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Smarten-up, ACPA!


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Guest flax

You clearly aren't very knowledgeable wrt to aviation. I too have flown into airports that legally allow such adverse weather. With proper training, experience and skills they are safe approaches, in spite of the challenge. Keep your beliefs that pilots are simply overpaid bus drivers if that makes you feel better about yourself. I have no need for you or anyone else to think i'm a hero. I have pride and satisfaction in my career.

Your comments adequately illustrate your ignorance.

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While we're at it here Hawkeye, get a handle on your facts. This one is really simple ... I never wrote what you placed into quotation marks.

You quoted this:

>>>Get this: " Skill you could not even imagine" BOOMERPETE, you truly are a God!<<<

I wrote this:

>>>I guarantee you that if you were in that seat at that moment you would have a very clear understanding of exactly whose skill it is that makes all of this work and that the skill you deride is a far more precious commodity than you had ever imagined. <<<

You quoted me stating something that I never said even though the printed words were right in front of your nose. In my book, that makes you sloppy if it was unintended (learn how to use cut and paste please), or an outright liar if you did it on purpose.

Either way you've undermined any legitimacy to what you choose to post.

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There are many places in the world my friend where the land is not Saskatchewan prairie flat, and calm as the foam on your draft.

In many places in the world you have to fly in and out or you don't travel. Worse, supplies don't get in. Or out.

I have been to some of these places and encountered these conditions. I don't think of my self as a super man, but I treat each ocaision in a Professional manner.

Call me a tradesman if you will, I find no insult in it, and I will continue to move people and goods from A - B in the conditions that exist to the best of my ability.

A wise man once told me that anything done well, looks easy.

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Guest flax

Your attitude is exactly why you are now a simboy. You clearly lack the wherewithall to properly and professionally carry out your duties as a line pilot. In fact I seriously have my doubts that you are anything that you profess to be.

12000 hours eh? and no career to show for it. I wonder why?

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Guest flax

Your attitude is exactly why you are now a simboy. You clearly lack the wherewithall to properly and professionally carry out your duties as a line pilot. In fact I seriously have my doubts that you are anything that you profess to be.

12000 hours eh? and no career to show for it. I wonder why?

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Let me answer this one for you...

A line check doesn't put your career on the line, and with AQP, neither does a ride.

You don't think so? How much do you think it cost's when you're given the "tap on the shoulder" and told to report for some more sim? Heaven forbid the sim goes well and your nerves and whatever else is happening in your life doesn't get in the way.

It happens.

And exactly how many times have you had Transport in your jump seat?

As a matter of fact, twice in the last 4 months thank you very much. I've had occaision to smile and say thank you to the men and women from TC many more times in the last little while doing ramp checks at the gate in the last few months.

You need to shrug off the "I'm invincible, it can't happen to me" attitude partner...

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Guest Dash eight

So what are you trying to say then BP? It all sounds nice like your some wonder hero who without a pilot on board the airplane will not land. " cross winds of 30 to 50 knots" I grant you that this approach would be dicey and requires experience. but how many times do you act as observer while the autopilot flys most of the leg for you as you drink you mineral water or whatever it is and have a nice conversation with your F/o or FA with you feet on the bottem of the dash board. Look at unmanned aircraft now? Where do you think your jobs will be 20 years?
After all the crap so far these last two years 911 war in iraq sars mad cow etc etc be thank ful you guys have a job today swallow some of that pigheaded pride like the resto f the unions had to in order to save our jobs and make this thing work!!!

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Guest Dash eight

So what are you trying to say then BP? It all sounds nice like your some wonder hero who without a pilot on board the airplane will not land. " cross winds of 30 to 50 knots" I grant you that this approach would be dicey and requires experience. but how many times do you act as observer while the autopilot flys most of the leg for you as you drink you mineral water or whatever it is and have a nice conversation with your F/o or FA with you feet on the bottem of the dash board. Look at unmanned aircraft now? Where do you think your jobs will be 20 years?
After all the crap so far these last two years 911 war in iraq sars mad cow etc etc be thank ful you guys have a job today swallow some of that pigheaded pride like the resto f the unions had to in order to save our jobs and make this thing work!!!

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Dash ...

I have my own set of problems, but being a part of the current situation at AC is not one of them, so there's nothing that I can do for you on that score. Further, in my post I never took any position pro or con about ACPA and AC. I wish you all the best and hope that you come out of this with jobs, and with jobs that are as good as they can possibly be made.

Regarding "Look at unmanned aircraft now? Where do you think your jobs will be 20 years?", frankly I have nothing to worry about on that score. Today's aircraft are very good, but they are so far from perfect that I'll be long gone from this industry before the human pilot becomes obsolete.

I'm far more worried about the world situation rendering our entire industry obsolete. That could see me out the door in a heartbeat, and it, along with mismanagement (my opinion, anyway) is why AC is where it is today.

