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Testy Times at United

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Based on that.... and all the rest that comes with their current situation...

I wouldn't be flying anywhere on United any time soon...

Bloody sad day for the average Joe in America! What an obscene state of affairs! sad.gif

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Bloody sad day for the average Joe in America! What an obscene state of affairs! sad.gif

I think there is a message here for all of us...Defined Benefit DB pension plans are finished.

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After seeing what has happened to United Airlines employee pension plans, it would be fair to say that we, at AC, came out of this bankruptcy relatively un-scathed. I can't imagine wanting to work there if I spent 20 years putting money towards a pension that no longer exists. A very sad day.

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Guest Skirt

On NBC Nightly News, they stated that the CEO (or Prez?) at UA made $1.14 million US last year and his pension is $4+ million US!!! mad.gif Just makes you wonder... I know a few UA ramp and counter folks at BOS, IAD and ORD and I hope they make it OK. Nice people, sh!tty situation. sad.gif


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While I'm not a fan of unions, I can understand totally that they would go on strike now. The courts have just put a stake thru pension plans everywhere. Soon every company that gets into the slightest trouble is going to be applying to do away with the employee pension plan.

The United employees worked for years with the hopes that they would retire some day. Just a crappy situation now they wont' have their planned pensions. I feel sorry for anyone in that situation.

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At least in the US when a company defaults on a pension plan or goes bankrupt the government takes it over and the employees still get their pensions. In Canada you're just SOL.user posted image

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At least in the US when a company defaults on a pension plan or goes bankrupt the government takes it over and the employees still get their pensions. In Canada you're just SOL.user posted image

Actually, they don't get all their benefits in the States. UA employees and retirees will be getting a pension haircut to go along with the wage and benefit haircut. And the health benefit cuts are at least as impactful as the pension haircut because the active employees can't fall back on Medicare or Medicaid.

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Perhaps its time to re-examine some form of re-regulation of the industry. I`m certainly not a proponent of further government intervention in the private sector, but the stability of this industry, with the occasional exception, appears to have been in steady decline post regulation, at least from the perspective of the majority of the employees.

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