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The GTAA files $41.8 M. claim against AC

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Clive's got some extra coin... how 'bout him? ;)

....or here's a better idea... Instead of the next guy who has a whim to start another airline in Canada pumping in all his cash, hiring all kinds of hapless people to get their lives jerked around for a while before finding themselves in the same boat only that much older and poorer.... how bout saving him the trouble and just using his money for it? :S

I just have an aversion to the sound of nails being driven into coffins right about now... that's all.

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Do all people at WJ have the same ennse of humour... Chill out and read the responses in the context they were written....

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Is this money owed since April 01 2003 or are they suing for money owed before the original bankruptcy filing?

If it is money owed since then, then they probably have a case??

The article is pitifully short of details.

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I can only guess Mav... It was little more than a headline wasn't it?... but maybe there's more "inside" for subscribers?... of which, I ain't one... and won't be.

So, whaddya say?... y'think you guys could front us the cash? :D

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Hmmmm.... some folks might be betting you'll have all the gates you need pretty soon.

But ok, I'll tell the boss you'd buy a couple for $41 million. ;)



PS... Hockey sucks anyway... check out NASCAR!

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...let's see now... uhhh...

- 12 billion debt

+ few bucks from GECAS

- a whole bunch per day for a while

+ $?.?? from some unknown investor

- $1.2 Billion owed to pension

+ $900 million on hand

- $41 million

.... ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-......ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-ticka-...



uhhhh ...Ya!... That's right, we have $900 million on hand. We're fine!

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Mitch I don't know what AC has or owes I just heard that on the news. Just trying to make sense out of what I hear these days.

I know what you're going to say..."If I wanted something that made sense aviation is the wrong place to be looking!"

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I'm lauging too RKM, but I think I should be cryin'. :( ....

Same here... trying to make sense out of a huge lot of information from a zillion sources and none of it compiled neatly to explain it all... that's a job for the experts.

I might have said that about making sense out of aviation, but you did. ;)



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I think what he means is that with your tantrums and outbursts, often uninformed, you come across clearly immature. I know many WJA employees and they are stand up people.

As I tried to explain to Maverick recently. WJA is a great little airline [in numbers and not spirit] with wonderful people. Why the inane need to defend yourself against every chain puller that happens bye?..

Chill man.. get a hobby, enjoy your life..

And I promise, no sarcasm in case you’re wondering. Be proud and secure in your airline and its successes.. Have a swell day.


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Guest bll_yyc

Ah Dragon there you are.

How 'bout those Flames eh ??

YYC is enjoying this immensly, been a long time coming, whatta party it has been so far.

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"YYC is enjoying it immensely"

And so you should Bill. No sour grapes here, just my congratulations.

As I noted earlier. Just call the game and may the best team win. Well, they did and well, they did. Best team won that is.

Enjoy your well deserved and long awaited party, and best of luck in the next round.


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"YYC is enjoying it immensely"

And so you should Bill. No sour grapes here, just my congratulations.

As I noted earlier. Just call the game and may the best team win. Well, they did and well, they did. Best team won that is.

Enjoy your well deserved and long awaited party, and best of luck in the next round.


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In my books, you've been placed into the "Minnisota" and "Anahiem" catagory. Yet I must support you as you a) beat MY team and B) are a Canadian team.

Go Canuck Go. (translation: go canadian team go) :)

Signed, angry, bitter, jealous, and supporting hockey fan.

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