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Calling All Westjet Pilots


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Hey Guys and Gals,

I am a pilot with Air Canada, (though don't hold that against me!) and am trying to stir up a bit of friendly competition.

I have made a plea for donations from Air Canada pilots to a wonderful charity known as the Kelly Shires Foundation which I will attempt to explain below:

I have committed to participating in a all women snowmobile rally to raise money for breast cancer. This foundation does not raise money for research, but to help women who already are striken with the disease. The Kelly Shires Foundation is not like most charities. It's sole purpose is to provide financial support directly to women and their families while they are undergoing treatment for breast cancer.

The foundation provides funding for household expenses, travel and treatment, plus wigs and prosthetic devices to women who can not afford the costs on their own. For these women the millions of dollars that are raised each year for breast cancer research is too late. They have breast cancer. They need financial assistance now.

The Kelly Shires Foundation was created 11 years ago by a young women, Kelly Shires, who had been diagnosed with breast cancer herself. She recognized a need for assistance in the women who were sharing her terrible journey and started an annual snowmobile rally for women to raise funding. This event has grown every year since it's inception in 2000 and despite Kelly losing her battle with breast cancer in 2004, her legacy lives on.

I realize that we all have become saturated with charities seeking donations, but I hope that the opportunity to be involved in a foundation that directly helps women and their families cope with breast cancer would be something that you all would consider. I will be riding in the snowmobile rally in Huntsville on the 4th of February 2012 and I would be grateful for any support that my fellow pilots could provide.

I have been overwhelmed by the support that this plea has generated by my colleagues at Air Canada and I believe that this spirit of generosity would not be limited to just Air Canada. I know that "owners care" and I would be honoured if you would join in supporting this cause.

Link to donate: http://my.e2rm.com/personalPage.aspx?SID=3212870&langPref=en-CA

I thank you for taking the time to read and consider this post.


Jane Clegg

Air Canada

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Hi Jane..

You did not address your plea to "Dotmen", (retireed pylits), so took it upon myself to go and donate anyway...:biggrin2: :biggrin2:

I would suggest you open the donations to any and all members of this AEF forum...not just "pilots". (go ahead forum readers/posters follow the link...it is the Christmas/Holiday season)

I thought I would add...it is a SECURE website..Credit Cards/PayPal and I rec'd my tax receipt, via email, about 10 minutes after I donated.........

It is a worthy cause and statistically, in our lifetime, we will all be touched by someone with breast cancer who is very close to us.

Nice to see you leading the AC charge Jane :rolleyes:

Merry Christmas

Kip 'n Scuba02

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Hi Kip,

Thank you for stepping up so quickly! You are quite right that I will be grateful for any support from any part of our aviation community including "dot" men, FP60, Jazz, Transat, Porter, CMA, Georgian, Transport Canada, corporate...pilots, FA's, AME's, gate agents, rampies, (of which I used to be one) student pilots, flying instructors, bush pilots, media lurkers, Members of Parliament...and most especially managers and management lovers like Dagger!

I am not surprised that you were the first one from the AEF who took the time to make a donation. I have always felt you were a decent man from all of the lurking I have done here over the years...and you have certainly lived up to my perception.

Thanks Kip for getting the ball rolling.

Of interest to all, Kelly Shires was truly one of us. She was a boater, snowmobiler and yes indeed a fellow aviator.



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Hi Kip,

Thank you for stepping up so quickly! You are quite right that I will be grateful for any support from any part of our aviation community including "dot" men, FP60, Jazz, Transat, Porter, CMA, Georgian, Transport Canada, corporate...pilots, FA's, AME's, gate agents, rampies, (of which I used to be one) student pilots, flying instructors, bush pilots, media lurkers, Members of Parliament...and most especially managers and management lovers like Dagger!

I am not surprised that you were the first one from the AEF who took the time to make a donation. I have always felt you were a decent man from all of the lurking I have done hear over the years...and you have certainly lived up to my perception.

