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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. Officially, from DND or the RCAF, I don't think you will ever hear them ....unless someone, who wishes to be anonymous , wants to put them out there.
  2. I'm sorry, I don't follow you.... are you advocating that we, pilots, want to have the ability to erase a CVR. . If not, who is erasing the CVRs.....?.......as far as I know pilots can not erase the CVR. If the erase function of a CVR is disabled how to we lose the most important tool of an accident investigation?? As you can tel...I'm a little confused
  3. Details here................................... https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/27/us/maryland-small-plane-crash-power-lines/index.html
  4. Yesterday, my oldest grandaughter, ( age 16) played a good game of hockey and as per usual we waited until she changed, met her in hallway, and started to walk toward her Father's car.. She seemed pretty quiet so I just asked her.. "How's it going?" She replied, "Oh pretty good but I have to tell you sometrhing I have not yet told my Mom and Dad or my sister" "What do you want to tell me?' ., I asked She said , "Grandpa, I'm transgender " "Oh my....and how did this come about?", I gently asked Well, she said, "I used to be invisible, but now I'm Transparent. " Haha...Gotcha Grandpa
  5. The link above has many articles and one is about Quantas FA's going on strike....here is a screen shot of the FA's walking from the aircraft Click the photo to enlarge.....if you wish
  6. Doesn't matter how good you think you are, no one is at 100% when their circadian rhythm is out of sync due to a "black" flight.
  7. In 2019 my All Inclusive scuba vacation (via TS), in San Andres,(ADZ), was cut short when I awoke one morning to see a sheet of paper had been slipped under my room’s door. Basically, the note said I was to leave “tomorrow” and if I chose not to, I would have to find my own way home. Obviously, I took the flight back to Canada. (Pandemic was starting) I was given a refund / voucher for the two missed weeks down south and advised I had to be booked by 31 DEC 2022 for any flights by TS in 2023. In the meantime, TS cancelled all future flights to ADZ. I figured I would book a trip now for a flight out west on TS , perhaps in the Spring or Fall. My contact in ADZ advised me that Sunwing was flying into ADZ so In October I booked with WG for a flight in March 2023 for 3 weeks of scuba . Rec’d an email Wednesday that WG has cancelled all flights to ADZ until “possibly” next April. Offered a refund for my down payment or take a different vacation and receive $100.00 voucher toward the “new” trip. I have been given 7 days to make a decision or lose my REFUND. I can work my way down to ADZ by AC to Bogota and take a local Columbian airline back to ADZ, however, when that is all worked out with a hotel etc., it becomes quite expensive……An All Inclusive package from Canada is always less expensive and not as time consuming with respect to travel. Took 2 ½ days to get through to Sunwing………taking the refund... I feel like... good old Joe Btfspik Hope you have a nice weekend
  8. B-737-200...sometimes old is good ( loved the T-Rex ) Quantas FA's ....The offer sounds like a fair deal but then again who knows the complete story ?....... PS....I wouldn't want to get too lippy with the red-headed FA in the photo..
  9. Thanks for the tip re Mayday. When I was stationed in USA I had a close friendship with two USAF pilots , one ended up on the C-5 and the other C130 and we kept in touch, (still are in touch and they too are retired), and I was advised about the B737-200 incident in Dubrovnik by the C130 driver as he was aware that I was on the B737 with CP. He had pretty bare details about the accident but did say that the initial cause was attributed to poor navigation between two ADF beacons that took them into a mountain.. Later he advised that there was also a wrong MDA on the charts they were using. I watched the Mayday tonight and I wish they had defined the exact details of the instrument panel. I do know that back bearings from an ADF are not as reliable as the front bearings so I am of the opinion that they might have made it had they kept the ADF on the Beacon at the airport rather than switching between the two beacons. We all know how critical it is to be ON TRACK when tracking to a beacon and based on the topography I would be happier to be SW of the track rather than NE. I was not aware that they had INS ......never have seen that in a 737. Was not aware of VIPs on board. The "Brass Hats" certainly took a hit after the investigation.
