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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. That guy has to get a grip on reality, Never heard a guy have an organism while watching an aircraft land......
  2. I have taken the liberty of posting this information here in the NON AVIATION FORUM and will duplicate it in the regular AEF forum in hopes that anyone interested gets to see this. I have never been a victim of a scam but I do receive at least one TEXT a week from an unknown person(s) with local and out of country originating telephone numbers. Most of the texts are one line, for example ; Are you OK? I tried to call but did not get an answer Haven't heard from you for quite some time, are you ignoring me? I hope you have a great time during the holidays, let's catch up. Obviuosly I DO NOT RESPOND and delete all similar Texts. I know it is hard time for alot of people with thew sag in the economy but view/listen and perhaps you know someone who might benefit from this link, especially those that feel they can easily make a lot of money with little effort. https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/12/22/myanmar-pig-butchering-scams-watson-pkg-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn
  3. I have taken the liberty of posting this information here in the AVIATION FORUM and will duplicate it in the NON AVIATION forum in hopes that anyone interested gets to see this. I have never been a victim of a scam but I do receive at least one TEXT a week from an unknown person(s) with local and out of country originating telephone numbers. Most of the texts are one line, for example ; Are you OK? I tried to call but did not get an answer Haven't heard from you for quite some time, are you ignoring me? I hope you have a great time during the holidays, let's catch up. Obviuosly I DO NOT RESPOND and delete all similar Texts. I know it is hard time for alot of people with the sag in the economy but view/listen and perhaps you know someone who might benefit from this link, especially those that feel they can easily make a lot of money with little effort. https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/12/22/myanmar-pig-butchering-scams-watson-pkg-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn
  4. I was good to go until he started to fondle the side stick.....
  5. Let them "slag".....none of the arlines in Canada are begging for customers and realistic people will read the "slag", consider the source, and think "get over it and move on". I have never heard of a disgrunteled customer driving an airline into a cash flow problem.
  6. Flight is fully booked, after all it is SuperBowl weekend, Christmas, etc.....who gives up their seat so Terry Tubby can have two seats ??? What is the compensation given to the person who gives up their seat ?? (It better be really big "bucks") What happens if no one wants to give up their seat.....? Does Terry Tubby have to wait for another flight??? If Terry Tubby shows up with a ticket for one seat, (fully booked flight), and needs two, this policy has really puts the Gate Agent in a very bad spot. I have a feeling that SW has not put out a public announcement that they are holding back two or three seats to accommodate these "Larger" people and will sell the seat to anyone on the "standby list if no Terry type people show up. If you have watched any of the drunks trying to get on a flight, (You Tube), you can imagine the chaos at the gate if a Terry type shows up for a sold out flight , with a single seat ticket, and suddenly tells the Gate Agent he needs two seats. .
  7. CAUTION This thread has drifted off course, as you may have discovered, (some posts deleted) Please try to stay on AIRLINE/AVIATION TOPICS
  8. And 37 years later......."" Clearly stated under the item description are the words: “UNKNOWN IF AIRCRAFT CAN FLY, HAS NOT BEEN MAINTAINED.” and if you look further the "MEL/No FLY " list is quite a read. For $10,000.00 you are getting a bunch of plastic and metal that won't even guarantee you can recoup your "gift" cost by stripping and recycle.
  9. Gotcha didn't I, my friend....nothing like a good ha-ha Sunday morning. Just funnin you buddy
  10. We had great AME line support on the T-Rex back in CP but one aspect of ground ops went for crazy after the accident at Dryden. Deicing became a nightmare. With the T-rex, if it was cold soaked, one could taxi out with an inch or more snow on the wings and it would blow off, during taxi or at least on the take-off roll, but CP hired a guy , Mr. Anticer, or a name like that, and he would run around and check all the planes and if you had a snow flake on the wing he would hold up a big sign that said; YOU MUST DEICE or I'M GONNA TELL ON YOU I retired before him, I think, and as rumour had it, things ran more efficiently when he retired as well. Doesn't matter where you work, there is always one guy like that.........
  11. From the Bleachers I have had, in my opinion, the greatest careers of my life courtesy aviation, both Mil and the Airline Industry. Often when initiating conversations with people that I have never met before, it always gets around to ....... "What do you do ?" "I'm retired." Oh, lucky you. What did you retire from?" I was a Directional Consultant For High Speed Aluminum and Plastic Tubing" Normally, the questioner will not persue the topic, perhaps in fear of not really knowing what my past profession was and will stroll into another topic. However, for those that ask for an explanation, I merely state that I WAS a pilot and I hope the converstaion takes a turn. For those that want to delve a bit deeper into my past employment there almost always comes the question........ "Of all the countries you have been in , which would be your favourite?" "The land of "round door knobs", and we are presently standing in it"
  12. Will take time, I guess, sorta like the shingles shots.....we paid $200.00 each for those shots years ago and now they are free for us older generation. RSV vaccinations may do the same thing for elders....hopefully
  13. About 3 weeks ago, after having my COVID booster and flu shot two weeks prior, I had a great week with RSV That was 8 days of short sleep nites, so much so that I went to my office and rolled back the desk chair, feet on the desk and got 2 1/2 hours of sleep for 3 nites through the adventure. Biggest problem was chest congestion which was eased by sitting up........went through every box of Kleenex in the house with coughing and spitting. Yes........... if I was travelling this holiday season, in anything other than my car, I would be masked up with the best mask available, N95 of which have 3 left.
  14. When it comes to commissions, Verman and another travel agency owner believe the issue could be partially resolved with a minimum commission fee per booking for travel agencies And if they get a minimum comission for each booking, I wonder who will be paying that ADDITIONAL buried fee.???....I'm just saying...
  15. Yeh, you have to watch out for Scams ......I have had to call a different number 4 times in the past 4 days to tell them I don't have Netflix. I even gave them a copy of my bank statement to show them that I have never paid for Netflix and a photo copy of my credit card to show them that the card they have, is not in my name ........ finally got the calls stopped.....not one call today.
  16. And they all sang at the G20 Conference Les plaisirs de la technologie.mp4
  17. Well if the pilots were used to having their ground handlers always doing the "chocking" perhaps it is not done that way in Guam. In the C-130 we had the FE who put the aircraft up for the night and it was his responsibility to "chock" , dress the props, and lock the doors no matter where we were..... except at home base. If the USAF used contract handlers, perhaps the handlers assumed the crew would look after securing the aircraft .......and perhaps the crew walked away figuring it would be done. As I recall, there were no Jet Ways so the aircraft wasn't towed after being at a Jet Way and because it was going to be loaded, they probably ramped out on the tarmac upon arriva and used Air Stairs to get off the aircraft. Another thing..I have read all the reports and they all state that the (CF) aircraft bounced forward about 24-25 feet after the collision but the photo shows both aircraft almost"glued" together ??? I believe the aircraft (CF) rolled backwards, with a brisk wind against the port side of the rudder and with no chocks the aircraft started to roll backwards in a large gentle arc and impacted the other aircraft just as the CF aircraft had its nose into wind...I am assuming that because of the position of the nosewheel, which is almost straight at impact.
  18. If memory serves me correctly,(WD), when parking, the parking brake is applied and when ground crew give an indication the nosewheel is chocked, the parking brake is released. Kind of weird if there was absolutely no chocks on any wheels, especialy on that ramp. Been at Anderson a few times and as you can see the ramp is sloped toward the grass on purpose. The slope allows torrentiual rain to flow off the ramp and not pool.
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