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Passed to me by anon-a-mouse.....bit up-tight.... but to each his own dry.gif

Did nearly three thousand men, women and children, including a number of Canadians, die a horrible, burning or crushing death on September 11, 2001 or didn't they? And was support and encouragement of those terrorists not traced to the Afghanistan Taliban?

And today I'm supposed to care that Taliban prisoners might be "mistreated" after capture by Canadian troops? Not By Canadian troops but AFTER they're turned over by Canadian troops.

Well, I don't. I don't care at all.

I'll start caring when Osama bin Laden turns himself in and repents for incinerating all those innocent people on 9/11.

I'll care about the Koran when the fanatics in the Middle East start caring about the Holy Bible, the mere possession of which is a crime in Saudi Arabia .

I'll care when these cowardly thugs tell the world they are sorry for killing far too many Canadian kids, pressed into service to rescue Afghan Muslims from themselves.

I'll care when the cowardly so-called "insurgents" in Afghanistan come out and fight like men instead of disrespecting their own religion by hiding in mosques. They are not soldiers! They are terrorists.

I'll care when the mindless zealots who blow themselves up in search of nirvana care about the innocent children within range of their suicide bombs.

I'll care when the Canadian media stops pretending that international law should prevail in a fight with religious fanatics.

In the meantime, when I hear a story about a Taliban terrorist getting roughed up to obtain information, know this: I don't care.

When I see a wounded terrorist get shot in the head when he is told not to move because he might be booby-trapped, you can take it to the bank: I don't care.

When I hear that a prisoner, who was issued a Koran and a prayer Mat, and fed "special" food that is paid for by my tax dollars, is complaining that his holy book is being "mishandled," you can absolutely believe in your heart of hearts: I don't care.

I do care however about the Liberals and NDP taking up time in Question Period and making this a cause celebre. I care a whole lot that these bastards are wasting our tax dollars giving this a moment's thought. I care that they dare claim this Afghan prisoner bullshit "is a concern of all Canadians". Here's one Canadian who absolutely, positively doesn't give a "Naughty Word".

If you agree with this viewpoint, pass this on to all your e-mail friends. Better still, call your MP and tell them to get off this political hobby horse and deal with issues facing us, the CANADIAN people!! Maybe we can get to the people responsible for this ridiculous, hypocritical and overwrought behaviour and bring it to an end!

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Guest rattler

Seems that even Parliament no longer cares, the Liberals, the Bloc, the NDP and others are wasting our time and money on what they condider an even more pressing concern. cool.gif

Hockey Canada defends Doan's captaincy

No evidence that Team Canada captain uttered slur against francophones, committee told

Last Updated: Thursday, May 3, 2007 | 12:22 PM ET

CBC News

Hockey Canada's president told parliamentarians the organization is "100 per cent behind" the naming of Shane Doan as captain of Team Canada, amid allegations that Doan once made an anti-French remark to a francophone linesman.

Hockey Canada chief Bob Nicholson, shown on Parliament Hill on Thursday, told the committee that Shane Doan does not deserve the treatment he has received from federal politicians.

(Fred Chartrand/Canadian Press) Earlier in the week, the Bloc Québécois had demanded Doan's removal as captain of the team, now playing at the World Hockey Championship in Russia. All parties supported a motion to allow members of the official languages committee to ask about the appointment process.

On Thursday, Hockey Canada chief Bob Nicholson told the committee that the National Hockey League found no evidence Doan even made the remarks, reported during an NHL game in Montreal in December 2005.

Officials working the game claimed the Alberta-born right-winger for the Phoenix Coyotes said to one of them, "f---ing Frenchmen did a good job."

"There's no question those words were said on the ice," Nicholson told the committee in Ottawa, but added: "According to all the information we've heard, [Doan] did not say that."

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Nicholson also told the committee: "We've done our research and feel very comfortable with the information we have today."

Doan said on Wednesday he was trying to calm down goalie Curtis Joseph when linesman Michel Cormier thought he heard the Phoenix captain utter a slur against francophones. Doan said that, as Joseph hovered around centre ice, he skated over and yelled: "Four French referees in Montreal, Cuje, figure it out."

Nicholson told the committee he has known Doan for 14 years and that the player does not deserve the treatment he has received from federal politicians.

"When you start to criticize an individual who is a proud Canadian that goes over there, represents every youngster in this game of hockey in our country, and we put him through what we put in through, just before the Olympics, and now … I get very emotional."

He told the committee that Hockey Canada wanted to "protect Shane Doan" amid a controversy that has taken a toll on the player, his wife and their four children.

René Marcil, the chair of the board at Hockey Canada, said the controversy is "upsetting the concentration of our team" as it plays in Russia.

He also said French Canada is well-represented in the organization.

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Guest rattler

Talking about areas of concern....

Legislative salaries 1991-2006  1991 2006/07 % increase

Parliament $106,246 $147,700 39

Ontario $70,096 $111,000 58

Quebec $81,144 $105,231 30

N.L. $71,617 $87,630 22

N.L. $71,617 $87,630 22

Alberta $70,223  $82,406  17

N.B. $60,891  $79,779  31

B.C. $60,473  $76,100  26

Manitoba $47,567  $73,512  55

Sask. $51,755  $73,173  41

N.S. $56,453  $65,556  16

P.E.I. $48,666  $56,849  17

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If those bastards in YOW spent half as much time figuring out how to reduce my taxes, greenhouse gasses, deaths due to hospital wait times, etc, FCKUING ETC.....

oh, whats the use... and they wonder why people don't vote anymore.


