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United 232 Pilot Loses Battle With Cancer


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There is a pretty neat set of videos of a show called "First Person", and one of the segments was by Denny Fitch. It's worth the watch.

Sad to hear of his death today. He is (as were the other men in that flight deck) the reason why I am a proponent of experience in the flight deck- the so called 'dark and dirty night' scenario.

Still an amazing story in so many ways.

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Years ago Denny gave a presentation to the CALPA accident investigators about the Sioux city accident. When speaking to him after his presentation he said it was part of his therapy to talk about the accident. I still remember his presentation. There was not a dry eye in the room when he finished. You may remeber the famous picture of the fire fighter holding a baby that was taken from the wreckage. I remember Deny telling us, the firefighter just happened to be standing there, the baby was handed to him from someone inside the wreckage. He also said that when the aircraft hit the ground, he closed his eyes and when he opened them he remembers seeing corn stalks out the cockpit window and trying to make sense of corn stalks that were 20 feet or so high. It was then he realised they were upside down.

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Al Haines has said that they would not have survived without Denny's contribution. When I heard a while back that he was diagnosed with cancer, I couldn't help but wonder if he was exposed to something toxic on that fateful day that contributed to his illness.

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