As for the nice conversations with the F/O and F/A's ... you really don't know where I work do you?

Good luck.


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Guest Hawkeye

Ok, I've sat back here long enough to read several of your posts only to learn that all of you are just as wrong about me as Pete claims I was wrong about him.

FLAX wrote: "Keep your beliefs that pilots are simply overpaid bus drivers if that makes you feel better about yourself." Show me where I wrote anything remotely close to that statement. You won't find it!

FLAX wrote: "You clearly aren't very knowledgeable wrt to aviation." How would you know?
I am an airline pilot with over 25,000hrs. I have flown Single Engine Aircraft to 4 Engine Jet Aircraft ( 10,000 PIC on 4 Eng Jet). Ever flown a PBY-5A? I have, in many Forest Fires! Can't get much hotter than that. I have flown in the Artic and landed on the Artic Ice strips as well has the Dempster Highway. Medivac Flights, I have done those too. I have flown along the Labrador coast in Twin Otters, 22 legs a day if you did the south coast run.

And you say: "You clearly aren't very knowledgeable wrt to aviation." YOU HAVE NO IDEA

Steam Driven wrote: "Call me a tradesman if you will, I find no insult in it...." Again,as with Flax, I ask where in my post did I call you a Tradesman? I rest my case.

Steam Driven wrote: "There are many places in the world my friend where the land is not Saskatchewan prairie flat......"

Have you ever been to Torbay when she's Flat!

KIP wrote: "You don’t even know the man, and neither do I but I sure as hell would ride with him any day, based on what he has written, and the respect with which his peers hold him."
You don't know me either so would you ride with me based on what I have written?

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You ACPA people just don't get it! I went through Air Atlantic, Inter-Canadien, Canjet 1, and Canada 3000! If any of you doubt my veracity, then its your problem. I know from which I speak. I saw ALPA at its "best" and what is it track record regarding Canada 3000?

You AC types have your head so far up your *** that you can't smell you own sh**!

My God, you just drive a machine that you didn't build.

If there's one thing I've learned in 18 years of flying a plane, it is that, after a few months, you forget how much metal is behind the (bulletproof) cockpit door. Its just another goddamn plane! Geez! How stunned are ya?

I bet more than half of you don't understand how an airplane flies in the first place. Why is it called the "theory of flight", rather than the "law of flight"? I don't know either, but please succomb to the engineers who know way more than you.

EICAS MESSAGE... from who to whom?

Over-paid, over-sexed, over-dressed bus drivers! You'll reap what you sow. Harry Steele was right.

(I had the good sense to get out of it).

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Guest Kilo Mike

(I had the good sense to get out of it).

That was the only interesting thing you regurgitated in that whole diatribe. As an industry..we thank you for making that decision.

Cripes all mighty.

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Guest Hawkeye

"Another armchair quarterback? BP isn't BSing anything and you sir should try to become qualified to fly something bigger than a microsoft flight sim (same to simboy) before commenting"

May be you should read my earlier post in response to Flax, Steam Driven & Kip. I would have included you in that response except for lack of space.

Judge not less you be judged. By the way , I fly those too. (Microsoft Flight Simulator)

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Guest Hawkeye

Simboy, Was that a Shark Attack on us or could it have been an ACPA attack? The waters are churning!

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(((You don't know me either so would you ride with me based on what I have written?)))

OK…you asked…. I do believe you occasionally write without really “proofing” what you have written and your tone seems to be one of confrontation rather than dialogue. A good example of that is misquoting what another had written. Example …” Skill you could not even imagine”. You attributed this to an author who never said/wrote that so in this case you replied to a well written post with what you have interpreted as the posters intention rather than what he actually wrote…. And there is a big difference. I realize that this medium is difficult for some and that many do not have a “good” command of the English language, however in your case, based on what you have written on AEF, I don’t believe you have that problem.

Your reply to BP was “over the top” and with no further dialogue, you branded him as an arrogant individual full of BS. You based this on a well written rebuttal by BP to an individual who initially posted a warped perception of the pilot profession.

Based on your other postings on the forum you seem to be a fairly compassionate individual, that is, caring about others but in this case you seemed to go for the jugular and I have no idea why. But to your question……Would I ride with you???

As you are behind a veil of anonymity I would answer in this manner…if you are a pilot, and as much as I think you tend to take off on a verbal tangent at times, I would not hesitate to be a pax onboard your aircraft.

As a crew member, I would have reservations, as in this short period of time, lets face it were hypothesizing here, I would prefer to crew with someone who thinks a bit longer before “pulling the handles”.


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Good question! I now have a fully indexed pension and no worries of layoff - not quite AC pilot wages, but then again, they will be detirmined in the long run. :) Cheers!

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