  10. In 1973 I was stationed at 412 (T) Squadron in YOW flying the Cosmo, (CV580),. About every 3 months a full crew would fly ,( Mil Service Air on B707), to Lahr Germany and spend 2 or 3 weeks flying out of Lahr to many points in Europe. I happened to be over there to do a pre-Captain course check ride on a fellow pilot when I was asked if I could get General Fred Sharpe, Chief of Defense Staff, (CDS), into Dubrovnik Yugoslavia as he was supposed to attend some important meeting there and did not want to fly to Italy and then take a helo to Dubrovnik. There were no instrument charts available for any approach into Dubrovnik back then so the only option was to fly IFR until we were nearly encroaching on Yugoslavia’s airspace and, weather permitting, we would do the final part VFR. We looked at a lot of topographic charts of the area and I discussed the plan with the Aide to the CDS and he got back to me and said the CDS wanted to give it a go and if weather precluded a direct flight to Dubrovnik we were to take him to Rome and there would be a helo ready to take him over to Yugoslavia. Itineraries got fouled up and our time of departure from Lahr meant a night arrival at Dubrovnik but the weather looked like it would be good VFR. I put the “Captain- to- be” in the left seat and I took the right seat as I kinda felt that language problems and night VFR flight in a mountainous area could be rather stressful for the other fellow. In all honesty, I felt I could read a topo map better than he could . Things went pretty well and we cancelled IFR with Italian ATC and called Dubrovnik tower for landing information, then things stated to go south, all the while we are heading for the airport and the tower controller’s English was as good as my Croatian. The tower did give us the wind and the runway in use but kept asking us for authorization info and that was supposed to have been handled by Foreign Affairs etc. Between trying to give calm and clear answers, and map reading and maintaining situational awareness, it was a busy night. As you can see on Google Earth the runway is close to the water but also has mountains to the NE and East. The city is located to the south east of the airport so there aren’t many ground feature lights to help the approach. I got the young fellow to do a tight left base and a steep final and we landed to the NW. As soon as we slowed down the tower told us to” take the next taxi way on the left, shut down the engines when clear of the runway, remain on the aircraft and you are all under arrest”. Naturally we thought this was a joke but reality set in when a military vehicle rushed over and parked in front of the nosewheel, four armed guards jumped out and a not so very polite man demanded the air stairs be dropped and the Captain report to him. In the meantime, General Sharpe was standing by the airstairs activation lever wondering why the stairs were not down. I gave him a brief explanation of what we thought was going on and put the stairs down but suggested he stay on the aircraft until things were sorted out. Long story short…A heated discussion with someone, who apparently was in charge, about why we were there and why no “papers? In the meantime, a black staff car pulled up and General Sharpe was allowed to leave. We were told to start engines and follow the military vehicle and were parked a long distance away from the terminal. We were escorted off the plane by one armed guard, had to put our luggage on the tarmac for a cursory search, and then marched into the old terminal and told to produce our Passports, which they kept. It took close to an hour to go through all these procedures and once again we were advised that we were all under arrest and to get into a black panel van, with no windows and were driven to a hotel , escorted in with two armed guards, one of which spoke a little bit of English We were taken to a hotel floor, shown our rooms and advised that if we wanted to eat we all had to eat in the restaurant at the same time with the two guards present. We had a bit of a fun filled, but stressful dinner, nervous laughter dominated, and we all had to leave the restaurant at the same time and were escorted to our rooms once again. Next morning our doors were banged on to alert us that we had to meet in the hallway to go down for breakfast , back up in the room for our gear, back in the windowless van and to the airport. Escorted into a small room, given our Passports back, and escorted to the aircraft where our armed guards left us but stayed in their vehicle as we did a pre-flight. Just on speculation I called tower and asked if they had a flight plan for us and they stated they did have one and they were sending out some papers containing weather information. There was only one other problem. The surface wind was a stiff onshore wind , almost 90 degrees to the runway at 35 kts with gusts up to 40 kts. General Sharpe arrived and asked me if we could get off with the wind and I advised him we could but it would be rough until we got out of the surface wind. This was the only time in my life that I did a takeoff using differential power on the Cosmo. I had full power on the into wind engine and just over, about 60 % on the downwind engine….lots of rudder and aileron and stayed on the runway until about 15 knots past normal takeoff speed and when she lifted off, most flight controls and engine power went to “normal’ and the aircraft weather cocked into the wind as we climbed away…It was not that turbulent as we gained altitude. Normal flight back to Lahr. I believe it was as late as 1996 that a USAF modified B737 crashed at Dubrovnik when the crew strayed off course doing the ADF procedure into Dubrovnik. Their charts had the wrong MDA and the aircraft only had one ADF receiver, which they kept switching back and forth.( see red arrows on chart for Beacon locations at time of crash). They ended up North of the required track, too low and hit a mountain top. All perished in the accident.
