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Harper pulls a Bush

Kip Powick

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No media allowed at CFB Trenton tomorrow, when the 4 soldiers remains are returned to Canada.

The Press is all over Harper on this one and many of the reporters feel Harper and the Conservatives do not want the public to see what really can happen when troops are put in harms way.

PM spokesman say the ban is out of respect for the NOK.....hmmmm

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Reference your title:

Do you really think that this is a political move or is it not that we now have an old soldier at the head of the Defence Ministry?

He has said 'Enough of the circus'.

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Guest rattler

Not sure why we should allow a media feasting in this regard. The Canadian public is well aware of our loss as the coverage has been intense. Why not allow the families to mourn without cameras recording their grief or reporters shoving microphones into their faces for a quotable "sound bite".

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Do you really think that this is a political move

Yes I do... Like Bush, keep the casualties out of sight and not have any photos in the headlines and maybe the public will not think about what is going on overseas. Bush uses the same tactic with regard to Iraq.

There is no harm in having the media there, they have always been there before and even those clowns, (media), know that the NOK are off limits when it comes to the arrival at the airport etc. Afghanistan is going to be a thorn in Harpers side and he will do all he can do to keep that issue out of sight from the public.

There is no justifiable reason to deny the media access. You want to bet that the imbedded reporters may soon be out of a job as well???

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Not sure why we should allow a media feasting in this regard. The Canadian public is well aware of our loss as the coverage has been intense. Why not allow the families to mourn without cameras recording their grief or reporters shoving microphones into their faces for a quotable "sound bite".

C'mon Rattler...that doesn't happen at CFB when the coffins come off the aircraft etc. Even the media has respect for the troops and NOK...give them a little credit.

I will agree that there may be an over zealous media person on the scene but having been there, I do know that there are CF escorts and MPolice to keep the "vultures" away.

Ask yourself.......why this sudden ban now...this is a first.... the answer is simple...out of sight out of mind

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Harpers new policy is to limit the media in all aspects of his government. They need permission to speak to MP's and, if he can't decide WHO asks the questions, he refuses to answer more than 2 questions during any scrum.

Now.....what was he saying about transparancy in government??

If he's not carefull he might turn into a Liberal smile.gif

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My own opinion but I believe that at least the visual media should be on hand at arrival. I do not believe that the families should be interviewed by the media.

The arrival of the soldiers who gave their lives arriving home with the ceremony due them is one way we can honour them.

To me not showing their arrival is a lack of respect.

To whoever made the decision " May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits"

Gotta go , I'm reverting to juvenile sayings!!!!!!

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Kip, I don't think you're being fair. As Rattler said we don't need a media feast. I could see the authorization of a single media source to video the event but the last thing the families need is a pack of reporters fighting to get an interview or a close-up of family members crying. mad.gif

I support the Harper policy on the media. There needs to be limits and controls on how close the media gets to ensure the correct message is sent and not just the most sensational. wink.gif

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It used to be; that when I saw a flag flying at half mast I would stop and ask why.

Now it seems that they never can go any higher than half way. The whole aspect of honouring and mourning has taken on a media event. There is an effort made to make every police, fire, soldier's funeral into a great big stirring event and thus we lose sight of what is really going on.

The loss of life in Afghanistan will not be hidden. There is more danger that the overdramatization of each incident will inure us to understanding what the conflict is all about.

Kip, were you not one of the ones who objected to every fallen soldier being called a hero?

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Guest rattler

In a Monday letter to The Globe and Mail newspaper, O'Connor said the newly elected Conservative government is returning to a policy where the flag on the Peace Tower is only lowered on one day a year -- Remembrance Day.

"The previous Liberal government broke with this long-standing tradition that confidently brought Canada through its wartime history and instead decided on an ad-hoc basis to lowering the flag of the Peace Tower," he wrote.

"As Minister of National Defence, I can tell you that this adhockery unfairly distinguished some of those who died in Afghanistan from those who have died in current and previous operations.

"Lowering the Peace Tower's flag on November 11th ensures that all of Canada's fallen heroes are justly honoured."

In the event that a soldier dies in combat, flags will be put at half-mast within the operational base, the home base of the member and the National Defence Headquarters from the day of death until sunset on the day of the funeral.

Also, all flags within the service (Navy, Army, or Air Force) of the member will be half-masted from sunrise to sunset on the day of the funeral, the letter says.

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Kip, were you not one of the ones who objected to every fallen soldier being called a hero?

That is correct..... but you have used the term "fallen" to question my opinion as to what consitutes a "hero". My objection is to calling a soldier who was killed in an auto accident a "hero" or a soldier who was killed by friendly fire a "hero". They are not heros...they are victims of tragic accidents.

If you want to call every member of the Forces who is on an overseas posting who dies by any means a "hero" then the term "hero" becomes meaningless.

And finally, what has your question to do with the fact that Harper has banned the Press??...just curious.

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Kip, I don't think you're being fair. As Rattler said we don't need a media feast. I could see the authorization of a single media source to video the event but the last thing the families need is a pack of reporters fighting to get an interview or a close-up of family members crying

I agree that a "media feast" is a 'no-no' but have you ever seen a media feast when it comes to dealing with a member of the Forces who has died in combat?? You are not giving any credit to the Press or those CF personnel whose duty it is to escort the NOK. As far as I know the media has always been respectful of the NOK of Forces personnel who have been killed overseas.

