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Attn: all Billionaires...

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However, I would like a bit more of a detailed response than...

"There is obviously a large number of intelligent people who hold similar opinions on the effect of "culture". followed by ""So What?" Just because a bunch of intellectuals believe this does not necessarily prove it to be true."

As you have said..a large number of intelligent people who hold similar opinions on the effect of "culture". This is extremely important, and if true, a whole new way of helping disadvantaged groups get ahead, such as straight, factual talk, instead of just throwing endless money at the problem and blaming others that are not blameworthy is required.

I should think that it is extremely important for the kids to learn why their community is poor while another community did differently and rocketed ahead and their kids are no longer poor. Culture starts at an early age. Both the positive and negative aspects. Son...you are poor beacause your parents were irresponsible. Do diffently when you grow up. Get an education, build up your wealth, basketball won't give you a career. Gangs and gangsta rap won't get you ahead in the long run. You should be studying not hanging out and stealing. Be a responsible father and have kids only when you are ready to, etc.

Your talents are obviously being wasted trying engage a very small group of airline folk on the least active aviation forum I've ever seen in a hugely controversial political discussion. Maybe you could find the debate you are looking for here: www.politicalforum.com I'd be very, very curious to see what sort of response you get from posting the same stuff over there - let us know how it turns out.

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:lol: It's always been a forum for aviation employees to yak about whatever they like, Mr. Chop. ...and of course that will naturally include many aviation related topics. We've often had debates about whether or not to separate aviation only related topics from other chatter, and the consensus has always been to leave it all in one forum. There are indeed some who share your preference, but most of us prefer a wide open format in this single forum.

There are plenty of Av-only forums within forums out there... I'm sure you know them. This one is unique because of it's wide open nature, which is at least partly what's kept many of us around.


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Guest alkaid

Alkaid: I have reframed from commenting on your posts in this thread to this point. That being said, you are wasting a lot of bandwidth in what apppears to be an attempt to get "the goat" of another forum member. The term "harrasment" comes to mind. ------- Malcolm

Well, let's see.

I have posted two credible articles on here and have voiced my opinion on the subject of these articles. The topic is in line with the initial post.

In reply I have been called..."uninformed, elitist, judgemental and totally lacking in human compassion" in one response to me.


Does that post fit the guidelines of this forum or is it harrassment?

Then I am told that I have been displaying ugly traits with the words ignorant and arrogant mentioned.


Is that terminology O.K. with the moderators here.

Then of course a "closed-minded" comment came in.


Would the mods feel that it is it O.K. if I use that term in my post about someone or would that be harrassment?

Here is an interesting one Malcolm. "Jews were oppressed, most notably in the 30's and early 40's by folks who thought along the same lines as you apparently do about others' cultures"


Due to my bloodline on one side of the family, I would have been one of those oppressed persons, so I take special offence, especially after mentioning it in an earlier post. Are you O.K. with this statement Malcolm?

And here is what happened behind the scenes. The first article I posted(on page 1), there was a reference to a book called the Central Liberal truth. Later on, in this thread, I posted a review of that book. I was surprised to find that it had been moved to a new thread. I assumed whatever mod had moved it was in error by not understanding that it was very much related to the thread, so I moved it back to this thread. I even explained on the thread and said that I hope that the mod doesn't mind. I got an email soon after from Mitch Cronin, who it turns out is a moderator, increasing my warn status and threatening to ban me.

I would say if anybody is being harrassed, it is me. I have posted credible article about a prevailing theory supported by many esteed persons concerning a very significant and important issue on this thread, a thread related to this issue and have received almost nothing but insults and threats and smaller slights. It appears to me that a moderator here uses bullying tactics to suppress political opinions that differ from his and is backed up by several other supporters. It fits exactly in with what the original article posted said is the reaction of many to those who talk about this issue.

I challenge anyone to find and specifically show on this thread where I have been harrassing. I think you will find that there will be no more credible reply than there was for my repeated requests for intelligent counterpoints to my posted articles.