  11. Let us hope this is one stupid idea that never gets off the ground. I am pretty positive the pilot unions would shut down the entire world wide aviation industry before this transition ever took place.
  12. Based in Ireland.... https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/fly-atlantic-low-cost-airline-belfast/index.html
  13. Try here........Lansdowne (Thousand Islands Bridge) https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/do-rb/offices-bureaux/223-eng.html That is where my wife and I were interviewed, just prior to the Thousand Island Bridge, (Canada Side )
  14. The comment that hit me was the link to "aviation sector net zero emissions by 2050". I don't think that will ever happen because, in my opinion, electric commercial aircraft are not viable and neither are hydrogen driven aircraft feasible. There is an easy way to cut carbon emissions in aviation however, it is painful for all concerned. Cut the number of flights originating in Canada and arriving in Canada. For example .... I understand that most readers want the convenience of hourly flights between YYZ and YOW and no one remembers when there was, maybe three flights a day in that area..... Why do we have hourly flights ??? Can the pax not arrange their lives around a fewer flights schedule??? They did it before and everyone survived. Yes, that would result in less airplanes and less employees and less for the greedy corps but at the present time there are so many flights everywhere and LCC don't help with the LOW prices.....I'm sure many can remember when flying was a privilege and not what so many feel is now a "right". We need less flights and an increase in fares and the public should accept that cold fact. Yes, I know not one iota of my thoughts will ever happen because the industry is driven by one thing ....$$$.... and there is no way all airlines will mutually agree to cut services to help save the planet for future inhabitants..Kinda sad, but the current situation is what we call, (sarcasm font not available), " progress". Tin Hat, respirator, and fireproof accessories standing by DKP
  15. Flew into an airport in Europe and my entire crew was arrested...scary time
  16. And....more here.................. http://www.avherald.com/
  17. Good possibility, but I have read that the "Air Boss" could be in the deep "doo-doo" for allowing a conflict with the "fighters" doing their show with the B-17 still "centre" stage. I would imagine the NTSB will have a a large input as the show was primarly run by civies, however, most of the players , (in the entire show),were ex military or civies that owned aircraft.
  18. Decades ago I spent a lot of time flying in and out of Thule, Greenland as that was our jump-off point for CFS Alert. I think there might be many pilots that are not aware that the runway surface at Thule was WHITE with RED markings up until about 2013. The WHITE paint adversely affected braking action but for C-130s it was no big deal. WHITE was meant to reflect the summer sun from warming the runway and having it sink into the perma frost areas After a long study in 2013 it was decided not to paint the runway WHITE any more, and it is now a normal ashphalt runway. Pictures of the WHITE runway can be found on Goggle and Google Earth will now show a normal asphalt colored runway.
  19. The single engine was probably looking left, looking for more of his group up in the air, and never saw the B-17. There is little consolation in the death of anyone driving an aircraft but as far as the B-17 crew, based on the video, they didn't have time to say WTF?
  20. So nothing happens and I would imagine AC will take it to the SCOC if they are pushed by more legal minions to start coughing up some cash.
  21. That is Number 6 of 17 RCAF "J" models that were purchased over a decade ago.
  22. Really sad. The flight deck had to be really trashed if they could not get the side windows open from the inside..
  23. Tell the story.......this is an aviation/airline EMPLOYEE forum....spill your guts You tell yours and I will tell you mine..I have two, one as a student pilot and one as a Qualified Jet Instructor/Check Pilot....both, milliseconds from death
  24. Sorry to hear of your loss. Sounds like your Dad was a "real" pilot, a breed long gone and a breed that will never return. I'm probably in the minority, but I don't think your education has much to do with your personal desire, ambition, and willingness to put forth your best ability to succeed and be the best, in the aviation Industry. Seems so many young adults feel they are "entitled", and with very little effort or desire, will be catapulted to the top..
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