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Bloody cops... go figure?

Mitch Cronin

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Driving home from work after my last night, I happened to have the misfortune of falling in behind a cop car just as we exited the 427 onto the 407 eastbound... There were 3 of them in the well marked highway cruiser, and it looked from behind to be not an OPP car... But rather than push the issue, I stayed about 100 ft behind him as he doddled along at between 130 and 140 kph... occasionally slowing as people in front of him eased off the speed because of his presence.

Eventually, after about 10 miles of that, he came upon a van in the left lane who slowed but wouldn't move... after waiting about a minute, I decided that was enough and I pulled into the middle lane and passed them both at a decent 125kph... As I went by I confirmed it was a Durham Region cop car... we wouldn't be in their jurisdiction for another 10 miles or so, but the words of someone here rang through my brain: "any cop can get you, anywhere" (or words to that effect), so I wasn't about to pick it up to my usual speed...

Soon he too pulled right into the middle lane to pass the van and I stayed where I was to let him pass me in the left lane... As he went by I glanced over and noticed the right seat cop grinning at me... I followed (still at a respectably healthy distance) again, up to about 140.

Suddenly, with no one in front of him, he started breaking... I slowed and closed the distance a bit... more breaking and again the distance closed... then he put his light show on the roof on for just a second, then resumed his pace, with me now wondering what the hell that was all about???

I reckoned they were upset that I figured if they could do 140, so could I. Or they were just playing games, trying to see if they could frighten me into slowing down?

I stayed at his speed 'til the end of the highway, but I kept well behind after that, especially after we entered Durham region...

It irks me that these buggers have free reign to do as they please, but if they weren't busy (my guess is two of them had gone for a ride to pick up the 3rd from the airport), they would (and have many times) nail me for doing that speed.

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Guest righthandman

Well if you can't beat'em...join'em. I tried this once before getting into aviation. I went down to the Toronto Metro police force and asked to get information on how to join. The first questions they asked of me were"How tall are you and how much do you weigh?". Then he asked if I always wear glasses. Finally he asked if I had grade 13 (back in '77). I replied I have a Bachelor Degree from mcGill to which he responded.."Yes but do you have grade13"?

So I said .."ah never" mind and left. True story.

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Guest righthandman

Well if you can't beat'em...join'em. I tried this once before getting into aviation. I went down to the Toronto Metro police force and asked to get information on how to join. The first questions they asked of me were"How tall are you and how much do you weigh?". Then he asked if I always wear glasses. Finally he asked if I had grade 13 (back in '77). I replied I have a Bachelor Degree from McGill to which he responded.."Yes but do you have grade13"?

So I said .."ah never" mind and left. So yeah, go figure.

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Guest righthandman

Well if you can't beat'em...join'em. I tried this once before getting into aviation. I went down to the Toronto Metro police force and asked to get information on how to join. The first questions they asked of me were"How tall are you and how much do you weigh?". Then he asked if I always wear glasses. Finally he asked if I had grade 13 (back in '77). I replied I have a Bachelor Degree from McGill to which he responded.."Yes but do you have grade13"?

So I said .."ah never mind" and left. So yeah, go figure.

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There's 2 things cops do that my own ethics would never allow me to do...

One is nabbing people for speeding. That, in my opinion, is the biggest single example of a non-crime, that's just used to feed money into the system (and excuse for insurance companies to double or tripple their charges!)

The second thing would be busting people for marijuana posession. I just can't justify considering that a crime, while allowing people to buy booze.

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There's 2 things cops do that my own ethics would never allow me to do...

One is nabbing people for speeding. That, in my opinion, is the biggest single example of a non-crime, that's just used to feed money into the system (and excuse for insurance companies to double or tripple their charges!)

The second thing would be busting people for marijuana posession. I just can't justify considering that a crime, while allowing people to buy booze.

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;) Now just because they get out of their great aluminum living rooms that they've been trying ever so carefully to maneuver so as not to spill people's martinis, and hop in their little cars and say to hell with passenger comfort, that doesn't mean they're bad drivers. Does it?

Or are you going to share an anecdote or two?

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Mitch, it seems I've heard stories similar to this from you before, on more than one occasion. You MUST be that little red flash I always see pass by me whenever I'm puttin' down the highway......with your premium wiper blades flappin' in the wind. :)

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"Finally he asked if I had grade 13 (back in '77). I replied I have a Bachelor Degree from McGill to which he responded.."Yes but do you have grade13"?"