Alkaid....starting an aeforum spring.

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I challenge anyone to find and specifically show on this thread where I have been harrassing.

Your first response to J.O.: - "More likely that your argument makes no sense. Feel free to try again though."

Your first response to CP FA: ' "you have indirectly come close to calling me racist and the real facts never get discussed. Now you want my real name of course. Perhaps you could send it to my employer or something like that. I should be scared' date=' i would think of the people who call me these names or insults instead of logical replies. [...']So Miss FA who is hiding behind a handle" [You mustn't have been paying attention.... we all know her real name]

Your first response to me: "Hmmm... On this thread I have been called or implied to be "uninformed, elitist, judgemental and totally lacking in human compassion, bordering on racist, arrogant and ignorant" and you imply that I have ugly traits. Interesting. I wonder if you as well has ever accused someone of being racist."

Your first response to Seeker: "Certain people are unwilling to believe the obvious. Perhaps, I suppose, it goes against their deeply held beliefs on their view of society. Perhaps they feel some sort of guilt knowing that their forefathers or relatives of them, did some bad things."

Your second response to me: "Time for you to be banned by the moderator I'd say after your long litany of personal insults(please analyze all responses here Mr.Mod). Looks like that Woxof guy was a similar victim. Seeing as you don't appear to have any specific counterpoints that your average academic would consider to be well thought, to the posted article(aside from calling it trash and making personal insults again) or my similar statements perhaps it is just best to say thread closed.

Your second response to CP FA: "No specific responses from you on the article. No surprise. It describes you perfectly."

Another response to me: "Mitch has no response to the body of my argument of which I have been very clear about in this thread through my own statements and that of another.

Only trivial questions or trying to say that I am not responding properly or the expected insults. So I won't close this thread until I re-paste the earlier article. Intelligent criticism of the opinions in it and of my supportive opinion are welcome.

Based on what I have seen so far, none expected."

Your first response to Moon the Loon: "Seems to me the above poster got drunk one night in the past and called the crucified one an idiot (in direct violation of posting rules)and now he has the gall to tell others how to behave. How interesting.

Why is it that such posters as seen on this thread can only insult when presented with factual evidence they don't like. And of course I am told that I am grade 4 because I accidentally hit the letter U instead of the I key beside it when spelling a word. Then the last line is of course another insult. Grade 4 describes certain behaviour on this thread I'd say. And once again, nary a credible counterpoint to the main point of this thread that I have posted.

Alkaid....Standing alone like Him, the crucified One. [oh yes, you're just Like Jesus!!]

Your first response to Malcolm: " it appears to me that a moderator here uses bullying tactics to suppress political opinions [...] I think you will find that there will be no more credible reply than there was for my repeated requests for intelligent counterpoints to my posted articles."

Add to that all your lies about not knowing who woxof was/is...... Yes, sure, there's no insulting trash there! ...you poor hard-done-by sod you. It's a wonder you don't need psychiatric help after all that!

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Guest alkaid

Your first response to J.O.: - "More likely that your argument makes no sense. Feel free to try again though."

Your first response to CP FA: ' "you have indirectly come close to calling me racist and the real facts never get discussed. Now you want my real name of course. Perhaps you could send it to my employer or something like that. I should be scared, i would think of the people who call me these names or insults instead of logical replies. [...]So Miss FA who is hiding behind a handle" [You mustn't have been paying attention.... we all know her real name]

Your first response to me: "Hmmm... On this thread I have been called or implied to be "uninformed, elitist, judgemental and totally lacking in human compassion, bordering on racist, arrogant and ignorant" and you imply that I have ugly traits. Interesting. I wonder if you as well has ever accused someone of being racist."

Your first response to Seeker: "Certain people are unwilling to believe the obvious. Perhaps, I suppose, it goes against their deeply held beliefs on their view of society. Perhaps they feel some sort of guilt knowing that their forefathers or relatives of them, did some bad things."

