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Please Take a Moment

Kip Powick

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Thank you Kip. I received this yesterday and hope I am not breaking a copyright by posting it here. I found it very poignant.

A man from Ontario did this up for the RC's and it is being displayed at HQ outside the OC's office, and later will be transferred to an art gallery in Edmonton for 3 months.

Four Black Horses

Four black horses without riders

Galloped the Alberta plain;

Four black horses, sent from Depot

To bring the boys home again.

Four black horses with empty saddles

Race the cold prairie sun;

Four black horses arrive at the farmyard

As the last bullet leaves the gun.

Four black horses stand with heads bowed

Wait til the echoes subside;

Four black horses turn as they're mounted,

Now their heads held high with pride.

Four mounted policemen take hold of the reins

Spur their mounts holding lances high;

Four black horses, red serge in the saddles,

Disappear in the Alberta sky.

by Jim McGregor - Langley City Fire Department

A painting of four riderless black horses with a lone Mountie bowed head beside Canadian flag flying at half mast was donated to the RCMP.

I have the picture but do not know how to paste it here

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A painting of four riderless black horses with a lone Mountie bowed head beside Canadian flag flying at half mast was donated to the RCMP.

I have the picture but do not know how to paste it here

Make sure the picture is less than about 200kb. Look at the bottom of the posting panel when you "reply" and you will see a box that allows you to put in the info of where the picture is located in your computer. Find the picture in your computer, using the browse feature and fill in that box, it will be filled in automatically as soon as you show the "box" the route for the photo.

Note...you must add text in the large reply panel in order to be able to post a picture..type in something like..."here is the photo"...good luck and thanks for the posting...very nice..

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