.gif I am glad that I don't have young daughters today. sad.gif

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You know there is nothing like a nice piercing to compliment a womans good looks unless, of course, there is that suble redness that comes with a hint of INFECTION!!! Man, that picture gives me the "willies".

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I had the unfortunate experience of having to deal directly with one of that kind of “body art” folks one Saturday last October.

I went to get my usual two-month haircut at my usual barber’s place and found out my barber had died since my last visit. He was only about 80 but succumbed to a bad heart, I was told. Go away now, was what I was told. Maybe make an appointment if I really wanted and maybe two weeks would be nice advance notice too.

I walked out.

I just wanted a normal trim. It should only take 10 minutes – Max – maybe - unless the phone rang, or something.

In a quandary of misguided, stunned fog, I walked across the street to a “Hair Dresser” joint known as the “Hair Factory” or something like that. I asked it I could get a haircut. I just thought that I should get one done, because there would be merciless mirth and picking on from wife “B” because I didn’t do the “normal” thing such as prearranging such an important action in one’s life such as getting a haircut.

Still a bit fogged out and not really ready to accept that my long time barber was now at room temperature in the ground, I accepted the immediate chair to get my haircut.

I should have known right away that things were not right.

I sat down and something approached from behind.

The First hint of trouble was a smell that I had not experienced before in my life. I thought of something that was kind of like something you might smell at a cross between a cow barn and a rock concert in rural Manitoba. I’ve smelled each one separately before, but never combined. However, I foolishly pressed on with the simple idea of just getting a haircut.

I’m now looking down at the floor because of the stupid choking smell and I see a pair of boots stepping in front of me. A chipper voice says “Hi I’m Bubbles (or Tricksy) or something like that and “I’m your stylist today”. As I look up, I see thigh high leather boots and exposure of bare skin thigh that is tattooed with an arrow pointing up that says “C**t up here”.

Now I Know I Just Want To Get Out Of The Chair and go home despite my wife’s derision.

But no, this apparition keeps talking and asks what kind of “Style” that I would like.

I look up into her face.

I see what looks like the resemblance of a person that has been struck by a German WWII grenade with a horribly degraded charge that had obviously gone off right directly in her face. There was more shrapnel stuck on her cheeks, eyebrows, nose, tongue and forehead than should have been survivable by any victim of a car bomb blast and could have ever survived.

I walked out right there and then, scared shi*less and thinking that I had died and gone to hell, and went home.

Wife “B” ragged me mercilessly about my apparent non-ability of preplanning such important events such as “HAIRdressin” . . .

I don’t care about that now. Please, please, PLEASE, nag me about that now wifey, but,

I gotta find a new barber in CYXD now that I’m moving there.

Anyone know one?

Please PM me if you do.

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