P.S. Steam, I think you got the right quote, says it all.

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If those bastards in YOW spent half as much time figuring out how to reduce my taxes, greenhouse gasses, deaths due to hospital wait times, etc, FCKUING ETC.....

oh, whats the use... and they wonder why people don't vote anymore.


P.S. Steam, I think you got the right quote, says it all.

Ottawa is a strange place. Having lived there years ago, I think I kinda get it.

Canada, according to Ottawa, consists of everything within a 50 mile radius of Parliament Hill.

Toronto and Montreal are nearby cities where everyone else moved to. Calgary is the wild west and Vancouver is a strange exotic locale.

Nothing much else really matters there. It is a patronage pit.

The city is made pretty by the NCC, which uses federal tax dollars to repave Sussex Drive every couple of weeks as well as other goofy beautification projects paid for by the rest of Canada.

It's freezing in the winter, hot and humid with massive T-Storms in the summer. It is impossible to set foot outdoors in mosquito season, which starts in a couple of weeks and lasts 2 months.

There is no nightlife, no decent shopping, though rumor has it they have a couple of decent restaurants. The only place that had any life was the Byward Market and Hull, but now they've had the life squeezed from them.

Other than the new War Museum and the Aviation Museum, it is best ignored.


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Other than the new War Museum and  the Aviation Museum, it is best ignored.

Yeah, yeah, yeah but you forgot the Sens. We've got the Senators. Flame away...

Oops ohmy.gif I'm sorry! You can't Flame away. You're out of here! Some would say Albertan's aren't very good canucks.

HEY! Even the Canucks are no more laugh.gif



But seriously - Kip: that was a very good statement. I agree with its principles nearly 100%. A couple days ago, the Globe & Mail poll asked the question about treatment of PoW's in Afghanistan. The Do-Gooders (I consider myself a liberal [small "L"] thinker) trumped the poll at 77%:

How concerned should Canadians be about the treatment of detainees in Afghanistan after they leave Canadian custody?

Extremely concerned

(77%) 21204 votes

Somewhat concerned

(9%) 2445 votes


(14%) 3912 votes

Total votes: 27561


Edit: I was one of the 3912.

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Guest ACSideStick

Another Golda Meir quote;

"We can forgive you for killing our sons, but we will never forgive you for making us kill yours."

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Do you have an idea as to where the G&M does its polling? Is the sample base taken across Canada, just in downtown YZ or on line only?

Defcon: It's a web-based survey and not scientific. The poll shows up on the daily homepage for the TG&M and relies on cookies to determine if you've voted or not. Simply clearing your cookie cache enables more than one vote from any individual computer.

Not a very good system. It could be more reliable if it were IP address sensitive, but it's not.

But for a general determination of Globe readers' opinion, it seems reasonable.


GO SENS GO box.gif

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Yeah, yeah, yeah but you forgot the Sens. We've got the Senators. Flame away...

Oops ohmy.gif I'm sorry! You can't Flame away. You're out of here! Some would say Albertan's aren't very good canucks.

HEY! Even the Canucks are no more laugh.gif



But seriously - Kip: that was a very good statement. I agree with its principles nearly 100%. A couple days ago, the Globe & Mail poll asked the question about treatment of PoW's in Afghanistan. The Do-Gooders (I consider myself a liberal [small "L"] thinker) trumped the poll at 77%:

How concerned should Canadians be about the treatment of detainees in Afghanistan after they leave Canadian custody?

Extremely concerned

(77%) 21204 votes

Somewhat concerned

(9%) 2445 votes


(14%) 3912 votes

Total votes: 27561


Edit: I was one of the 3912.

How are the Roughriders / Renegades doing these days?


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If you agree with this viewpoint, pass this on to all your e-mail friends. Better still, call your MP and tell them to get off this political hobby horse and deal with issues facing us, the CANADIAN people!! Maybe we can get to the people responsible for this ridiculous, hypocritical and overwrought behaviour and bring it to an end!


Do you really agree with this?????? as an ex soldier I would think that you would be for upholding the Canadian standard and not lower youself to the knee jerk american way of thinking.

Rights are Rights, and if we don't defend them for everyone then who will defend them for us??

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How are the Roughriders / Renegades doing these days?


Oh, to have our beloved RoughRiders back in Frank Clair stadium.

Too early to say about the Renegade. Or the Renegades, dependent upon their name-of-the-day.

Not to mention the season doesn't start for another 2 months!

I used to get season tickets in the west bleachers from IGA for $5.95 with my paper-boy money.

They no longer have these ticket prices available, not to mention the $5.95 season tickets!

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Do you really agree with this?????? as an ex soldier I would think that you would be for upholding the Canadian standard and not lower youself to the knee jerk american way of thinking.

Rights are Rights, and if we don't defend them for everyone then who will defend them for us??

Remember...I did not write any of that post other than the "red" intro. It is an email "making the rounds".

As far as if I agree or not, with the content of the email,.....well each to his own wink.gif

PS....ex-airman...not soldier biggrin.gif

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