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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. ................they regularly visit and might not see the announcement. That's how a lot of pilots died...you gotta always check your 6, 3, and 9....head on a swivel....
  2. Been on a few cruises...A ship this size doesn't interest me. Would be like cruising with over 8600 Torontonians on a barge..
  3. As we get older, it has been ascertained, by the younger set, that the elderly spend their time standing on their lawn yelling at clouds.... In my case I don't think that is true, or at least not yet, but...I am annoyed. BEGINNING OF RANT 1) From where did this expression "Bro" creep in? It seems if an individual does not know your name they insist on calling you "Bro". I have reached the point where I instinctively answer "I am not your Bro, you can call me by "my name", or "sir", but drop this "Bro" bull shet. 2) Fake News... Another term that has crept into our langauage and seems to always be the answer to dialogue that does not fit in with the narrative or opinion of another person. Using "FAKE NEWS" appears to be easier than actually contradicting a statement with actual facts and or having a civil discussion / argument. Many of those screaming FAKE NEWS are using questionable sources on the Internet as the biblical standard for what they consider as actual REAL News....and we all know that, very often, the standard and validity of any information taken from the internet can be questionable. Another reason for an individual yelling FAKE NEWS is that they don't have a reasonable or factual answer to an opinion that they differ from. 3) Obliquely insulting a person who does not see, or accept, your point of view weakens dialogue and can merely make the poster's comments less meaningful... Every forum on the Internet is there to exchange ideas and pass on information. In the adult world and "parenting world" it is expected that civility and courtesy is at the forefront during a conversation, no matter the difference of opinion. The reason so much of this questional verbal diarrhea is prevelant on forums is because members of the forums can hide behind a pseudonym, which is their right, I have no problenm with that but................perhaps some using a pseudonym should stop and ask themselves "would I talk like this if I was face to face with this other individual?" before they press the POST button. END OF RANT Week-end coming so once again I wil drive two hours to watch my grandaughter get about 11 minutes on the ice during another hockey game
  4. Will pass on the desire for those books to my kids as a Christmas present to me .... .
  5. It is unfortunate that there is no video of the actual removal of the vessel. Attempting to remove the boat in the condictions as depicted in the video was a futile venture. ,Yes the boat was quite safe on the beach but the constant pounding on the hull would be detrimental to all the, below waterline, running gear and I would assume the owner requested it be removed ASAP. The bottom of the hull would slowly be rubbed "raw" by the constant "sanding" on the fibre glass as well, so again, if it was possible, it should have been removed as soon as possible but the weather conditions were certainly unfavourable. As well I would assume that the tow company wanted to cover their butt by showing that they attempted to remove the boat but it was just too dangerous and their policy "out" is "Act of God" (weather totally untenable and risk to personnel too great).
  6. Agree......My anchor chain windlass is direct to battery with 80 amp breaker. Ready for "free-fall" in 30 seconds. From the crew, they said the fire system went off unexpectedly, most likely an error in the system due to ruff seas. When the system goes off, it shuts down both mains and generator. Wow, must be advanced technology. My fire suppression system is like an aircraft.....Have to pull a T-Handle to activate the supression system....non-electric...all mechanical.
  7. Re The Boat Ashore. TOW BOAT USA is a very reputable firm and I even had a policy with them if something went wrong with my boat while I was in US waters. I find it hard to believe that the crews thought they would get that boat off the shore in that weather. That vessel running gear would be so buried in that sand and would be acting like two anchors, (twin egines), and considering the weight of the boat and pounding surf, and attempting to turn the boat broadside while in the sand would be a futile exercise. I guess they thought connecting the tow line to the bow would allow them to pivot the boat and drag it off the shore and of course the line snapped. Had they had a chain and had the power in the tow boat, the chain would have probably pulled the bow apart ...there was no way that boat, at that weight was going to move off the shore with a tow line connected to the bow, in that kind of weather. Will be a gigantic insurance claim and I bet all the running gear will have to be replaced. Obviously we don't know when and where they had complete engine failure but rule #1...... when you lose all steering control is to DROP THE ANCHOR...
