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Bye Bob

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....been fiddlin' with some poetry for ya...

I borrowed someone else's little ditty for it though:

Come and listen to a story 'bout a man named Bob

The poor C E O barely scratchin' for his job

then one day he was shootin' off some mail

and down to the ground did the company fail.

Bankrupt, that is... Cee Cee Double Ay...

Well the first thing you know old Bob's a millionaire

fat folk said "Bob, squeeze it outa there!"

said "Sell it all! is what we wanna do"

So they loaded all their wallets just like CEO's too.

Crooks, that is... Vultures, n' Thieves...

... ... ...

Well now it's time to say goodbye to Bob and all his friends

and they would like to thank you folks for kindly stuffing them

Yer all invited back again to this locality

to have a heapin' helpin' of bankruptcy three.

Employees that is... work a spell... take your shirt off...

Y'all come back now, y'heah?


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Aww fiddle! It's just now occurred to me that Robert Milton might actually read this and feel a little hurt that I didn't say goodbye to him at all.... and I feel like a shmuck for it.

So just in case.... Sorry mate, I'll try to correct that now.

I believe you tried your best, before you went to ACE... For that, I thank you.

You scared the crap out of me when you called me (seemingly milliseconds after I'd posted something like, "If he doesn't think he botched the merger, then I think he's a fool"), but I've shared that tale with a lot of folks who laughed like hell with me since... so the net effect has been a huge positive, so thanks for that too.

Thanks also for expediting that little personnel issue that had become stuck in the machinery... I know that meant a lot to him.

I enjoyed reading your book, "Straight From The Top", and continue to recommend it to anyone interested in the history of commercial aviation here...

While I hate what ACE has done, I'm not one of those who confuses your duties at ACE with those at AC... that is, I understand the "goodbye" really should have come a while ago, but heck, I just got the notion recently....

Good luck Robert. It's too bad it couldn't have been a better departure, but I do sincerely hope you and your family have all sorts of great times enjoying your wealth (Of course I'm jealous! You're younger than me, punk! [insert wink]), and I wish you the best.


Your Pal, [grin]


PS: I have vague memories of telling you I'd remind you when you go, that I'd once told you that you'd be leaving before me... So, here I am to keep my word and remind you... [still grinning]

Then again, I have vague memories of lots of things these days... sometimes I find out I've made it all up! :lol:

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