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Passing it along

Kip Powick

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Just received a note from Cogego Cable TV...(Southern Ontario).

It is interesting to note that the letter stated that CRTC mandated that the Cable companies must pay a 1.5%, based on their gross revenue in order to facilitate the LOCAL PROGRAMMING IMPROVEMENT FUND, (LPIF).

All TV rates, (your personal cable package), are going up 1.5%/mo because of this ruling.

I called the Cogeco and asked why the consumer had to pay the money, why not take it out of Cogeco revenues.....well you know the run around I got.

WARNING.....if the CRTC comes up with a new ruling where Cable companys have to pay Local TV for their programs,((presently being debated in hearings)) be prepared for another hike in your cable charges..... cause you know damned well that the cable companies will just pass the costs on to us, the consumer, and continue to drag in the millions of revenue they now generate, and not loose a cent from their bottom line...

Seriously considering "antennae" TV very soon.

shot fired..........

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We are getting more and more tv on the internet anyway. Try downloading TVU for stations all over the world including several in the U.S. I regularly watch CCTV9 in Beijing as well as Sky in the UK. I have Shaw cable and internet and phone. I will definitely start to reduce the cable tiers right after the new year. Who watches CNN anymore anyway.....

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Seriously considering "antennae" TV very soon.

In the coming months/years Kip, you'll be SOL with the rabbit ears. Broadcasters are actually using the cable networks to distribute their signal thus reducing their over-the-air broadcast costs immensely. It costs a lot to maintain a high powered series of transmitters and antennae.

Until increased competition comes along, or TV-over-the-internet becomes a reality, might as well just bend over and enjoy the ride.

And realistically, cable companies are no worse than banks for soaking their customers, passing on alleged costs, yadda yadda.

You could go satellite but that's expensive too.

I don't like it either. But what is the alternative?

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Obviously I don't have cable on the boat but I do have a marine TV antennae(on the radar arch), and digital convert box and where we boat I can pick up six US stations and two Canadian...one Canadian station does not broadcast in digital.

I was thinking of dragging out my my old scanner tower from under the back deck and puting it up outside the house and see what I could pick up. dry.gif

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I was looking at the TVU website and there seem to be a lot of problems with the feed according to many forum postings.

Thanks for the heads-up Zipped. Can you provide some of your personal experience with this product? Or anyone else using any other online provider?

Thanks in advance...

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My sister in Virginia bought me a converter box with the $40 US coupon deduction. I can get CBS, PBS and ABC in digital out of Watertown, NY, as well as CBC, CTV, TVO and Global with my outside antenna. While I watch very little tv, I don't pay anything for what I do watch. I expect we shall have over-the-air transmission for several years to come. The US broadcasters just spent quite a lot of money converting to digital so it should be around for a while.

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I have been watching TVU off and on for 3 years or so. At first service was slow and spotty so I only connected occasionally. Then a couple months ago I got the new version software and whammo it's way bettah. It takes a while to go through all the stations and see which ones you will want to save in your favourites. Lots of US stations like FOX and lots of sports and and music. Lots of soccer in Europe. Lots of Phillipeeno stations and India stations (even some in English). Has anyone tried the new internet radios? For around 300 or so you can have a bed side clock radio that will get you 10000 stations worldwide for free, through your wireless connection. The kid that is still in China loves to listen to CKNW and of course News1130. Now I can't live without my slingbox either....more later on that.

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I have been watching TVU off and on for 3 years or so. At first service was slow and spotty so I only connected occasionally. Then a couple months ago I got the new version software and whammo it's way bettah. It takes a while to go through all the stations and see which ones you will want to save in your favourites. Lots of US stations like FOX and lots of sports and and music. Lots of soccer in Europe. Lots of Phillipeeno stations and India stations (even some in English). Has anyone tried the new internet radios? For around 300 or so you can have a bed side clock radio that will get you 10000 stations worldwide for free, through your wireless connection. The kid that is still in China loves to listen to CKNW and of course News1130. Now I can't live without my slingbox either....more later on that.

Slingbox / Slingcatcher rules.


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The Slingbox hooks up to your tv cable box and wireless network. I have it at home but it's not used until you are away from home. The kid in China watches the Canucks live on his 3G Blackberry while commuting to work on the MTR, or on any computer, laptop or otherwise at any location that has a WiFi connection. Also works with Ipod touch or Iphones. You just download the software and away you go.

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