Your second response to me: "Time for you to be banned by the moderator I'd say after your long litany of personal insults(please analyze all responses here Mr.Mod). Looks like that Woxof guy was a similar victim. Seeing as you don't appear to have any specific counterpoints that your average academic would consider to be well thought, to the posted article(aside from calling it trash and making personal insults again) or my similar statements perhaps it is just best to say thread closed.

Your second response to CP FA: "No specific responses from you on the article. No surprise. It describes you perfectly."

Another response to me: "Mitch has no response to the body of my argument of which I have been very clear about in this thread through my own statements and that of another.

Only trivial questions or trying to say that I am not responding properly or the expected insults. So I won't close this thread until I re-paste the earlier article. Intelligent criticism of the opinions in it and of my supportive opinion are welcome.

Based on what I have seen so far, none expected."

Your first response to Moon the Loon: "Seems to me the above poster got drunk one night in the past and called the crucified one an idiot (in direct violation of posting rules)and now he has the gall to tell others how to behave. How interesting.

Why is it that such posters as seen on this thread can only insult when presented with factual evidence they don't like. And of course I am told that I am grade 4 because I accidentally hit the letter U instead of the I key beside it when spelling a word. Then the last line is of course another insult. Grade 4 describes certain behaviour on this thread I'd say. And once again, nary a credible counterpoint to the main point of this thread that I have posted.

Alkaid....Standing alone like Him, the crucified One. [oh yes, you're just Like Jesus!!]

Your first response to Malcolm: " it appears to me that a moderator here uses bullying tactics to suppress political opinions [...] I think you will find that there will be no more credible reply than there was for my repeated requests for intelligent counterpoints to my posted articles."

Interestingly, most of the quotes in Mitch are very accurate things I said showing how I have been targetted and strongly supportive of what I have been saying :scratchchin: . A few small sarcastic remarks have been written down by myself admittedly. I'm not scared of the truth. I think I have shown great restraint in the face of all the derogatory remarks directed at me. I have not reciprocated the grade 4 type of behaviour that one poster brought up.

So make an honest comparison of what I have said, compared to what has been said to me. I have said nothing any worse than whay others have said to me, in fact my statements have been much milder, yet as you can see, I am the only one being accused by the mods as harrassing in their desire to ban me. It appears that the mods on this forum have a desire to get rid of me as I have posted opinions, backed by studies supported by credible people that challenge the deeply held beliefs of at least one mod and several other posters.

While the main posting mods opinions are obvious, I must say I am quite disappointed with Malcolm. If all of us in this thread were accused by Malcolm of harrassment, I would say that there was even-handed treatment, but only myself accused. I hope you don't fall into the same trap. You are much more respected here. I suspect you are interested in keeping good relations with your fellow mods. An initially noble thought.

I agree however with Rich Pulman that there is no point me arguing with irrationality and I second his idea(actually, I was first) for closing this thread. The valid points of culture affecting progress have now been well documented by me.

Alkaid.....As attempted earlier, walking away.

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I don’t want to get into the ‘guts’ of this one, but do wish to add a question.

Posters frequently refer to Sorros & Bloomberg’s use of ‘their own money’ for this project when in fact, the City of New York’s ‘Tax Payers’ will be making a non-voluntary contribution to fund more than half of the $130 million required.

The question; does this type of tax expenditure represent a ‘fiduciary’ responsibility of government or one that should properly remain within the realm of the philanthropist?

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Guest alkaid

I don't want to get into the 'guts' of this one, but do wish to add a question.

Posters frequently refer to Sorros & Bloomberg's use of 'their own money' for this project when in fact, the City of New York's 'Tax Payers' will be making a non-voluntary contribution to fund more than half of the $130 million required.

The question; does this type of tax expenditure represent a 'fiduciary' responsibility of government or one that should properly remain within the realm of the philanthropist?

Have to admit, I wasn't aware that it was taxpayers money as well.

More truth coming out now.

Makes the argument from my point of view much more important to be discussed and pointed out to all taxpayers.

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