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Water Bomber Operator Offers Reward After Vandalism Puts Aircraft In Jeopardy


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The operator of the Martin Mars water bombers is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of vandals who punched holes in the tail fins of one of the planes, which could have caused it to crash.

An estimated $25,000 in damage to Hawaii Mars occurred Saturday evening while the aircraft was moored on Sproat Lake, near Port Alberni.


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A sad event yet a symbol of our times. To "them", it was probably just something to do while out on a drunken boat ride. To "us", it is a potential deadly attack on the next to fly.

Years ago, I had a satellite flying school at which 2 C152's were vandalized, but not visibly. One had half a gas tank filled with water, the other with a few cupfulls (sp?) of sand poured into the oil filler tube. The first was discovered on the early morning engine run prior to students showing up - during a run-up, the engine died and would not restart; the other only after the run-up and the oil stick had sand on it. The RCMP investigated and someone was eventually charged. I don't remember the outcome.

A few years earlier, a "disgruntled former employee" from an Ottawa flight school (that doesn't exist anymore) decided he would "get even" for his termination (he was a flying instructor) and poured sugar into each of the B-95's fuel tanks. Fortunately he poured in so much, the engine died right after the first start. Sugar in Avgas causes the avgas to gel. He was caught, confessed but I don't know what happened to him.

Thankfully, aircraft vandalism is still a rare event. I fear that too much publicity though in this day and age may breed copycats. What to do? I don't know...

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In this case, I'll bet that these people just decided to walk around on the big airplane, not realizeing that their feet would go through the skin. Not trying to justify their actions, I'm just sayin'....

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So what does the brain trust at Transport Canada / Catsa have to say about this.

Theyr'e great at controlling those deadly liquids and gels from getting on aircraft and treating flight crew like terrorists but floating out in the water is a huge aircraft with the potential of wreaking all sorts of calamity with what sounds like no security.


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It's the owners' responsibility to secure the aircraft. I know that Air Canada has recently paid fines for the crime of leaving airstairs on some ships that were parked overnight ( away from any terminal) in YYZ. On an airfield that is secured by CATSA. So, the water-bomber owners should be subject to the same rules.

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So what does the brain trust at Transport Canada / Catsa have to say about this.

Theyr'e great at controlling those deadly liquids and gels from getting on aircraft and treating flight crew like terrorists but floating out in the water is a huge aircraft with the potential of wreaking all sorts of calamity with what sounds like no security.


Nice rant but you're comparing apples and oranges. Are the police responsible for ensuring that your house is locked up when you're away?

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Nice rant but you're comparing apples and oranges. Are the police responsible for ensuring that your house is locked up when you're away?

No , but they are responsible for investigating and hopefully preventing any further occurences (which is also a joke , by the way)

If the owners of the Mars were negligent in securing their aircraft , essentially allowing any Tom , Dick or Harry to have their way with it , then it is up to those we have , and I use this term loosely , "entrusted our security to" , to do something about it.

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So what you're saying is that CATSA are supposed to put security on every lake in the country that houses a seaplane. We may as well put a cop on every block then too.

Might I suggest that you find a better example to take a poke at CATSA? They are not related and as long as we are parked next door to the US of P, we will continue to live with security as they direct it. I've learned to accept it and move on, knowing that I'm powerless to do anything about it.

P = Paranoid

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So what you're saying is that CATSA are supposed to put security on every lake in the country that houses a seaplane. We may as well put a cop on every block then too.

Might I suggest that you find a better example to take a poke at CATSA? They are not related and as long as we are parked next door to the US of P, we will continue to live with security as they direct it. I've learned to accept it and move on, knowing that I'm powerless to do anything about it.

P = Paranoid

No. What I'm saying is that the owner operators of said aircraft are to make sure that they cannot be compromised. If not , then those who are supposed to monitor these things (CATSA ? Transport Canada?) should do something about it.

As you point out , the hundreds of aircraft not being monitored is just more proof of how ineffective these agencies are.

It's all a big show to calm the masses. Your'e right...best not to think about it and move on.

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woah wait a minute here. Private aircraft on a private Strip. RCMP, CATSA, or whover have ZERO responsibility for these aircraf period. There is no neglignce here at all. If youare a flying farmer do you want CATSA nosing around your private strip looking for security violations.

The only ones at fault are the morons that screwed wih the aircraft. Those MARS' have been moored on lakes for years with no incidents. cach and prosecute em

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