  8. This one is kinda weak... So let us cherish this gift of grace, The magic of flight, a wondrous chase. In the realm where birds and dreams take wing, We find our joy, in the art of flying. I can't remember English classes that far back, but I think, maybe the "iambic pentameter" (?), could be tilted here ..Anyway in my old mind the last two lines don't seem to jell.
  9. Hope nobody saw that...... I 'm not IFR qualified.
  10. FROM CNN Emerson had his most recent FAA medical examination last month, records show. He has a first-class medical certificate, the highest level of medical certificate awarded by the agency, which requires examinations every six months for pilots 40 and over. Emerson has worked in aviation for at least two decades, according to information shared by Alaskan Airlines. He first joined the Alaska Air Group in 2001 as a first officer with Horizon. In 2012, Emerson left Horizon and joined Virgin America as a pilot. After Alaska Airlines acquired Virgin America in 2016, Emerson became a first officer with Alaska and worked about three more years to become a pilot for the airline, according to the airline statement. “Throughout his career, Emerson completed his mandated FAA medical certifications in accordance with regulatory requirements, and at no point were his certifications denied, suspended or revoked,” Alaska Airlines said in a statement. FAA records show Emerson held an Airline Transport Pilot certification with ratings to fly the Airbus A320, Boeing 737, Canadair Regional Jet, and De Havilland Dash 8. He did not hold a certification to fly the ERJ 175, those records indicate, the type of airplane in use during Sunday’s incident.
  11. I wonder, because he IS A PILOT , if he will NOT be placed on the "No Fly" list
  12. Trust the Press.......even the photo of the individual is a mirror image
  13. I wonder if he knows what a DC3 really looks like........as far as I am concerned, those are not DC 3 wings, at least they don't look like the wings of the DC3s I have flown.
  14. Used to clean the F-86 turbines by throwing a bucket of walnuts in the intake while the engine was running but then again dirt and straw was not the issue
  15. I think you found it........they will probably want it back
  16. https://www.military-history.org/behind-the-image/behind-the-image-b-52-storage-area-davis-monthan-air-force-base-arizona.htm Little history of the B-52 In case you were wondering According to the US Air Force, the cost of an an individual B-52 ran to about $84 million (in 2012 dollars; or $9.28 million in 1962). A total of 742 B-52s were built with the last, a B-52H S/N 61-0040, delivered in October 1962. About 76 B-52 aircraft are still on active duty.
  17. What happens when you practice to really impressive the spectators at a pending airshow and fly "outside" the envelope".. Only viewable on You Tube via link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-S_NM--evM&t=12s
  18. One only has to look at the stats concerning "Traffic Stops" and post fatal accidents to get an idea how many people out there, both young and old, DO NOT wear a seatbelt. Canoodle ??? I have only owned cars that have/had centre consoles . Canoodle .....Isn't that what the back seat was for...... plus more advanced canoodling ???
  19. Sent to one of my granddaughters who just turned 16 Looks better in full screen FOR ANNA.mp4
  20. In reality we all know, it doesn't matter what passengers do, the price of a ticket is not going to fall even if all airlines only carry the "Thin Twins"......
  21. The incident can be found here..................... http://www.avherald.com/h?article=50e4701a&opt=0 Initial posting removed inorder to abide by AVHearld guidelines
  22. This link will give you various media outlets take on the CFB Trenton Base Commander who allegedly shot at protected wildlife from a boat and then disposed of the weapon in the Murray canal (Trenton). The weapon was later found by divers. https://www.google.com/search?q=cfb+trenton+base+commander+charged&oq=base+commander+charged&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCAgBEAAYFhgeMgYIABBFGDkyCAgBEAAYFhgeMgoIAhAAGIYDGIoFMgoIAxAAGIYDGIoFMgoIBBAAGIYDGIoFMgoIBRAAGIYDGIoF0gEJMTQ2MzNqMWo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
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