One of the many tests an applicant faces contains a "do you pay attention to detail naturally" type of theme. Your answer above fails to meet the grade.

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Speeding is the single biggest factor in accidents. Most people have zero appreciation for the physics related to "mass in motion"; a fact easily observed on the 400 series highways.

Why blame the cops for enforcing the law? He's taken an oath to do just that. The politicians are the ones that create the law, not the cops.

Might there be a little bit of a "resentment of authority" attitude in you?

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There was an article in the CAA magazine that comes to the house about increasing vigilance with respect to vehicle infractions. Speeding, unsafe driving, moving violations and the sort.

The statistics presented show that when the police cracked down on moving violations, the general crime rate when down. Down by a significant amount.

When pulling people over for speeding and the like, the officers found driver's with expired licenses, no insurance, but more importantly they took a closer look at the vehicle being driven and found stolen goods, drugs, and firearms .

The statistics presented were quite logical - criminals, petty or otherwise, drive to and from their crimes. They found these criminals when they were more active in enforcing the rules of the road.

You might be "inconvenienced" by getting a ticket, for breaking the law I might add, but you are protected and served by the law enforcement community enforcing the law in your neighbourhood.

Something to think about?


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Guest M. McRae

Mitch not being familiar with your highways I must admit to being curious. Were you driving in excess of the posted speed??? If so then you should be happy that they cut you some slack. As "peace officers" they do have the right to issue you with a ticket even if they are not in their municipality.

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Guest Gino Under


What, in heaven's name, is the posted speed limit on the 407??? 140 km/h!!

If I could give you some free advice, it would be this.

Any person can make or file a complaint. In your case, a Police Car, out of jurisdiction, seems to YOU to be playing cat and mouse. First of all, this is unacceptable behavior for any motorist. Police officer or not. If you have the go nads, go into the Durham Regional Police HQ and, as long as you're prepared to identify the cruiser, by licence plate number and Cruiser number AND you can identify the driver, have them charged with speeding, if they are exceeding the limit or driving with undue care and attention by varying their speed and causing drivers sharing the road with them to NOT PASS. Also, if you have the evidence, you could charge them with obstructing traffic.

It's up to you.

No driver has to put up with that kind of behavior. From the Police or any motorist.

If you are prepared to swear out an information and give the evidence in Traffic Court, go for it!

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Guest acsidestick


Police vehicles, as well as Fire and Ambulance vehicles are required to obey all requirements of the Highway Traffic Act-including the speed limit- unless following the Act would impede the assignment they are currently dispatched to.

Also, they are required when "breaking the law" to give full audible and visual warning of their position and intent, unless (once again) use of lights and siren would impede the current dispatch. In other words, if he chooses to drive fast, he must use lights and siren AND write a report as to why.

In all such cases, a report must be filed stating why it was required to violate the Act. A review is then given and assesment of proper use of judgement made.

All that being said ----Ya Right. I'm willing to bet those get written all the time. My personal favorite is being passed at 130KPH just before the officer pulls into a Wendy's/Esso/Tim Horton's.

Wouldn't this be an interesting investigative report to see on T.V. The "soft corruption" of Law Enforcement.

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Argh.... Defcon, Steam, Malcolm... These guys were doing exactly as I was! The law is there for all, no? They were setting the pace, not me.

I can appreciate the need to keep the peace, and I respect police officers for having the balls to be cops. I don't resent authority, what I resent is one law for me, and none for them. Ok, it's not "none", but the speed limits are there for all of us. If they can ignore them and sing along at 140 in a posted 100 zone, then they ought to give me a break too!

I might add these guys sailed past the usual OPP trap sitting on the on-ramp at the York/Durham townline at 140, while I slowed for the bugger... and he, of course, ignored them, but he wouldn't have, and hasn't, ignored me.

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Argh.... Defcon, Steam, Malcolm... These guys were doing exactly as I was! The law is there for all, no? They were setting the pace, not me.

I can appreciate the need to keep the peace, and I respect police officers for having the balls to be cops. I don't resent authority, what I resent is one law for me, and none for them. Ok, it's not "none", but the speed limits are there for all of us. If they can ignore them and sing along at 140 in a posted 100 zone, then they ought to give me a break too!

I might add these guys sailed past the usual OPP trap sitting on the on-ramp at the York/Durham townline at 140, while I slowed for the bugger... and he, of course, ignored them, but he wouldn't have, and hasn't, ignored me.

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