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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. "They" don't have to shut down all facets of their "exploration". "now"...start slowly. People who have "real" jobs can justify their employment, however, how does one justify Moon/Mars junkets that cost billions when we have an ocean of pullution the size of Alaska floating between Hawaii and California that could use that money to just "start" to clean up the mess made by the inhabitants of this blue marble.?? That pollution is caused by humans and started to go out of control, only 10-15 years ago. Yeah, we can tell our grandkids we have been to the moon and as we all know....nothing there....... but in the meantime you don't have to fly or cruise to Hawaii, just drive on our man-made bridge of trash. Anyhow.... rant over, just one voice screaming into the wind....
  2. How does an aircraft remain aloft while inverted if all the lift is being created on the top of the wing, ........ While inverted the " flat bottom of a wing" ... (now being the "top" of the wing), can generate lift if the correct angle of attack is flown, normally a much higher angle of attack than flown when the aircraft is in level upright flight. Fully aerobatic aircraft have "special wings " which allow it to fly either upright or inverted but even then the critical factor is angle of attack, especially while inverted. Aerobatic aircraft are able to fly inverted by changing the angle of attack and based on my experience, one has to push the nose skyward to maintain level flight while inverted and maintaining the correct angle of attack. Depending on the aircraft type, that is an uncomfortable pilot position, but with practice it becomes bearable .
  3. This is quite interesting, and I would think, opens the door to lively discussion https://getpocket.com/explore/item/no-one-can-explain-why-planes-stay-in-the-air PS...I always thought the answer was PFM.
  4. Think about the four trips to the moon coming up......in fact think about the $$$$ expended on all this stuff and meanwhile we can't even keep this planet "green"
  5. The Artemis venture of which we have a Canadian on board Mission # i, is supposed to be composed of 4 shots to the moon. The total projected cost of these planned adventures will be approximately 90 BILLION (US) but estimated to be higher due to inflation......The redesigning on moon space suits has already surpassed 150 MILLION US NASA has spent 16 BILLION US just to find out there are no IHOPS on Mars No cost of the European JUICE venture yet .. Just imagine what we could do for this blue marble if we used that money to attempt to correct the mess we have made of the only liveable planet in our solar system....
  6. Must have run out of paint for # 3.....
  7. As you head for the machines, (if they were working), there would be an agent there asking if you have the APP. If you have it you would go to a different, (shorter in most cases), line. The line was not designated when I went in, I just walked to the agent and said I had the APP and she pointed to a line that had 10 or so people instead of 50 waiting to get to an agent.
  8. Yes, you would bypass all pax filling in a customs ENTRY card into USA. At CUSTOMS they want to screen Passport and they have all the relevant info of your MPC App because you have submitted it. Passport and MPC co-ordinate.....(one MPC filled out will clear entire family)
  9. Apple store SEARCH .......................... MOBILE PASSPORT CONTROL
  10. Don't know where the video was taken but that is a QANTAS logo on the luggage cart
  11. Last week..... AC to RSW If you don't have it , I would strongly suggest the MPC App. Made it a breeze to get through. Most folks were huddled around the screens, with MPC,..... a short line.
  12. The distance is pretty near equal but the time can be quite different depending on the traffic. From/to YHU one has to choose a bridge and sometimes the bridge traffic can be a bind. Pretty near equal I would think. Done it both ways YUL and YHU and never thought one was longer than the other.
  13. Remember the good old days.........learning cursive.....
  14. An enlightening conversation.....my new toys may fail me but such is life..I don't know how I survived for over 5 decades without them .(..wish we had a sarcastic font) Anyhow here is a good link that clarifies the ins and outs, and workings of the Apple Air tags and the Tiles.. https://www.safewise.com/apple-airtag-faqs/#:~:text=Does Apple AirTag need Wi,t work with Wi-Fi.
  15. If the phone showed bag in the terminal, why didn't she, or someone else, track it down using her phone.....it does tell you distance from phone and can be tracked Weird story but a good ending.....Agree with the quote above........if bag not on board, buy a toothbrush at destination and, then "have a go" at the airline...
  16. I used mine to make sure my luggage got off a DELTA flight and onto a WESTJET flight. They are handy...
  17. Well ...OK....but my question was asked BEFORE you corrected it and posted it.....or maybe you corrected it while I posted my question ....so technically....you may be correct ........but not by the actual recorded posting times. Mine now deleted so confusion among the readers will reign supreme !!!!
  18. Canadian carrier WestJet intends to begin flying Boeing 737-800 cargo aircraft next month after having received the required regulatory approvals. The Calgary-based airline on 20 March said it had received from Transport Canada “approval and official certification” for four 737-800 Boeing Converted Freighters (BCFs). The company intends to place three of those jets into service “expeditiously”, with the first aircraft set to begin flying on 22 April. A fourth 737-800BCF remains in the passenger-to-freighter conversion process and will likely enter service “later this year”, WestJet says. The airline is launching the new cargo operation under a partnership with aviation services company GTA Group, which is based near Toronto. GTA’s subsidiaries provide aviation logistics, cargo, e-commerce, grand-handling and other services. “Today is a long-awaited milestone… that will now enable us to disrupt the air cargo industry in Canada,” says WestJet executive vice-president of cargo Kirsten de Bruijn. The operation will give shippers a new competitive cargo option and increase air-cargo capacity within the country, she adds. WestJet in March 2022 disclosed its plan to operate 737-800 freighters under a business arrangement with GTA, saying the aircraft will fly “overnight express cargo services” from Toronto. “The dedicated freighters will initially focus service within North America, serving Calgary, Halifax, Toronto, Vancouver, Los Angeles and Miami,” WestJet says. “WestJet Cargo’s dedicated freighter routes will further connect to the bellies of WestJet’s fleet, serving to accommodate the diverse needs of cargo customers in leveraging the airline’s expansive network.” WestJet has not elaborated on the specifics of the GTA partnership. Its fleet currently includes three stored 737-800BCFs that will be “operated for” GTA, according to Cirium data. Those jets are managed by aircraft lessor and management company BBAM.
  19. Perhaps there is some validity to what you have posted, however, my two cents...how did two pilots returning from SIM get involved with discussing fraternization with cabin crew ........unless their instructor may have got "burned" by being up close and too personal with a member of the cabin crew and, as a result of his 'problem', issued "his" warning. I think it is a mistake to "assume" it was HR, unless that is a new class for "new-hires". ((I never met a HR employee in my entire carreer )) Personal social paranoia is everywhere now , perhaps because of the total access to the Internet and many of the social platforms people frequent. Before I was punted through the goal posts, I flew with a fellow pilot who had what looked like a ball-point pen but was an actual mini voice recorder.....He turned it on everytime a female FA entered the cockpit......... why ??? I didn't ask. Best crew "teamwork" ?? WD and Canadian....
  20. So you have a roll-aboard.......but is an inch or so, maybe two inches, too long....... On some roll-aboards you can remove the wheels Dunno when you can put the wheels on again, maybe walking down the jet way ?? Follow me for more questionable, and more than likely, useless travel information.
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