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Me and TS

Kip Powick

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Check-in with TS was fairly simple however the gal behind the counter had never seen scuba gear so had to call a supervisor to get approval for it to go free. The time from check-in to being in the waiting lounge at the gate was 34 minutes . I have a feeling that this “3 hour before departure be at the airport” could be moved back to 2 hours or perhaps 2 ½ hours.

The crew as well as the gal at the gate were certainly up to speed and kept everyone apprised of the fact that we were going to try to get away a bit early because of the pending snow storm, (snow was falling lightly one hour before departure). A note here….not being a gate agent I would assume that the PA system in T3 can be accessed by the gate agent by dialing in a specific number. I say this because we were at Gate 31, the International departure area and a gate agent for Westjet kept calling “last call” for a flight to Calgary, Kelowna, and Vancouver. I would assume she dialed in the wrong PA setting as there is really no point to hear that PA away down in the bowels of T3 at Gate 31.

We boarded the A310 about 40 minutes before scheduled pushback and about 10 minutes before pushback the Captain came on the PA and updated us all as to the fact that he was attempting an early pushback and a 20 minutes stop at the CDF……..the only problem was the PA was about strength 2 and no one could really hear what he had to say. On the other hand the FA’s PA system was very loud and very clear…….but again…..after the engines were started the PA from the flight deck was loud and clear. I don’t know if that is a system fault in the A310 while on ground /APU power or not but the flight deck PA at the gate was almost inaudible.

We pushed back 8 minutes early and went to the CDF and were deiced/anti-iced in short order and made for the runway. Prior to position on the runway the Captain announced that a crewmember would be coming back to do a visual inspection on the wings, (snowing quite heavy). We launched and our take-off time meant we would only be about 25 minutes late into ADZ and given the weather conditions at the time I felt the crew did a great job. Apparently YYZ closed about 2 ½ hours after we departed.

We were warned about the fact that a good portion of the flight would be conducted through areas of turbulence and to take heed of the seat belt light, in fact we were advised to expect a bumpy flight from YYZ to the middle of Florida. At this point it certainly became an “over-kill” with respect to why the seatbelt light was turned on and why it was turned off etc., etc. It seemed that every free moment was taken up with either the Flight Director (FA) or the Captain getting on the PA and explaining why the seatbelt light was on or off. I don’t think there is a requirement for the FA to give a long winded explanation as to the fact that the Captain had asked for clearance to climb and could not because of other air traffic and that we had to turn 15 degrees to the right to avoid an area that was reported to be very rough or the fact that the Captain had no control over the weather and on and on and on and on. As well there were, in my opinion too many PAs from the flight deck and the FA for the entire flight and the reason many persons got PO’d was the fact that in this A310 these very long “ unessential speeches” talked over the movie. This was the first plane I had been in where the movie did not automatically “pause “ when the PA came on and as a result the movie mystery everyone was watching was rather a disjointed film. It was a fact that everyone accepted…it was going to be rough, the seatbelt light was on and the crew was doing the best they could and I don’t think the constant barrage of PAs did much but annoy most of us geese in the back.

You may recall that in February one member made a posting about a relative having to go to the bathroom when the seatbelt light was on. During our flight the seatbelt sign was on for almost a full 2 ½ hours and there were constant lineups at the washroom doors…….but…..no one said anything to these passengers other than the standard PAs from the FAs about returning to ones seat……so I guess this is still a “grey” area when it comes to litigation should someone get injured.

Considering the bumpy flight the FAs did manage to squeak in a quick partial meal service between seatbelts on and seatbelts off but unfortunately the forgot where they stopped and started their service so as a result two rows did not get their gourmet meal…instead, I guess, the FAs started a beverage service until someone asked if they would get anything to eat….red faces in the FA staff.

The meal is not the product of the FA staff, they only serve it but in all honesty it was the worst meal I have ever had on any airline, bar none. The main course and the only thing on the main course was a “sub-sandwich”. For a while we were give a choice of “turkey” or Veg” until the turkey ran out. Both my wife and I opted for a veg. The six inch sub was on what appeared to be 3 day old bread. The “veg” was brownish shredded lettuce, perhaps a tablespoon , one piece of hard edged (stale) cheese and one black olive cut into 5 pieces……………..that was the caters idea of a veg sub. While I know there has been degradation in the meal quality on all airlines and I don’t now if Air Transat or Nolitours, (Air Transat’s Vacation Division), was responsible for this “meal”. I have though, formulated a tactful letter to Nolitours expressing my displeasure with the “stuff” they served us back in “Y” class..

All in all the flight to ADZ was fairly well done with the exception of the over-kill on the PAs and the terrible “meal”. Impact with the terra firma was only about 30 minutes late but when one considers where we were…who cares !!!!!!


After a month of diving…..70 dives… we were not really looking forward to heading north but the return from ADZ was quite a change for us as we opted for Club Class, (J), and it was well worth the extra $100.00 per person, (one way..no Club Class was available when we booked YYZ to ADZ). If you have not been to San Andres then you have not been subjected to the tremendously long line ups to go through the hand searched luggage by the Armed Forces. This is all done in the bottom floor of the terminal with an average temperature of close to 32C and high humidy. We stood in line for about 40 minutes when I decided to go up to the front and see what was going on. Low and behold I was told that Club Class had a “pass” by the “hand searchers and we could go directly to the counter and get our assigned seats !!! I still wonder why Club Class pax do not have to have their luggage hand searched but I sure wasn’t going to complain !!! We grabbed all our gear and bypassed everyone and were checked in with minimum delay, went upstairs to the air conditioned part of the terminal and sat in comfort. The inbound flight was a bit early and as a result we pushed back about 5 minutes early with a subsequent arrival in YYZ about 5 minutes early. There was one PA from the flight deck with the altitude, time enroute, and expected time of arrival. No mention was made of the one hour time difference.