Those that were killed by USAF friendly fire did not suffer a "media feast" and that arrival was open to the media...in all honesty, it would seem that some of you are backing the Harper government because many westerners wanted the Libs out and the Cons in.....and are a bit reluctant to knock our Conservative Government..... instead of thinking this out rationally.

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....And finally, what has your question to do with the fact that Harper has banned the Press??...just curious.

Because I see the two issues as following the same course.

The whole scene is being over played, over used.

The ban on media at CFB Trenton has not stopped the pictures that I just saw on TV of the bodies being loaded onto a Herc in Kandahar. The ban has not stopped the scenes that I just saw on Vancouver TV of the ceremony in Victoria yesterday for the soldier from 5th Field. I would bet that we will see scenes of the final funerals.

Maybe just maybe we can do without having TV cameras following every mile of the journey home.

You can bet that there is already a large segment of the population that is changing channels because they have heard too much. That is sad. The media have managed to trivialize the death of four men because the media is not wanting to miss anything.

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Guest rattler

That is correct..... but you have used the term "fallen" to question my opinion as to what consitutes a "hero". My objection is to calling a soldier who was killed in an auto accident a "hero" or a soldier who was killed by friendly fire a "hero". They are not heros...they are victims of tragic accidents.

If you want to call every member of the  Forces who is on an overseas posting who dies by any means  a "hero" then the term  "hero" becomes meaningless.

And finally, what has your question to do with the fact that Harper has banned the Press??...just curious.

Would you then limit media coverage to only those who fall in combat or ??? Only those who die overseas or ???? I think, and I do believe I am being rational, that Remembrance day is when we should honour all of our fallen military.

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You can bet that there is already a large segment of the population that is changing channels because they have heard too much

Isn't that an individuals choice...change channels ?

What happened to the Freedom of the Press?

Do you really think Harper would ban the press if some incident happened in Canada where we lost a dozen or so soldiers during a practice para drop in Petawawa...not a chance as it has nothing to do with govt policy.

I will repeat..out of sight out of mind, it is as simple as that...pretty near the same thing Bush has for his deceased troops.

He can't control foreign press in Kandahar but he may be able to stiffle the Canadian Press that is over there. That remains to be seen.

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Would you then limit media coverage to only those who fall in combat or ??? Only those who die overseas or ???? I think, and I do believe I am being rational, that Remembrance day is when we should honour all of our fallen military.

Apples and Oranges Rattler. I am not advocating limiting the media coverage at all. If a soldier stubs his toe and has to be airlifted home and the media wants to make a story about it...go for it...... but don't call the clumsy clutz a "hero" just because it happened while he was on duty overseas.

My post about "heros" stands and I'm with you as far as Rememberance day goes and honestly I'm not sure what your point is.

My point is this..... the media should be allowed to witness any event they want providing it does not comprise National Security. In witnessing "any" event there has to be rational guidelines and in this case...no hasseling the NOK...which never happens anyhow. Why this sudden ban....out of sight -out of mind????

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Kip, I don't see this as infringing on the freedom of the press. That is way over the top IMHO.

Stifling freedom of the press would be to ban any reporting on the event. The news cameras can take all of the pictures that they want. Just stay outside the fence. The media do not have a need to be there.

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The press and their hounds have no place during the repatriation of those soldiers. We know they have been killed, if their families want to discuss it in public that is their choice. The families should not be subjected to the media making the choice for them.

Don't the press have enough to do like drumming up phoney tributes as news to former Prime Ministers who have wrecked this country anyway....newsflash:

" Mirabel now to be named Pierre Elliot Trudeau Airport"....drum up a headline like that one. Oh yeah I forgot...no commentary from the press after Jean and morons named Dorval after him.

Let our soldiers rest in peace. ph34r.gif Pinko commie tree hugging flamesuit on. blink.gif LOL

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Well I just watched CBC and CTV news. Both newscasts have indicated that Harper will not allow any media to go to any of the "home-comings" should there be any more.

Those of you advocating that the media has no need to be there may feel you are taking the high road but based on the reporting I have been listening to the decision to ban the media is purely a political move. There has been no request from the NOK to ban the media, the order came from Harper's office. All political pundits and newscasters agree that it is a political move to downplay the fact that our troops are being put in harms way.

It is also apparent that a few posters have never been to a return of the deceased at a military base. The biggest misconception that some seem to harbour is that it turns into a media circus. Having participated in a couple, and witnessed others I can tell you that is is a very dignified and solemn occasion without any interference from the Press. The Press is kept at a distance, do not have access to the NOK, and take photos/video only.

It is true that the press will attend individual funerals, as is their right, and perhaps Harper feels it is OK for the public to see individual funerals but it is not in the best interest, (of the Govt), to see four coffins exit an aircraft at one time.

Anyhow..last shot...retreating to the bunker, have a nice week.

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It seems that the general consensus is that the media should have access to the departure/arrival ramp ceremonies and funerals of members killed in operations. I’m not sure of the legalities, but I disagree. On a personal level, should this fate befall myself, or one of my boys, I would seek a private venue and endeavor to block all media access at the main gate.

Mr. Bush’s motives are of little consequence to me. I acknowledge that others may feel differently. So be it. In my view, the wishes of the family should prevail. My wife has been briefed accordingly.

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