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The Soap Opera that is the NHL


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It's pretty crazy how this is all going. So what if Balsille does get the team? The NHL can charge him a ridiculous relocation fee and force him to walk away. There's no set fee and the numbers that were being discussed on the radio today were fees ranging from $100M to $350M.

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The NHL wants a team in PHX. For that kind of money they will make the business work in PHX. The western division needs a place to golf on the visits to the Valley of the Sun.

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Make no mistake, the NHL's sole motivation in this exercise is money. They are not opposed to another franchise in Ontario, but they want it on their terms, i.e. a $400 million franchise fee and damages costs to the Leafs and the Sabres. Phoenix is a big sucking hole that the other teams are throwing money into, and it won't be long before the other franchise owners say enough is enough, no matter what Bettman says about their "commitment" to the Sun Valley.

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