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Canada Begins to Pay.....

Guest WA777

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Guest jeanmermoz

He is right...because it is not a war on Iraq it is the battle for Iraq in a war that only the idiots in Washington knows where it will stop.

More and more bits of info or intelligence are coming out confirming that this battle is not to free the Iraq people but for global geopolitical and economic control.

But like all the empires before this one will fall and this fall will be extremely hard on the americans.

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Guest uwochris

Governments around the world have sat on their thumbs long enough to do anything about Sodamn Insane. The only reason he is still in power is because of the oil.

The USA already paid for the consequences waiting to act against the Taliban Regime. Had the USA or the UN dealt with Osama long ago, these problems would most likely be a non-issue. Both Sadam and Osama posed threats to the USA and to the "free world" long before action was ever taken to liberate their citizens, however, nothing was ever done. Has Sadam ever complied with UN inspections? Has he ever complied with the Oil For Food Program? Has he ever complied with the No Fly Zones? No, no and no!

Since Sadam's reign, it is estimated 1 Million Shi'as were executed, and over 300,000 Kurds killed. He continues to light his oil fields on fire poisoning the environment and his own citizens. He has people execute that disagree with him or belittle him publicly. How can we stand here and do nothing against such a tyrant?

Don't get me wrong, I am by no means a supporter of the war; however, if governments around the world continue to let world leaders like Sadam oppress their citizens, far more harm will result.

I realize many Palestinians have been murdered too, but when will this ever end? The Jews and the Palestinians keep going back and forth in their killings of each other. Something needs to be done.

War is wrong, but so is letting a man like Sadam remain in power.

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The wonderful thing about living in a democracy whether here or the US, is that people can voice their displeasure of the gov't's actions with fearing for their lives.

All those that oppose the war, carry on with your protests, carry on with your rants about imperialists, and the war for oil. Carry on with your name calling and distorting of facts. Carry on with your picking apart of history.

I'll sit back, and pray for the soldiers and innocents, and hope that it will be over soon. I'll be content in the knowledge that good men and women are putting themselves in harms way in order to rid the world of a cancer. I'll be content in the knowledge that there are those that will do what needs to be done, despite the protests. I'm not naive enough to think there are not a multitude of reasons for the war. All governments have their own agenda's. I can accept the coalitions.

Go ahead and protest, it's your right, because some people long ago decided that right was worth fighting for.

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Excellent post as well CA. Both of you guys have pretty much summed up my feelings on the subject.
Democracy comes with a price...our fathers & their fathers realized that...many of them making the ultimate sacrifice so that we can enjoy a free society.
Freedom of expression is paramount...it's our foundation. Yet, I believe that there is a degree of truth to what DEFCON & Rob A. stated below. I feel that a number of these demonstrations against the war have reached a point where they are an "asset" to Saddam & his ilk...and an insult to those defending the free world.

But what the hell do I know...I'm only an ex-overpaid Ramp Rat.......trying to make a buck in an imperialistic society.

Here's hoping it's over quickly.

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The situation in Iraq is going to have to be dealt with sooner or later. There are some like our esteemed PM who would put it off for someone else to do later, (even though the loss of life would undoubtedly be much greater), or you have the Yanks who are prepared to deal with it now, and not pass the buck.

As usual they get stuck doing the hard stuff the others aren't prepared to face.

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When in England at a fairly large conference, Colin
Powell was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury if
our plans for Iraq were just an example of empire
building by George Bush.

He answered by saying that "Over the years the US has
sent many of its great young men and women into great
peril to fight for freedom beyond our borders. The
only amount of land we have ever asked for is
enough to bury those that did not return."

Powell's comment pretty much silenced the room

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Guest Soarcerer

Well said Chris.,

We are paying a big price for the 8 years of Clinton's administration, and now the Bush people are left with this mess.

There are some very nasty people out there who take advantage of any aparent weakness in the west. (They also view democracies as a very weak form of governance.)

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Wrong! It was the debating society (UN) that failed to remove Saddam. The older Bush carried out the UN mandate of the day (not without mistakes) and concluded the assault. Yes, today we all wish that Saddam would have been taken out back then however.....

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Bush, however, failed to help the Kurdish and Shi'ite uprising after Desert Storm, when it turned out Saddam wasn't as weak as the U.S. thought.

Certainly Saddam is a vile dictator and it would be a good thing to see him gone. I just don't buy the line that Bush is doing this in the interest of the Iraqi people.

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Guest Soarcerer

If you truly feel this way and you also live in Canada are you packing your bags and getting ready to flee?

You must feel totally exposed to danger living along the longest undefended border in the world.

If the Americans had an ulterior motive in Iraq, they would have stayed in 1991. The simple fact that they left back then clearly proves you wrong.

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I agree, the US gov is not the good guy they'd like us to believe they are. IMO, it's up to the populace to understand their gov and demand the fix to obvious problems.

It would also be MHO that Bush senior should have gone back to the UN and demanded another resolution to finish off Saddam for once and for all. He didn't, the rest of the world (UN) sat on their collective butts, Saddam regrouped, and thousands perished.

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Guest Soarcerer

Altruism aside,..... what is the choice here?
1) wait for the UN to oust the nasty people?

2) Just do it!

The is painfully obvious and it is not helped along by people who adopt your position. Nonetheless, you have a right to your opinion and I have mine and I shall stand by it.

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