There is no doubt that there is a distinct difference between the Cheap Seats and the Fussy- Folk- Fancy- Food section. The meal selection was excellent and the service was superb. Clear and concise PAs from the FA staff and a cheerful attitude made for a great flight. There were only two minor points …… the Customer Director made a PA to the effect that the staff would be picking up all the pillows, blankets , newspapers and other disposal items and asked that the pax have all that stuff ready for pick-up. About 20 minutes passed before I hit the call button and a FA came over and asked me what I wanted. I asked her when the “stuff” was going to be picked up and she looked around and groaned and said “Oh no, I guess we had better do it now!!!” She was embarrassed as they had forgotten to pick up all the goodies.

I don’t know the rules in TS about meals for the crew but we were advised, in Club Class, to have two choices ready incase they ran out of the choice one wanted. It was no problem for us as we were in the first row but it seemed like everyone wanted the “Chicken Alfredo” but they ran out of it very quickly. A lady in the 2nd row was the first pax to be advised that Chicken Alfredo was no longer available and she was visibly disappointed…but such is life….however, later she was not too happy when she happened to spot a FA sitting on the jumpseat just aft of the cockpit having the full course Chicken Alfredo dinner….me thinks the curtain should have been “fully” closed. The only other complaint I had, as did many pax, was the very poor quality of the issued, (one pr. for a $1.00) headsets. They just sort of hang on ones ears and do not have any way to be pushed into the ears. The result is very poor sound quality…….. unless one snaps an elastic band around their cranium to force the ear phones into the ear .

It was a beautiful clear approach into YYZ, no PAs as to the temp or arrival time from the front end but at 1:45AM who really cares? The Captain scored about 9.85 out of 10 for the landing and we were home. Typical YYZ facilities as it took the ground crew about 11 minutes to get the bridge to the airplane.

We have done a lot of flying on TS as they seem to have the market sewn up in the areas we frequent and in the final analysis I think the crews do a great job. The points I make are fairly nit picky but…hey…I don’t have anything else to do but sit there and watch, read, doze and eat. I understand that the FAs must be pretty tired on the last leg home and I also understand that babysitting a bunch of tired and in some cases rude quasi drunks can be a thankless job, especially on these southern charters so my hat is off to them for the effort they put forth. Till next time we drag the gear along…….thanks for all your efforts.

Kip and Scuba 02

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Thanks for the read Kip

I venture south to Varadero out of yyc early this week and have booked Club Class seats as well - first row.

Eager to see how it goes - I think we are on the 330 but not sure - glad to hear you felt the upgrade was worth it.

any other tips on the club class?




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If it is not too late, Row 1 seats A and B or the other set on the Right side are good as you have a small TV screen infront of you. Row 1 centre seats have a very big screen infront...kinda hard on the eyes, but probably better if back a row or two.

No charge for the headsets in Club....if you have a set that has the head band you may want to see if they fit the aircraft plug in cause they would be better.

Stick a pen in your pocket...always a bunch of forms to fill out, have your Passport handy as you'll need its number as well. Nothing like watching folks scramble and search for their Passport in the overheads.

I always wear a tracksuit to the airport and then take it off as I have shorts and a T-shirt under it and I find it very comfortable to arrive in hot weather attire.

In my opinion, I will always be going in Club...it is worth every penny. Have a great time tongue.gif

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I was going to break down your report and answer a bunch of stuff one by one, then at the end I saw you gave us a good grade overall, so I said why bother. Next time we chat I will fill you in on the p/a in the A310. In T3 when a carrier does a final call they can do it through out the terminal, and the other calls can be done just in the lounge area for that gate. Thanks for the good report. Glad you had a nice time diving.



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Guest powderfinger

Good to hear that you had a safe vacation away from the Great White North. I think the mild weather we experienced in Ontario during Dec/Jan has cancelled several snow birds travel plans for this past winter......apparently sales were well below normal....good for sell-offs I suppose. Thanks for supporting your local charter airline......

Our resident expert Mitch could provide the correct A310 response but are not most PA systems connected to an engine oil pressure sensor...more engine noise, more PA.

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That is too funny, next time the F/A complain my P/As are not loud enough on the ground I will mention the oil pressure to them........that should keep them wondering for a few minutes.......! Keep of like telling the pax the delay is to allow us to recharge our reactors, some people believe it.



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Another classic........

If we had to hold just short of the arrival gate we would advise the pax, ( you know the types who want to stand up the moment the aircraft stops moving even though the seat belt light is on)....to "Please remain seated because if you stand up we will not be able to see behind us if we have to back up a bit"

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Expert? Hah! Not me!... but I do recall the 310's PA does indeed increase volume upon first engine start... don't remember if it's based on oil press. or fuel cock position... I'm thinking it is oil pressure... lemme see if I can find it in what books I might have left hanging about here... .... Darn!... No, those books are here, but they're burried pretty good... Unless someone really needs to know, I'm not gonna dig anymore... I have a "General Introduction" book handy here, but it doesn't cover it. Sorry...

I reckon powderfinger is probably right though... as I recall a lot of A310 stuff was looking for oil pressure to know the engine was running.

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