Thanks Kip for getting the ball rolling.

Of interest to all, Kelly Shires was truly one of us. She was a boater, snowmobiler and yes indeed a fellow aviator.



My mother fought and won against breast cancer, my son's mother in law was not so fortunate.

I made a pledge Jane, I hope you reach your goal.

I hope some of the other AME's will help out

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A big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to make a donation. I also very much appreciate stories like your's Robert, it has been truly heartbreaking and inspirational.

The AME's have definitely stepped up as well as the Jazz pilots.

Please don't think that in order to donate it has to be a large sum. Even $5.00 miltiplied by the number of views of this topic would add up to $2500.00. It is kind of like voting. You don't feel like your one vote will make a difference but when you add them all up they make a statement.

As Kip mentioned, the link take you to a paypal site, it will take less than 2 minutes...3 if you can't type!

Heck even $3.41, the price of an X-tra large Tim's double double will be appreciated.

How very wonderful it is to be part of the kindness of the aviation community.

Link to donate: http://my.e2rm.com/personalPage.aspx?SID=3212870&langPref=en-CA

Also, if anyone is aware of a family who is dealing with breast cancer, this is the link to the foundation to request a grant: http://www.kellyshiresfoundation.org/Assistance/Application/tabid/96/Default.aspx

Thanks again folks and thank you to all of you whom I have never even met, who took the time to make a difference.


Jane Clegg

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A big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to make a donation. I also very much appreciate stories like your's Robert, it has been truly heartbreaking and inspirational.

The AME's have definitely stepped up as well as the Jazz pilots.

Please don't think that in order to donate it has to be a large sum. Even $5.00 miltiplied by the number of views of this topic would add up to $2500.00. It is kind of like voting. You don't feel like your one vote will make a difference but when you add them all up they make a statement.

As Kip mentioned, the link take you to a paypal site, it will take less than 2 minutes...3 if you can't type!

Heck even $3.41, the price of an X-tra large Tim's double double will be appreciated.

How very wonderful it is to be part of the kindness of the aviation community.

Link to donate: http://my.e2rm.com/p...&langPref=en-CA

Also, if anyone is aware of a family who is dealing with breast cancer, this is the link to the foundation to request a grant: http://www.kellyshir...96/Default.aspx

Thanks again folks and thank you to all of you whom I have never even met, who took the time to make a difference.


Jane Clegg

Jane you are more than welcome.

There is an image forever burned into my head of my son and daughter in law sobbing when his mother in law was laid to rest.Something that will be with me for the rest of my life! I just hope that there is a cure one day so that no one has to endure that kind of grief!

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As we approach that special day, I thought I would take a chance and put this back on the first page.....If you have contributed I am sure Jane has already thanked you and if you have not...................and have any spare change left over from your Christmas, Holiday Season shopping, perhaps you could drop it here.

Not only is it a worthy cause but I think if we all have the means to look at this site and perhaps even post on this site....well surely we can afford a minimum contribution for a worthy cause.

Thanks to all that "believe" and hopefully , in the near future a cure can be found. :checkmark:

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Thanks guys for keeping it going...I continue to be amazed by the generosity of our aviation community.

I am trying to get the amount raised up to $4500.00 in order to trigger a $500.00 donation by one of our pilots. Yes, that is correct...if collectively we can raise $4500.00 he will add $500.00 to the pot.

Every $10.00 will get us closer to an additional $500.00 and we are getting VERY close!

Remember guys...one day it could be her that needs your help!!


Link to Donate: http://my.e2rm.com/p...&langPref=en-CA



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Link to Donate: http://my.e2rm.com/p...&langPref=en-CA



Jane, I don't see anything on the OCP pilot forum......perhaps you could knock on some doors there, some of those guys don't frequent the AC forum and many OCP retirees haunt the OCP forum as well.....

I would suggest posting under the GENERAL DISCUSSION thread...need any assistance???......PM me.

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