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Competition for NEO

Kip Powick

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BENTONVILLE, ARK (AP) -- Some Walmart customers soon will be able to

sample a new discount item: Walmart's own brand of wine.

The world's largest retail chain is teaming up with E&J Gallo Winery of

Modesto,California, to produce the spirits at an affordable price, in

the $2 - $5 range.

While wine connoisseurs may not be too inclined to throw a bottle of

Walmart brand wine into their shopping carts, there is a market for

cheap wine, said Kathy Micken, professor of marketing at Roger Williams

University in Bristol, R.I. She said: "The right name is important."

So, here we go:

The top 12 suggested names for Walmart Wine:

12. Chateau Traileur Parc

11. White Trashfindel

10. Big Red Gulp

9. Grape Expectations

8. Domaine Wal-Mart "Merde du Pays"

7. NASCARbernet

6. Chef Boyardeaux

5. Peanut Noir

4. Chateau des Moines

3. I Can't Believe It's Not Vinegar!

2. World Championship Riesling

And the number 1 name for Wal-Mart Wine ...

1. Nasti Spumante

The beauty of Wal-Mart wine is that it can be served with white meat

(possum) and red meat (squirrel).

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7. NASCARbernet

There you go Mitch. Perfect for the next couch slouch and you'll never want the demon rum again! tongue.gif

(Now really, don't you think that watching cars roar around a racetrack is sort of like watching a dog madly chasing its tail for hours? After the first few exhiliarating minutes, doesn't it get a bit, well, boring...?? biggrin.gif )


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How 'bout WalWine?

CCAirspace... So what's wrong with watching a dog chase his tail? Put yourself in the dog's head and you'll understand... "Hey! That thing seems to get closer when I go faster... I just might get it yet!... huh.gif maybe I need to jump at it?...









...Ok, so the NASCAR fetish is a bit of wishing like hell I could do that.... what can I say?... some people waste hours watching men slap a puck back and forth on ice... or chucking an odd shaped ball about on a big field.... or... belting a little white ball around in a park... ??

I've personaly never had as much fun out of any of those things as I have out of driving as fast as I possibly can... at the very edge of control... the slightest wrong twitch and all is lost... That, to me, is exciting! cool.gif

But hey, we digress... Yessir, go Walmart! (Am I really one of only about twelve people that remembers the "Mountain Red" you used to be able to buy for about 3 bucks a jug, in BC?)... Good luck with the Nasti Spumante wink.gif

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Mitch i'm with you.Nascar racing is the fastest growing sport .There are a lot of us in the closet still,but hey watching reality shows,come on now people..i'd never admit to watching those.The most useless TV shows on..Reality my a$$

But nothing beats sitting in the stands at a Good ol Boys race and feel the thunder of those machines going by you at over 200mph.

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CCAirspace...  So what's wrong with watching a dog chase his tail? Put yourself in the dog's head and you'll understand...


You sure have some cajone's my friend to open yourself up with a line like that.

Showing the good taste and restraint that I have, I will leave the opportunity to others to take advantage of the faux pas....... huh.gif

Besides, you seem to have some experience with chasing your own tail??? ohmy.gif

Here's somewhere for you to go...


Personally, I would love to do the Daytona 16,,,,sigh,,,sigh

Yours in Horsepower....

Iceman cool26.gif

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Meanwhile back at the nunnery, Mother Superior calls all the nuns together and says to them, "I must tell you something. We have a case of gonorrhea in the convent."

"Thank goodness," says an elderly nun at the back. "I am so tired of the Chardonnay."

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